busy stitching, but I won't front, they're beautiful. Blk/red pair will maybe get copped, I'll wait for pics.
idk why people dont like these? i think they are a really great shoe, hoewever, the fake black and white color way was just as sick!
not crazy about these but i like them at the same time. im so late i would still like 20-22. 23 will be bought but not for so much
look much better than those x-ray pics. not really feelin em. they are the 23's tho.have to have them to end your collection. i'll pass
Bottom of these shoes > the the rest of the shoe

i hope the other colourways dont look like this, imean the only thing turning me off bout these is the all over "signature".
Originally Posted by KobeKilledIt

Originally Posted by 2396Bulls

^^^^^Yeah, the ALLUSION part is that from far away the stitching/allover pattern looks like a Native American design but close up is MJ's sig. Thats the essence of great design and detail.

If you're not sure about the meaning of a word you've never heard before, you might try going here before you stick your foot in your mouth:
I know what the word means cheif. It was defintiely my mistake to type that. I meant to say that the ALLUSION part is that the stitching/alloverpattern of the MJ sinature resembles/is inspired by Native American design. Im 100% sure Gentry said that the XXIII had Native American inspiration. Do youeven know or have ever seen Native American designs? Huh? Well, let me tell you about them cause I know you dont know s***. Native American designs arerepeating symmetrical patterns. Simple and easy to understand. Heres the kicker ace: the mj signature is a repeating symmetrical pattern. Hence the ALLUSION toNative American design. Not to mention, you've made at least 10 posts on these shoes. If I didnt know any better, I'd say you like these shoes but yourto dumb to know it. You and your stupid as s*** boyfriend, vocaldigital, need to go and get a room you h****. The only thing going in anybodys mouth isvocaldigitals d*** in yours. Piss off buddy.
I like them, The mid sole is nice. that see thru material with spakles looks krazy and how it flows into the sole of the shoe. i also like the carbin fiber onthe the bottom . The sole looks well put together with the fingur print for traction. ill bet it will really look nice when we see more color wayz. i thinkthey did a good job..
If ou ask me babyJ is a buster

what we can all look at fakes but not real 23s? no. you came on here this summer telling us black cement IIIs were confirmed but they never dropped

as far as Im concerned you think you are a JB elitist
Originally Posted by 2396Bulls

Originally Posted by KobeKilledIt

Originally Posted by 2396Bulls

^^^^^Yeah, the ALLUSION part is that from far away the stitching/allover pattern looks like a Native American design but close up is MJ's sig. Thats the essence of great design and detail.

If you're not sure about the meaning of a word you've never heard before, you might try going here before you stick your foot in your mouth:
I know what the word means cheif. It was defintiely my mistake to type that. I meant to say that the ALLUSION part is that the stitching/allover pattern of the MJ sinature resembles/is inspired by Native American design. Im 100% sure Gentry said that the XXIII had Native American inspiration. Do you even know or have ever seen Native American designs? Huh? Well, let me tell you about them cause I know you dont know s***. Native American designs are repeating symmetrical patterns. Simple and easy to understand. Heres the kicker ace: the mj signature is a repeating symmetrical pattern. Hence the ALLUSION to Native American design. Not to mention, you've made at least 10 posts on these shoes. If I didnt know any better, I'd say you like these shoes but your to dumb to know it. You and your stupid as s*** boyfriend, vocaldigital, need to go and get a room you h****. The only thing going in anybodys mouth is vocaldigitals d*** in yours. Piss off buddy.
someone is salty
Originally Posted by vocaldigital23

"^^^^^Yeah, the ALLUSION part is that from far away the stitching/allover pattern looks like a Native American design but close up is MJ's sig. Thats the essence of great design and detail."

Dude...LOL....first of all, an ALLUSION is when you ALLUDE or HINT at something. Not ILLUSION, which is closer to ILLITERATE....if you catch my drift.

And I don't want to have to be "FAR AWAY" to enjoy the design of my shoes. I can hold almost every J from I-XX2 up to my face and it looks great, as should these.

So I suppose the theme for the XX3 is "Good from far, but far from good."

Thanks for the moment of clarity.

and how did everyone on NT suddenly become an expert on Native American design?! LMAO
Sorry broham, I didn't know I had the grammar police on my a**. I didn't mean to type that. I meant to say that the ALLUSION part is that thestitching/allover pattern of MJ's signature looks and is inspired by Native American design. You obviously don't know what Native American design is.In fact, you've probably even seen but didn't know what it was. Just to let you know, Native American design is a repeating symmetrical design. OMG,thats the same thing as the pattern on the XXIII: a repeating symmetrical design. No, Im not an expert on Native American design but when Gentry specificallysays that is an inspiration for this shoe I can understand what he was talking about and where that specific design is incorporated. Obviously you couldn'tbut I'm glad I cleared that up for your dumba***. Do we undertsand now slick? When I used the words "from far away" I was trying to convey whythe shoe would be noticable. The CONTRAST stitching provides the viewer or onlooker with a design cue that catches and demands their attention. NO CONTRAST =NO ATTENTION. Without the contrast stitching the XXIII looks very ordinary. I for one, and I know others like that J's catch peoples attention. One of themany reasons people buy them. Im not illiterate you are. Illusion is believeing in something that isnt there. What that has to do with anything I dont know.Maybe its the illusion that you have a brain. I believe you used the phrase "self-colored stitch detail". What the hell is a "self-coloredstitch detail"? Do I color it myself with a magic marker? Is this a Jordan version of the adicolors? Oh wait. Do you mean non-contrast stitching? Cool.Thanks for that moment of clarity. Wow, you like Tim Gunn. Thats super. Why do you take design cues from a h***? Your telling me that the information you knowabout design comes from the show Project Runway???? HAHAHAHA. Dude, for someone who is so big on calling others illiterate, you need to pick up a damn book notwatch a TV show. Also, what Tim Gunn says is true BUT if your educated enough you can break the rules of design and art. If you do break the rules, you can dowhatever you want. Hence going literal with the MJ signature. Your profile reads that design is your hobby. Keep it a hobby son. Artists and designers that donot break the rules and continuously follow them without question, their work is bound to a lifetime of ordinariness and mediocracy. You should and obviouslyknow all about that. Your interest in design is a hobby. I majored in art at Michigan State. I know more than you kid. Piss off. Don't you and kobekilledlthave some business to attend to?
With the exception of the "fin" on the back and the all over MJ stitching I like the design of the XX3, howeverI'm not feeling this particular colorway though.

Hopefully the other colourways will be more to my liking.
2396Bulls: Tell em why you mad son! LOL. I see your points on the allusion to the Native American art. It's all good...but it's still a 3rd gradesolution in my eyes. But hey, I am not Tinker, that's for sure.

Actually I design footwear professionally, but thanks for the words of encouragement. LOL

In the industry, a self stitch is a stitch that is the same color as the material it is stitched on. But since you know more than I do, I guess you were justpretending you didn't know that. You really played yourself on that one...but since 99% of NT doesn't know what a self stitch is, you can probablyretain some street cred.

K. You can go away now.
Originally Posted by 2396Bulls

Originally Posted by vocaldigital23

"^^^^^Yeah, the ALLUSION part is that from far away the stitching/allover pattern looks like a Native American design but close up is MJ's sig. Thats the essence of great design and detail."

Dude...LOL....first of all, an ALLUSION is when you ALLUDE or HINT at something. Not ILLUSION, which is closer to ILLITERATE....if you catch my drift.

And I don't want to have to be "FAR AWAY" to enjoy the design of my shoes. I can hold almost every J from I-XX2 up to my face and it looks great, as should these.

So I suppose the theme for the XX3 is "Good from far, but far from good."

Thanks for the moment of clarity.

and how did everyone on NT suddenly become an expert on Native American design?! LMAO
Sorry broham, I didn't know I had the grammar police on my a**. I didn't mean to type that. I meant to say that the ALLUSION part is that the stitching/allover pattern of MJ's signature looks and is inspired by Native American design. You obviously don't know what Native American design is. In fact, you've probably even seen but didn't know what it was. Just to let you know, Native American design is a repeating symmetrical design. OMG, thats the same thing as the pattern on the XXIII: a repeating symmetrical design. No, Im not an expert on Native American design but when Gentry specifically says that is an inspiration for this shoe I can understand what he was talking about and where that specific design is incorporated. Obviously you couldn't but I'm glad I cleared that up for your dumba***. Do we undertsand now slick? When I used the words "from far away" I was trying to convey why the shoe would be noticable. The CONTRAST stitching provides the viewer or onlooker with a design cue that catches and demands their attention. NO CONTRAST = NO ATTENTION. Without the contrast stitching the XXIII looks very ordinary. I for one, and I know others like that J's catch peoples attention. One of the many reasons people buy them. Im not illiterate you are. Illusion is believeing in something that isnt there. What that has to do with anything I dont know. Maybe its the illusion that you have a brain. I believe you used the phrase "self-colored stitch detail". What the hell is a "self-colored stitch detail"? Do I color it myself with a magic marker? Is this a Jordan version of the adicolors? Oh wait. Do you mean non-contrast stitching? Cool. Thanks for that moment of clarity. Wow, you like Tim Gunn. Thats super. Why do you take design cues from a h***? Your telling me that the information you know about design comes from the show Project Runway???? HAHAHAHA. Dude, for someone who is so big on calling others illiterate, you need to pick up a damn book not watch a TV show. Also, what Tim Gunn says is true BUT if your educated enough you can break the rules of design and art. If you do break the rules, you can do whatever you want. Hence going literal with the MJ signature. Your profile reads that design is your hobby. Keep it a hobby son. Artists and designers that do not break the rules and continuously follow them without question, their work is bound to a lifetime of ordinariness and mediocracy. You should and obviously know all about that. Your interest in design is a hobby. I majored in art at Michigan State. I know more than you kid. Piss off. Don't you and kobekilledlt have some business to attend to?
These are a lot better than the Demo versions we saw a few posts back. A lot better. They are still a let down, overall. I just expected so much for this"grand finale" you know. Something triumphant. Something to make us awe. I guess it's our fault that we hyped it up so much. These XX3's looka lil busy with all the signature patterns on them. They are an alright shoe. If they were Reebok's they'd be tight, or Converse. But for J'sthey're slipping. I think someone can agree...???
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