Is Chick-fil-A THAT good?

if yall are complaining about lines why dont you download the app and do a damn Mobile Order... takes 2-3mins tops

only line you wait in is the one waiting for food off to the side till they call your name
He cooks everything well done because he’s black?

Hmm... weird.

Chicken well done compared to red meat well done is completely different.

Either way. The well done chicken taste better PERIOD!

I haven’t ate meat since Feb/Mar.

I think I’m gonna break that for some well done CFA. You guys might’ve got me.

exactly well done chicken and well done steak is totally different...
I'm not touching a steak less than medium. That rare **** looks awful
Medium to medium well.... is the only way..
My mom put me on with that for the longest lol

Main reason why I always hated steak. So dry and tough to chew lol
same man, growing up for decades **** was always well done and I thought that was good and slowly when having my own money and going to nice places.

issue is, people go get a cheap or bad steak somewhere and get it medium rare or try from someone else and its not good. most of the time its a perfect medium especially if the place is good because they will accurately cook it where the entire steak is a perfect pink.

all about the quality of the meat.
People who eat well done steaks are hella missing out (I'm black as well)

A well done steak is just not enjoyable to eat. My dad bought ribeyes and he left the steaks on the grill too long. I cut into the steak and it was so damn dry.
How on Earth are you pushing red status after all the complaining you do about CFA
Them chicken sandwiches are God’s gift man
Service is trash though
I asked for 6 cfa sauces in the app
3 with my sandwich
3 with my fries
I continuously only get 4
but if you get lost in it, are you fully enjoying it?

drove by a future CFA next to my place

mfers haven't even broke ground yet.

hurry the f up
Them chicken sandwiches are God’s gift man
Service is trash though
I asked for 6 cfa sauces in the app
3 with my sandwich
3 with my fries
I continuously only get 4

U put 3 sauces on 1 sandwich?
What is the absolute maximum number of sauce packets you will give to a patron before cutting them off?


Jun 5, 2014, 12:25 PM
HA! This one depends on the manager. Every store and person is different. Most employees will give you however many you ask for up to like 15, after that we just sell you an 8 oz bowl of it! I've seen manager give someone a hard time for asking for more than 2-3 sauces. They won't tell you no, but they will sure as heck make you feel uncomfortable until you ask for less!
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