Is Carmelo Anthony Still Top 10? *Seriously??* 4/8/12

I would agree with this, he's right below the elite elite players.
what??? you people honestly dont play any ball nor have any real correlation btwn good ball players and great ball players... melo is a top 5 talent in this league and you guys are letting your emotions cloud your judgement on a really great player
Knicks fans are the worst
Why do you say that?

because you guys are.

Nets all day baby.

Wait, whut? Aren't you a Knick fan?


You said Nets all day. I thought you were a Knick fan los. Unless the sarcasm just went straight over my head *looks up* lol
Nope hes a nets fan. Brooooookkkkllyyynnn!
Nets all day.
 you people honestly dont play any ball nor have any real correlation btwn good ball players and great ball players... melo is a top 5 talent in this league and you guys are letting your emotions cloud your judgement on a really great player
This has to be the #1 rebuttal in S&T when someone doesn't agree with another.
what??? you people honestly dont play any ball nor have any real correlation btwn good ball players and great ball players... melo is a top 5 talent in this league and you guys are letting your emotions cloud your judgement on a really great player

I said he's playing at a level this year that is in the 3-5 range this season and OKB agreed.

He's not LeBron and he's not Durant. Simple.
Dirk has always been a beast.
Took down the champs. Went to the finals where they played against D-Whistle.
Next year won MVP. Sad they matched up against the worst possible team for them.
Had a steady run 50+ wins every year.
Then knocking off the heavily favored Heat.
Dirk :pimp:
what??? you people honestly dont play any ball nor have any real correlation btwn good ball players and great ball players... melo is a top 5 talent in this league and you guys are letting your emotions cloud your judgement on a really great player

I said he's playing at a level this year that is in the 3-5 range this season and OKB agreed.

He's not LeBron and he's not Durant. Simple.
I mean, that's a more than fair assessment. Maybe a tiny bit generous, I think. I don't see why there would be any dissension with that.
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Just seeing how this thread is progressing. Don't mind me. Everything is going as planned I see with Melo.
I wanna see what happens when they put Melo back at the 3 and Amare back in at PF (if that's the plan). I'm kinda rooting for Melo to get MVP this year, it just feels like its his time.

I think James Harden has put himself in the discussion for being a top 5 player.

Yup. Top 5 in Texas.
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what??? you people honestly dont play any ball nor have any real correlation btwn good ball players and great ball players... melo is a top 5 talent in this league and you guys are letting your emotions cloud your judgement on a really great player
:lol: @The don't play ball comeback
This thread went from a serious discussion>He's not even top 10>Ok, now he's top 5>MVP Candidate>"LOLwut" all in a span of nearly 1 year :lol:

NT never fails to deliver the lulz
Melo has been playing the three all year man , he's just been defending the opposing teams PF but he's been guarded by other teams SF 95% of the time
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