XxxnillionairexxX wrote:

I liked the movie I thought it was inspirational in many ways. Whether you feel he was selfish or not I feel like the message he was trying to get across is a good one. The main message that stuck with me from the movie is when he said you're wrong if you believe that joy in life can only come from human relationships and that God has placed it all around us, in everything and all that we can experience. We've become so dependent on validation from others it's made many of us very materialistic and it's an unhealthy way to be so I don't blame him for wanting to get away from that way of life.
After I watched the movie I looked up more info about his story and I was shocked when I read that his death could of been prevented and that there was a hand-operated tram that crossed the river that he thought he couldn't cross and if he had just had a map he would of known this and a few miles from his bus there were also cabins with first aid kits.

Very good input, yeah only if he had a map he could have survive and at the same time he could have just followed down the river to find alternative ways.However, being hungry and with all the circumstances such as the river,weather and physically weak probably made his mind under go panic which lead him to stayin the bus. I have to give to him he held his own and anyone who calls him stupid failed to see his idealistic views even tho it lead him in to his death.

P.S. the soundtrack is
how can you call this man a coward

dude put all his pride aside and went to do what he wanted to do

dude had a college degree and had a bright future ahead of him but he chose to throw all that glory away and lived like a bum basically

yes he had beef with society, but in the end of the movie he realized that happiness is only real when shared
i thought the book captured Chris's attitude a lot better than the movie. IMO the movie praised him a bit much while the book gave me a vibe of hisselfishness/arrogance.
either way both of them are greatly appreciated, the movie has good replay value and i could read the book over and over again.
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