Is anybody harassed for not being "social" enough

May 28, 2005
by a loved one or somebody close to them? My girl is constantly tellin me how rude i am and how much she hates the fact im not social. I mean I dont get itwhy the %@%* does it bother you so much? Im very mannerable to her family and friends but i just dont say #%+* or include myself in conversations that dontconcern me. Has anbody else went through this type of thing before??
Not really but my chick always says I dont "Open up" to her. Annoying the hell outta me
my cousins think im emo because i avoid them, and some people they know

im not emo, i just dont like them
My family thinks I'm anti-social or something. But the truth is when they're not around, I'm one of the most social people you'll probablymeet.
word? not me tho even around my boys friends i still dont say much.
and ive been like this my whole life for the most part this isnt some revelation to her. i dont get it
i've been called antisocial by my ex. i just choose not to carry on unnecessary conversations with random people over trivial stuff.

(contradiction alert) i've been lurking NT since '05 btw. (contradiction alert)
Originally Posted by 03silverbullet

i've been called antisocial by my ex. i just choose not to carry on unnecessary conversations with random people over trivial stuff.
so what did you do? did you try to change or jus tell her to get over it?
I get this alot its not that i don't want to talk I just don't want to talk to you. I tell them don't worry why I aint talking much I say whatneeds to be said and avoid saying dumb stuff.
no but sometimes people hit me up on say a friday night asking me to go out and i decline because i'd rather read and relax or just stay home. and theycan't grasp the concept
i don't care what day it is, i do what i want when i want.
People think that when I'm at a party and don't know anyone. Like I was at this birthday party on Friday in the city. I only knew a few people from afew parties I attended before. My friends who I know well and were supposed to show up all bailed. So I was there talking to the people I knew, but at the sametime keeping to myself. And people kept coming up to me like I ain't socializing enough. I was like *#%? I'm talking to who I know and what not. I meta few new people at the party and what not. I don't know what people sometimes condone as being social. I socialize as I see fit. Plus, I prefer a fewclose friends than many regular friends anyway.
werd i agree... am i wrong for going in the gym and seeing the same people and never saying anything to them and the people at the front desk?
All the time by aunts and cousins but I could careless. I have one particular cousin who is the same way but I know it gets to him when they start poking fun @him.
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