Is 120 hz THAT much better than 60 hz?? HDTV Heads please enter, I've read everything else.

Jan 26, 2009
I've done the research. Read the forums. Been browsing big screens LCDs LEDs and Plasmas for a year.

Now, is 120 hz really THAT much better than 60 hz?

I'm buying the tv for ps3 and blu ray. Thanks, directing me to a previous thread is fine.
I was going to buy the Samsung 46" 1080p LED with 120 htz today for $2,000 but decided not too.

LED seems to be a marketing ploy to disguise a basic LCD.

Yeah sports is all I watch. My career is in sports so it's 24/7 for me.
you can tell on sports. especially the bottom line on ESPN and such

I have a 46" Samsung LCD just recently bought a Samsung Blu Ray. Love both of them.

Being the same brand the Blu Ray remote will turn on the tv and such. Both are good purchases
right now, theres isnt much of a difference for cable/satellite tv.

last time i checked, no set top box currently outputs at 120hz, so all these tv's are interpolating an image, which can cause artifacts and ghosting. mostpeople turn off this feature (each company calls it something different) for everything other than sports and action movies (even then it's best to keep itlow, because very fast moving objects like a baseball have the triple-ball effect - you see the baseball, and two other baseballs in front and behind it).

my cable box is a couple years old, and i think the newer ones have the better hdmi connection. so i didn't notice much difference between my new samsung120hz and my old sharp 60hz.

when i watch blu-ray on the ps3, it looks pretty amazing.

when i get a tv for the bedroom, i will probably just get a plasma on the cheap.
one more thing

If I already have Time Warner Digi Cable on the living room television, how much is another digi box for the bedroom?

i love watching those demonstration blu-rays on HD 1080p tvs at places like best buy which have one half showing 120hz while the other half shows 60hz and ialways say to myself "theres no way 60hz tvs can look that bad"

but now that i think of it, how does that work? i doubt half the tv is capable of doing 120 while the other half does 60 so it has to be in the blu-ray, butthen how does that work? movies are 24fps (hz) that are converted to 60hz and 120hz, so is it the player itself doing the comparison or the disc?
seems like a gimmic now that i think of it
Originally Posted by DEpast

one more thing

If I already have Time Warner Digi Cable on the living room television, how much is another digi box for the bedroom?


i know their rates just went up like two months ago, but last time i checked it was around 8-9 bucks a month.
Yes 120hz IS that much better than 60hz. I bought a 40" 1080p Sony Bravia LCD 120hz from Sony Style last month. I play PS3 and watch blu-rays and someDVD's on it and it's definetly a noticable difference in everything you watch. The guy that said you can only see it with sports has no clue whathe's talking about, you can see the difference in EVERYTHING including games and DVD's. I even can see it even when I'm just flipping through theXMB on my PS3.

60hz is the standard image refresh rate with all good 1080p HDTV's, for your money you want 120 and up. Other dude was right they have 240hz now and mostnew higher end HDTV's are 200hz+.
Thanks for the advice yall.

Time Warner is going to charge me $16.95 a month for a box and digi cable in the bedroom, something I must have with the new tv.

I'm still eyeing the 46" Samsung LED for $2000, just seems a little high. Best Buy is offering the current 36 months no interest so I might still pullthe trigger on the LED.
I have an older HDTV and I'd go with 120 or higher. By no means is my 60 hz sony unwatchable or anything but when watching sports or any really fast movingaction on mine there is a noticeable loss of picture quality. The 46 incher for 2G's seems a little high to me also. I am pretty sure you can find a 42with 120 for less than that.
Originally Posted by DEpast

Thanks for the advice yall.

Time Warner is going to charge me $16.95 a month for a box and digi cable in the bedroom, something I must have with the new tv.

I'm still eyeing the 46" Samsung LED for $2000, just seems a little high. Best Buy is offering the current 36 months no interest so I might still pull the trigger on the LED.
do it...the leds are super nice.
I got a 36 inch Samsung, 60 hz, and this jawn looks awesome. I'm not HDTV savvy, so my comment is pretty much moot.
Originally Posted by SoleWoman

Originally Posted by DEpast

Thanks for the advice yall.

Time Warner is going to charge me $16.95 a month for a box and digi cable in the bedroom, something I must have with the new tv.

I'm still eyeing the 46" Samsung LED for $2000, just seems a little high. Best Buy is offering the current 36 months no interest so I might still pull the trigger on the LED.
do it...the leds are super nice.

Word. They looked great on display. But of course Blu Ray and Pixar movies ALWAYS look good.

I just wonder if there are any bugs in LEDs since they are the top tier TVs out. Sort of like the first run 360s when they released.

Maybe I should wait a little while before purchasing.
a little off topic,

can someone answer the difference between a 120hz lcd and a 480hz sub field drive Plasma(panasonic)?

Just wondering

btw, I've got a 42" 1080p 60hz lcd and my friend has a Pana plasma 480hz and I can't really tell a huge difference besides slightly deeper blacklevels, on on blu-rays there is not a noticeable difference
Originally Posted by DEpast

Originally Posted by SoleWoman

Originally Posted by DEpast

Thanks for the advice yall.

Time Warner is going to charge me $16.95 a month for a box and digi cable in the bedroom, something I must have with the new tv.

I'm still eyeing the 46" Samsung LED for $2000, just seems a little high. Best Buy is offering the current 36 months no interest so I might still pull the trigger on the LED.
do it...the leds are super nice.

Word. They looked great on display. But of course Blu Ray and Pixar movies ALWAYS look good.

I just wonder if there are any bugs in LEDs since they are the top tier TVs out. Sort of like the first run 360s when they released.

Maybe I should wait a little while before purchasing.

i work at bestbuy. and so far i have had no leds come back. im going to get one myself pretty soon.
Dude get a 240hz even if you'll have to wait it will be well worth it. Plus 240hz is starting to be the standard so just get more for your money thangetting the outdated tech of a 60hz or 120hz.
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