Is anyone watching Dateline NBC right now (Octuplets mother)

Oct 27, 2005

I think what she's doing is reprehensible. Don't know how she expects to take care of 14 children and she wants more.

She'll just get donated millions of dollars by concerned celebrities, regular people, and corporations like the Kate plus 8 lady did.
Originally Posted by DaGreatJ

Chris Brown needs to get a hold of this crazy woman
If CB put them hands on her then her children'schildren wont be able to have kids.
Exhibit A of why there needs to be mandatory birth control for women on welfare.

I hope the media doesn't stop talking about this because it shows that there are zero consequences for crapping out kids while the tax payers get to payfor it. And the tax payers will pay for it even more down the road when the kids turn into delinquents and land in prison someday.

Having 14 kids and not being able to take care of them is CHILD ABUSE. Plain and simple. This is what's wrong with our society. More than racism, more thanpoverty, it all comes down to horrible parents crapping out kids and not being able to raise them. And the inability to raise kids properly leads to highercrime rates, more people in prison, more violence (especially if the parents beat on the kids), etc.
Originally Posted by GodofWar

Somebody should hit her with that Falcon Punch so she wont have babies again.
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Someone needs to tell her to stop having babies
this idiot is going to be a counselor too. thats the best part. that someone who admits that their past is responsible for their current idiotic behavior isnow going to counsel other people on their problems.
I'm watching it and she has:

No job, no income, single and still wants more babies + she still has to pay her student loans.
Originally Posted by DatZNasty

She'll just get donated millions of dollars by concerned celebrities, regular people, and corporations like the Kate plus 8 lady did.
No she won't. The difference being she clearly has no regard for the quality of life for her kids and is insane. she'd probably spend themoney on stuff that won't make her kids' lives any better.
Blame the fertility Doctor who put all those embryos in her then. I wouldn't have done it, just on health reasons alone, much less everything else.
I really don't understand why she wants more kids, still taking fertility drugs knowing she has 6 other kids, have loans to repay and refuse to accept anyoutside help. She holding on the kids like a foster parent for the future.
One kid has ADHD, another has autism, and another has a speech impediment. And that's not including the 8 she just popped out.

That girl is DREAMING if the father of her kids wants in on that life.
^ all she's getting is help. Her parents are paying for the roof over her head. The state of California is paying her workers comp., and she is gettingfood stamps, all while blowing $100K on getting pregnant and buying toys for her kids while her mom pays for the food.
I made a huge post related to this topic in another thread that showed up about this dog (yes, she is a dog). She has no ethics or morals and those kids shouldbe taken into custody by Child Services. Her only income is disability which she keeps herself on by having children. The doctor who implanted those embryosshould have his license revoked. I understand wanting to make someone happy but he endangered the lives of so many with her approval. This monster is 33 andstill has no plans of what she wants to do in the future. You want to be a counselor? Seriously? Your parents aren't going to want to watch those 8 otherpuppies she made but unfortunately they have no choice. I can't believe her excuse was that she wanted a large family, I mean litter.

I feel terrible for the "sperm donor" which is what she identified their father as. I would stay far away from her. I seriously hope that spermdonor's aren't obligated to take care of their product.
One kid has ADHD, another has autism, and another has a speech impediment. And that's not including the 8 she just popped out.
A lot of those kids are going to be screwed up. When theyreaching working age, they have no choice but to get a job. I don't think college is in these kids future unless one of them is an athlete, joins the ROTCor is extremely intelligent.
On my local news this chick threw her baby in the lake to hid her pregnancy from her parents
sick sick world
I hope the media doesn't stop talking about this because it shows that there are zero consequences for crapping out kids while the tax payers get to pay for it. And the tax payers will pay for it even more down the road when the kids turn into delinquents and land in prison someday.
Wait... what?

Originally Posted by AirAnt23

I hope the media doesn't stop talking about this because it shows that there are zero consequences for crapping out kids while the tax payers get to pay for it. And the tax payers will pay for it even more down the road when the kids turn into delinquents and land in prison someday.
Wait... what?

This is how kids end up on the streets and in prison. Horrible parenting and the abundance of unwanted kids in our society creates an incredibleburden on taxpayers. Kids aren't being raised properly, and then we all like to blame schools, and the government, and whatever...but NEVER the parents.Well, why don't we? Because there's no law that says you can't crap out a bunch of kids and subsequently suck at raising them.

Think of it this way: would you ever own 14 dogs? No, because you couldn't possibly have the means to take care of them and they would create an incrediblestrain on your life. Now this ******ed woman has 14 beings under her "control" that are far more complex than dogs. She can't put her resourcesinto 14 kids as effectively as she could two or three. Thus, the fallout is these kids will turn to something else later in life due to having no father, ahorrible mother, and a terrible home life.
Originally Posted by AirAnt23

I hope the media doesn't stop talking about this because it shows that there are zero consequences for crapping out kids while the tax payers get to pay for it. And the tax payers will pay for it even more down the road when the kids turn into delinquents and land in prison someday.
Wait... what?

products of poor parenting dont fare well. mothing good is likely to come from this situation.
Yea this whole thing is ridiculous. Really pisses me off considering she can't even afford the kids. Then there's the possibility they're gonnaend up with health issues. The doctor's who helped her should definitely face some type of reprehension. Also I'm sure there are lot of kids infoster homes and stuff that wouldn't mind being adopted(even by a psycho biatch)
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