is EARLY RELEASED 'ER' shoes, still LEGIT???

Feb 19, 2014
is so called Early Released shoes, still LEGIT? Question to all sneakerheads out there.
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coz i've watched youtube video about this. The uploader said er pair is legit as retail release. I'll can post the link if you want to.
That explains why I couldn't find anything. I've never heard the term ER used. I may be getting to old for this.
I had no idea what he meant until his second post, he might be just as confused as we were lol. the youtube video was trying to convince people to pay double for fakes just to get them early
I had no idea what he meant until his second post, he might be just as confused as we were lol. the youtube video was trying to convince people to pay double for fakes just to get them early
lol.. I agree.. 99% of ERs are fugazi.. remember all the Kats banging their heads on the wall over their ER Gammas when the RDs finally dropped..
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Im happy this is clarified because, i know several people that are getting kicks 6 months early and swear they are legit. I was just about to purchase the Sport Blue 6's from a seller here in Chicago.
But to clarify, not all but MOST early releases out there are 100% fake. Most as in 90%+ of all early releases. The very few that are legit, as mentioned, are made for the celebs/athletes and selected retail stores that have Nike accounts and receive their shipment legitimately. Some trusted sites like ISS will rarely have legit early releases but even then, legit early releases are no more than 1 or 2 weeks max prior to release day. Anything more than that is fake and shouldn't be trusted. Retail stores like Footlocker and Footaction receive their JB shoes that week of release day or the week before. So it wouldn't make sense for anyone to have authentic early releases a month or more before it even comes out.
Yea 99% of ERs are fake. if you are not famous or have a legit nike connect as in someone who works with nike in corporate (not an in store employee) and you have a pair of ERs they are probably fake
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