iPhone: Post everything here

I destroyed my iphone on saturday...currently using a razr
. Anyone know if the new 3G iphone will work on tmobile?
Originally Posted by rwfanatic

Originally Posted by The King 25

new pic leaked....mins ago

looks legit....

Why wouldn't you post the pic?
easy.. because it's BS. nobody has pics of the iphone outside of cupertino. some phone companies got iphones to test them on their networks.. butjust the guts, no actual case or anything.
its jail broken.
how do i get the suttsy wall paper on there or he hundreds 1.
is there a way to get pics from your computer to b on your phones wall paper.
i dropped my phone now it doesnt vibrate. wat can i do?
Yo, i've been having my 8 gig iphone since it first came out last summer but I don't know how to get all of the backgrounds and games and all of thaton my iphone. Someone please help me with putting these things on there.

Any Help?
I got 2 questions I need your guys' help with..

1.) What do i need to do to get internet connection (edge) on this, internet worked for my TMobile Wing but it doesnt for this phone.

2.) How come when in a WiFi zone i still have edge to get on the internet?
Originally Posted by shoeking2101

Yo, i've been having my 8 gig iphone since it first came out last summer but I don't know how to get all of the backgrounds and games and all of that on my iphone. Someone please help me with putting these things on there.

Any Help?

Backgrounds aren't that difficult. Download the ones you want and throw em in your iphoto (I'm on a mac..) and then when you sync it up they'llbe in there. Then just select the pic and assign as wallpaper. As for the games, depends on which ones you're talking about. To add games andapplications you're going to need to jailbreak your phone and put "installer" on it. I did this by using the program "Ziphone", youbasically plug your phone in and then press a button and it's all done for you. Then you can download games from the many repositories on installer. Ifyou want to run games on snes, genesis, or gba emulators it's a little more involved. PM me if you need help with that.
so this guy from apple comes into my store today

Notices I have an Iphone and goes are you ready for the new one?
I say Im hoping its going to drop in summer time.

He says and confidently

; The Apple Convention is on June 6th where they will show it.
They have already discontinued Iphones in all stores and online so no one can buy and return within 2 weeks.
It is coming.
And they need sales so should be beggining of June.
Just thought id share =/
Originally Posted by witeout73

Originally Posted by shoeking2101

Yo, i've been having my 8 gig iphone since it first came out last summer but I don't know how to get all of the backgrounds and games and all of that on my iphone. Someone please help me with putting these things on there.

Any Help?

Backgrounds aren't that difficult. Download the ones you want and throw em in your iphoto (I'm on a mac..) and then when you sync it up they'll be in there. Then just select the pic and assign as wallpaper. As for the games, depends on which ones you're talking about. To add games and applications you're going to need to jailbreak your phone and put "installer" on it. I did this by using the program "Ziphone", you basically plug your phone in and then press a button and it's all done for you. Then you can download games from the many repositories on installer. If you want to run games on snes, genesis, or gba emulators it's a little more involved. PM me if you need help with that.
Yo, good lookin on the help. But, what i meant was the main menu background, not the background that when you turn it on, the picture comes up and doyou how to get the icons on there also?Thanks in advance
Originally Posted by dline59

when is the new iphone droppin my contract is up this month and im debating on switching

It may be as soon as next monday. If not then, they will announce the day it will be available next monday. Thats when the conference is held.
Originally Posted by shoeking2101

Originally Posted by witeout73

Originally Posted by shoeking2101

Yo, i've been having my 8 gig iphone since it first came out last summer but I don't know how to get all of the backgrounds and games and all of that on my iphone. Someone please help me with putting these things on there.

Any Help?

Backgrounds aren't that difficult. Download the ones you want and throw em in your iphoto (I'm on a mac..) and then when you sync it up they'll be in there. Then just select the pic and assign as wallpaper. As for the games, depends on which ones you're talking about. To add games and applications you're going to need to jailbreak your phone and put "installer" on it. I did this by using the program "Ziphone", you basically plug your phone in and then press a button and it's all done for you. Then you can download games from the many repositories on installer. If you want to run games on snes, genesis, or gba emulators it's a little more involved. PM me if you need help with that.
Yo, good lookin on the help. But, what i meant was the main menu background, not the background that when you turn it on, the picture comes up and do you how to get the icons on there also?Thanks in advance

Oh okay, I've been having some trouble getting themes and stuff to work on my phone but this is how it should be down. Download Summerboard Prefs(SMBPrefs) and then once you get it open turn theme wallpaper "off" and turn wallpaper "on" under advanced. As far as I know you have touse the same wallpaper for your lock screen and main springboard screen. Like I said though, I've been having trouble though...You want to know how to getcustom icons on your springboard? I haven't done it but you have to get the pictures, name them correctly and drop them in the right spots in thephone's file tree. I'll check out how to do it and get back to you, it's similar to putting games on the phone though. Since I've gotten afew PMs about putting games on the phone I figured I'd just put it in here, step by step.

Okay, getting games on the phone is a little more complicated than just using installer but once you get the process down (and understand what you'redoing) it's easy. Basically, you need to get into the file tree of the phone in order to add the nes roms to their proper location. The problem is thatyou can't just plug your phone in and browse it's file tree so you need to connect through the internet to your phone using an ftp client. I'm ona mac and use cyberduck, but here's a link to one for pc called filezilla http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=21558 .

First, you want to connect your phone to wifi, and under settings check out what network you are under and write down your IP address.

Second, open a connection on your ftp program with the protocol SFTP (SSH File Transfer Protocol)

Third, type in your IP address into the server box

Fourth, the user name is "root" and the password is "alpine", unless you're stil on 1.1.1. in which case it's "dottie"

Fifth, click connect and it should put you into your phones file tree. Navigate your way around and make the properly titled folders (for SNES you need thefolder "private/var/root/Media/ROMs/SNES) and then drop the roms in the last folder.

Open up your emulator and you should be straight.
ok so i downloaded ziphone and its all done and im trying to install a theme but its not working.. also my email isnt working
1.) It's a good sign that you CAN'T BUY either the 8GB or 16 GB as Mayor Of NYC has already mentioned 2.)http://news.cnet.com/8301-13579_3-9958320-37.html?part=rss&subj=news&tag=2547-1_3-0-5 article details how 3rd party applications will be released onMonday, just in time for the updated 2.0 iPhone. 3.) Taken from Mac Rumors "Today, a rumor about a 22% thinner 3G iPhone with GPS priced at $200 hit theMac web. In looking back, however, this is not the first time we've heard this exact set of specifications. On April 29th, Scott Mortiz first reported onthe possibility of a $200 subsidy from AT&T for the 3G iPhone. He said it would be priced at $399 (8GB) and $499 (16GB), but after a $200 subsidy, theseprices would fall to $199 and $299, respectively. Moritz also specifically said that the new iPhone will be 2.5mm thinner than the current iPhone, whichhappens to work out to 22% thinner (2.5mm/11.6mm), corresponding nicely to Kahney's 22% thinner figure. Kahney and Moritz diverge on the capacity of theiPhone, however, as Kahney claims 16GB and 32GB sizes for the new iPhone. Regardless, this paints a picture of the following possible "thin iPhone":Thin iPhone • $199 (8GB or 16GB), $299 (16GB or 32GB), possibly subsidized by AT&T • 3G, GPS, 22% thinner • Possible longer battery However, it's alsoclear that there's another set of rumors circulating which are also consistent with each other. The so-called "thick iPhone" rumor started atEngadget and depicted in the XSKN case designs. Thick iPhone • 3G, GPS, slightly thicker • Glossy black, rounded back • Non-recessed headphone jack, additionalsensor? If you add in recent whispers of high end pricing of the 16GB ($499) and 32GB ($699) models, this introduces the possibility that these rumors togethercould represent a range of iPhone models. Both Thick and Thin? • $399 (8GB), $499 (16GB), $699 (32GB) retail prices • Possible $200 subsidy bringing prices to$199 (8GB), $299 (16GB), $499 (32GB) • 3GB, GPS, ? Video Conferencing • Low capacity models thinner, high capacity models thicker Of course, alternatively, oneor none of these rumors could be true. As we've said before, Apple has been known to purposefully spread misinformation in order to confuse the rumor mill.Official announcements are expected next week during the Worldwide Developer Conference keynote which takes place on Monday, June 9th, 2008."
Originally Posted by dalilboy

how can i fix my youtube and my email

I had no problem with ZiPhone so you might try power cycling your phone or resetting it and jailbreaking it again.
I believe I saw a fix that you caninstall too so try: Installer > All Categories > Search - type in fix and see what comes up.
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