iPhone 5 vs. Galaxy S3

just get the s4 pleighboi. it sharts on the iphone. or wait until january and get the galaxy s5. or the galaxy note 3 and the d i c k tracy watch. shwag
Why not the 5S or the S4 ? Price mostly , Christmas is coming up and I'm trying to spend my money sparingly

Why still T-Mobile ? My pops has a family plan for me, my brother, and my mom under T-Mobile. It would cost substantially more for us to switch over to any other provider. The service is mediocre, but so is every other provider where I live so it's not a big deal.
Just recently picked up and Galaxy S4 on sprint and I'm loving it.

I having been into rooting and ROM's and all that since the OG Evo4G on Sprint, but I think I'm going to root the S4 and get it carrier unlocked.

Don't know if I'm going to change the interface though, but I'll see what happens.

I've never had an iPhone, but if they come through with the 6 and the screen is proportional and not just longer I might consider it.

I always thought the OG Evo4G had the best sized screen, but since I've had the S4 the screen size is the bizness.

I thought the screen would be to big or the phone would be, but it's not and I think this is a good size screen at the moment.

Don't know if I'll ever bee good with like a Screen size of the Galaxy Note though.
Sprint is sprint. My boy has a S4 and still complains about service as much as he did with his old evo3d. I usually end up looking up the vids on my 5, that's on verizon.
Sprint's service is wack. I've had it for 5 years now and let me tell you the 4G is garbage on my S3. Even the 3G is slow and I'm in the SF area btw so I don't understand why they don't put in more 4G towers. I'll be switching to Verizon next year.
ive been iphone since the 3g, but im contemplating on getting the s4 because the wider screen
I made the switch from Android to iPhone and it was the best technological decision I've ever made (iPhone 5)

I had the very first galaxy and it was the worse phone I had. My treo 755p was better than that phone.
I use both android and iOS. Went through the note 2, htc one, and s3 just to end up back with an iPhone 5. Just preference though. If the One had even an 8 megapixel camera it would have been phone of the year. I just found I really enjoy iOS more. I like the way notifications are handled, love iMessages, etc. just try them both out, and pick what you like
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