Is anyone able to explain this card trick?

May 22, 2004
So I came across this video and basically when I focus on the one card out of the six choices ,the one I was focused on disappeared after I looked into the guys eyes but the other five remained. It's like something, or someone somehow knew exactly what card I was focusing on and they made it dissapear as a way to let me know they knew EXACTLY what I was thinking! How can this be possible??:wow:

I thought at first maybe it's just a coincidence the card I was focusing on disappeared but I did it a second time trying a different card and it happened again! I did it 10 times or more and everytime I focused on a different card it was the same card that disappeared!This is just shocking to me and amazing. Follow the instructions in the video yourself and you will see exactly what i'm talking about!{view on full screen) Anyone know how this is possible??

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all of the cards are different from the first ones pictured.

the cards itself are the same, but the suit is different so regardless of what card you pick it wont be there the second time.
I posted this video two days ago, NT does not like magic tricks and will make you feel guilty about posting this.
all of the cards are different from the first ones pictured.
the cards itself are the same, but the suit is different so regardless of what card you pick it wont be there the second time.

ooooooooh. Wow they got me good. I never thought about that . Good oberservation.

Mods can delete if desired I didn't know it was posted already. This trick stinks.
all of the cards are different from the first ones pictured.
the cards itself are the same, but the suit is different so regardless of what card you pick it wont be there the second time.
And that's the end of that..
I kept waiting for a screaming zombie or something to pop up on the screen. I never trust a video that tells me to stare at something.
hahahaha I could see how this could fool you if you picked the King of hearts because its the one missing from the exact spot that the king of hearts was in but damn that trick is suuuuuper lame hahahaha
Theres a Tv series called brain games that explains this I think it was episode 2. Check it out OP, well all of it if you have the time

Nvm found the video
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