Is anybody harassed for not being "social" enough

Every darn day by my girl
I try to start small talk with her family, just takes me time to think of something to say sometimes.
but yea, thats just me, I'm just naturally quiet.
I have, then again, I don't usually have anything to say on what they talk about (Mindless TV, Movies, peoples love lifes other than their own, etc.) soit's a non-issue for me.
i always get harassed for being antisocial. i jus dunt like talkin to ppl. if some1 talks to me ill respond but thats bout it. i cant help that i hate society.
Originally Posted by Pmighty

by a loved one or somebody close to them? My girl is constantly tellin me how rude i am and how much she hates the fact im not social. I mean I dont get it why the %@%* does it bother you so much? Im very mannerable to her family and friends but i just dont say #%+* or include myself in conversations that dont concern me. Has anbody else went through this type of thing before??
i feel u my man man my gf say im madddddd rude and anti social....she says that would be the only thing she changes about me
the people i don't feel comfortable around sometimes will say that, but obviously that's cuz i'm not comfortable around them and i just become moreshy and timid.
Originally Posted by Pmighty

Originally Posted by 03silverbullet

i've been called antisocial by my ex. i just choose not to carry on unnecessary conversations with random people over trivial stuff.
so what did you do? did you try to change or jus tell her to get over it?

i told her i thought her interpretationof social was misconstrued. i never changed how i dealt with anyone. i am polite, cordial, and always on my best behavior when i meet someone or talk withpeople i wouldn't consider friends. she, on the other hand, would go out of her way to chat it up with everyone over anything. i think the contrast inour personalities left her with no other choice but to call me unsociable.
Originally Posted by Pmighty

by a loved one or somebody close to them? My girl is constantly tellin me how rude i am and how much she hates the fact im not social. I mean I dont get it why the #$*@ does it bother you so much? Im very mannerable to her family and friends but i just dont say @!$% or include myself in conversations that dont concern me. Has anbody else went through this type of thing before??

I'm about the same I can't stand people who just talk to hear themselves...but I do speak when something pertains to or interest me
I won the "Most Social" award in a summer program through my university.

I've been called conceited due to this. I usually don't know the people and choose who I associate with selectively so...not my fault that I wouldrather observe first before deciding to be social with them. Or...I've been called mysterious which has people guessing (likely wrong) what I'm about.

I'm content this way.
To whoever is harassing you: just tell them, "I'm very selective of who I socialize with--you should feel honored... or shut up."

If you think you truly have some sort of social connectedness issues, I suggest you read the book Loneliness. It breaks down different aspects ofsocial stuff that explains human behavior and different levels of dependancy, etc. If nothing else, it'll help you explain things to ignorant people whothink that you're the weird one. It's also just a good book overall.

Originally Posted by HOLLAKID619

Not really but my chick always says I dont "Open up" to her. Annoying the hell outta me

My girls the same way bro,It gets hella annoying. To OP,whenever I chill with my girl and her friends(guys&girls) I'm always the quiet one,andshe's always ask me why I don't talk.I dnt know 'em so what conversation can we have?
I highly recommend it. I've read a fair share of books on random psychological stuff like this, and this is one of the better ones I've read. Itmentions how different people have different levels of social dependency. That is, some people are truly happier without a lot of social interactions. However,social isolation by consequence (like a punishment--think solitary confinement in prison) is usually torture--for humans and most other mammals, too.
my girl tells me this all the time but thats just how I am... dont feel like bein bothered with people...
I get this all the time from my GF's friends (which I don't really care for)

If I don't wanna talk to u who cares? Hop off

My actual friends and Family don't care that I am like that

But then again I do talk to them
Idk if it's being anti-social, but if you saw me on campus or in class or something,
you'd probably think i'm super chill, or just don't like to talk alot, which is not the case.

I just usually find myself bored, uninterested, or I just dislike everyone around me.
I love talking actually, i just might have my head so far up my %#@ that i've convinced myself
that no one on a day-to-day deserves a chat with me.

I'm good though. I'm either
or on the way.

Those that know me really know me. This builds layers of recognition for a person.

you guys need to break out of your shells and live your life to the fullest.

instead of justifying your anti-socialness and lack of self-confidence by saying "oh, i'm just superior to everyone else" why don't you getoff your high horse and try to better yourself.

don't you know that being able to interact with others is an important life skill? you will open so many doors for yourself if you can learn to navigateyour way around social situations.
Originally Posted by SiMPLYDiMPLY

no but sometimes people hit me up on say a friday night asking me to go out and i decline because i'd rather read and relax or just stay home. and they can't grasp the concept
i don't care what day it is, i do what i want when i want.

It's like we were made for each other...
Originally Posted by MisterP0315

I've been called conceited due to this. I usually don't know the people and choose who I associate with selectively so...not my fault that I would rather observe first before deciding to be social with them. Or...I've been called mysterious which has people guessing (likely wrong) what I'm about.

I'm content this way.
Word...I have to feel people out...other than that I'm social as hell. Also a lot of people are too fake for me so I just don't deal withthem by not talking to them.
My friends are always trying to push me to go out to clubs/parties more often.

But, I'm just a homebody who doesn't wanna waste my breath on people I don't care for.
Some girl used to always want me to go to clubs and parties...that kind of stuff never really appealed to me (lol being an introvert)

A lot of times, I gotta get myself comfortable if I'm going to be meeting a bunch of strangers. I'm not gonna be all chatty with them within the firstsecond of meeting them,
No, but one of my boy is the quiet type and broads always asking, "Why are you so anti-social?".

Which gets me mad at the both of 'em.
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