Is charging your cell overnight bad?

Sep 13, 2004
I heard that excessive charging can cause battery damage and make the phone have problems... Is this true?
i wondered this i probally almost never turned off my phone just plug it into the charger when its dying.
i think its only bad if u plug in n out

usually they tell you after 200 charges your battery will retain 70% of its life

i think thats what ppl mean by excessively chargin
it's not an option when you have a sidekick

your phone will not last to the next morning if it's not charged overnight
interesting... I just read online that most newer phones don't have this problem since lithium batteries automatically stop charging and just maintain afull charge once they reach the 100% mark.
I feel like it does drain the life if you do it a lot, but the drop is so minimal it makes almost no difference.
for some older phones if you charge the phone when it is not nearly dieing, it'll lose some battery life too
i heard if the battery is already full and you charge it, it can lose some of its life.
you have to wait till it has like one bar or something.
no... it wearsthe battery out faster but itll stll last 2-3 years wit a decent charge... these days havin a phone for 2 years is rare...
A lot of people don't know this, but the best way to make sure your battery gets the best life possible is when you first get it, make sure you use it tillthe battery is DEAD. Then, when you plug it in to charge it, make sure the battery is FULLY CHARGED before you unplug it from the charger. Anyway, back to yourquestion, charging it overnight won't hurt your phone, but excessively charging, like 3 or 4 times a day will.
Originally Posted by thegoat121886

it's not an option when you have a sidekick

your phone will not last to the next morning if it's not charged overnight

I hate this %@!!. Mine won't last past 2AM the next morning if I don't charge it
I always do... anyways, it's just the battery. If it starts to go bad, I'd just buy a new one... BTW, how much do those things go for (I'm lookingfor a range)?
Doesn't ruin the phone on the whole,

It just lessens the actual life span of the battery itself.

Noticed that with my SK... I used to not charge it once/twice a day like I do now.

But my Nokia, I got 2 batteries I have on rotation.

The battery life is 24 hours a battery (the 8801
), but overcharging itcaused it to die within 12 hours... then 8 hours... then 4.

Now I watch the charging status on my cell phones carefully.

Ever since I've been watching carefully, my (latest replacement) Nokia's batteries are still fresh and in full effect.
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