iPhone June 24 Release

yeah, it took like 2 days for AT&T to get it to me though

ordered around 1:30AM pst
Did you guys order online/in-store and have it shipped to the store?  I ordered in-store and had mine shipped to my house, and I haven't heard anything yet.
I preordered mine at an AT&T store on tuesday and still don't have any tracking info. Hope it comes soon.
I ordered online and the email confirmation said it would be shipped by July 6th so i canceled.
Any news on the White iPhone? I might try stonestown apple store on thursday since I live across the street
You can't pre-order the white iphone nor will it come out on the 24th. Apple and At&t have said it will release later on in the summer.
^^yuuuup. oorr they might surprise some people and drop it on launch. i got one black 16gig on reserve so apple BETTER have my phone for me when they open their doors.

anybody hear if they'll have 2 lines? one for reserved and one for walk-ins..?

btw..hopefully no one used any debit cards at AT&T. i heard some are slipping through but AT&T are catching up and canceling pre-orders for the ones who used debit cards...don't quote me, just something i read.
i wish i had money to get an iphone
but yeah I heard Apple stores will have 2 seperate lines for people that reserved and walk-ins from something I read but cant recall where at the moment.
I think they were refusing debit cards in store for some reason, i ordered mine online through AT&T Premier. It will be coming 6/23 before 3 through fedex, so for anyone who did a preordered and had it shipped to you, you should have tracking info.

1 day early!!!
^ yeah a lot of people will be getting theres early. heck, some people got theres delivered today.

Unfortunately, I didnt reserve so ill be lining up late tomorrow night/ very early thursday morning. Hope everyone gets their iphones on or before the 24th! & be safe. I got a feeling A LOT of iPhone robberies are going to occur within the next couple of weeks..
I can't believe they are holding back on the white one. That will be another day of chaos when that gets released. I guess I have to wait on the phone.
ATT just released a statement saying no walk-ins on launch day. they're sold out through pre-orders. basically, don't bother lining up. same with best buy. launch day at best buy/ATT is for pre-orders only. i suggest going the apple route if you didn't pre-order or reserve. there's always walmart and radioshack though. google it, you'll find the information.
Originally Posted by Mr Fongstarr

I can't believe they are holding back on the white one. That will be another day of chaos when that gets released. I guess I have to wait on the phone.

i doubt it will be another "day of chaos"

im pretty sure there are a good chunk of people who wanted white, but settled for black

also the i think people who want the black outnumber the white 3:1, so it cant be that hectic
Originally Posted by NKEAIR

Mr Fongstarr said:
I can't believe they are holding back on the white one. That will be another day of chaos when that gets released. I guess I have to wait on the phone.

i doubt it will be another "day of chaos"

im pretty sure there are a good chunk of people who wanted white, but settled for black

also the i think people who want the black outnumber the white 3:1, so it cant be that hectic

That odd.....everyone I talk to that wants the phone wants the white one. I have a 1 gen iPhone and I guess I am just tired of the black look. Hopefully it will just be a walk in experience comparing to the actual release day.

And I am sure Apple will have alot of phones in store. The only thing that might be a pain is the lines but I will almost guarantee you'll at least get the phone.
Are any of you guys (that didn't preorder) gonna try and get it by walking in? I've been busy and recently sold my 3GS to get the phone, but don't mind waiting, until it's available. Are there good chances of just walking in to an apple store and buying one? Or are all the hypebeasts and apple nerds gonna start lines tonight/2mo morning? I work in the city near powell and saw a line already at the Apple Store...
good chances if your there early. meaning by tonight early. i wouldn't doubt it if there's a line formed already. that includes downtown SF, palo alto, pleasanton, etc. good luck.
walnut creek is a circus right now!!!!! the line is hella long but i think its all people who didnt pre order
currently i am in hawaii oahu and there is no lines or any known hype.. But i will go there in the next few days to play with the phone!
So here's my hilarious story from this morning. This is at the Stonestown Apple Store in San Francisco, CA. Like I said, I wasn't gonna go at night and camp-out in the freezing cold, so I just woke up this morning at 8am and went to the Stonestown Apple to check it out. I drive straight to the Fitness USA entrance and walk right in. As I walk towards the Apple store, I barely see anyone walking around and wonder why it's so dead. When I arrive at the entrance of the store, there are two entrances - one for reservations, one for purchases(walk-ins). As I gazed at the store, one of the employees ask me if I have reservations or just walk-in. I say "walk-in" and they put me in a line of literally 4 people in front of me.

In my head, too good to be true, so I kinda knew I was doing something dirty. But like anyone would've, I kept my mouth shut, as well as this white dude behind me that stumbled into the front of the line by accident. I wait like 10 minutes until I am finally introduced to an Apple employee and we go through the whole procedure of getting all the information together and which iphone I wanted. Right before he was going to activate and charge me, he asks this deadly question, "oh, i almost forgot, but do you have that apple tag they gave you in line?". That is when I immediately
him and could'nt BS my way out of that one. He immediately treated me like
and sent me to the front of the store, where other Apple employees made a scene by making it a huge deal, "oh you don't have a tag huh??!". Of course, the people in line(who i'm pretty sure created relationships with each other overnight) were all big-mouthed, talking crap to me, calling me obscene names.....and all I could really do was give em' a nice
. The walk of shame outside the store was funny IMO, and all I replied to the screams and yelling at me was, "I've been waiting here 10 minutes and almost got an iphone(keep in mind I wasn't trying to do this, but I was given the opportunity and took it). You, been waiting here OVERNIGHT in the cold..."

I walk to the front entrance, and easily see 1,000 people in line with tents and everything. Yeah, I felt bad, but I almost got away with murder unintentionally.
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