Is facial Hair/Beards Professional? Yay or Nay?

OP, why did you shave your beard in the middle like that? Kinda looks like a Kay Slay/Jerome Bettis collabo

Anyways, to play it safe...go into your interviews clean shaven. Once hired, see what others are doing around your workplace as far as facial hair. It's that simple. Your first impression is key.

If you are allowed facial hair, like everyone else said...keep it well groomed. Oh, and RETIRE all chinstraps. Unless you're an extra in a G-Unit vid, that %!%# is a no-go.
I thought a nicely trimmed beard showed more attention to detail than sloppyness.

Its much harder to have nice line ups and Eben facial hair than just cutting it all off..
I stay with the stubble year round and no one really cares. Then again, I work in advertising and rock t-shirts to work too.
Originally Posted by MPLSdunk

Its the growing stages that make you look like a bum. My job it doesn't matter but I could see jobs wanting a full beard or clean shaven. No in between stage.

facial hair is
Originally Posted by 6 rings MJ

Originally Posted by Dok

Originally Posted by illphillip

Yay. If it's well groomed.

To those saying it depends on the profession, in what profession would a well groomed beard be a no-no?
Yup grocery store look down upon beards..
food industry as a whole
and in sales, if you look arab say bye to "certain" customers
I say this from experience. 
As everyone has said...keep it well groomed and your good. I have a full beard, but for my interview i shaved it off and within the first week after I accepted the position, i had my full beard back. I get it lined up every Friday for the weekend and by Tuesday im a mess again.
i work in radio, luckily one of the perks is no dress code and you can keep your hair and beard however you wish.
I'm a recently promoted Operations Manager, in the winter, I go full beard for warmth, trim it with a 3. Now in the warmer months. I trim the beard with a 1 1/2 and edge the jaw line. Nothing but compliments. As long as your beard has a look to it, and you keep the lines sharp, people really aren't caring. I also think, darker skinned people, look better w/ facial hair usually. I look like a doofus clean shaved, IMO. I worked at a company prior to this one, that required daily shaving, and I hated it. That being said, if youre gonna do a beard, you have to always keep it fresh, nothing looks worse that facial hair that is 3-4 days into growing in.
To a certain extent I believe some facial hair just looks out of control but a trimmed neat beard/facial hair is a mature define look in my opinion
I work security and rocked a beard for a while and its never been an issue. Now I'm just wearing a goatee and nobody says a thing
Can anyone recommend a good beard trimmer?  I usually use my clippers but I want one with more settings and lengths.  I've been looking at ones from Philips Norelco, Remington, etc.
I rock the beard. Wouldnt work anywhere that didnt allow facial hair. I keep it trimmed but I am in the process of growing it out more.


Originally Posted by shogun

Can anyone recommend a good beard trimmer?  I usually use my clippers but I want one with more settings and lengths.  I've been looking at ones from Philips Norelco, Remington, etc.

Vacuums up the stubble as you shave. Works pretty well for me. I also use a outliner as well.
I myself have always had a beard, and I think if you keep it neatly trimmed and lined up you should be fine. But if its "no shave November" than it doesn't look professional lol. November is only about 6 months away..
Originally Posted by airmaxpenny1

illphillip wrote:

To those saying it depends on the profession, in what profession would a well groomed beard be a no-no?
Politician, really the only one I can think of.

Big Law
Big 4 Audit (at least the nyc offices)
Investment Banking / high finance (excluding hedge funds)
A lot of Fortune 500 companies (more so the older ones with conservative culture)

Essentially, most client facing type jobs you are expected to be clean shaven.
When I was back at Coca-Cola, I was pretty clean shaven. Now that I'm in advertising I can wear whatever to work, rock a rough beard and any kind of haircut.
Originally Posted by Nowitzness41

Originally Posted by illphillip

Yay. If it's well groomed.

To those saying it depends on the profession, in what profession would a well groomed beard be a no-no?

I hear Wall Street/ IB gigs you gotta be clean face.
I normally rock a Dark beard like these



recently got a gig as a Business Analyst for an IT/Financial company

during the interview ( and for all interviews I shave) I sport my joint like this


I enjoy wearing the beard, and get loads of compliments but Idk. I may have to travel for my new position, and some clients are in UK, but from what Ive seen Beards are more accepted in European culture than US.
 I don't see that it would be a problem in most professions, but I do agree that high powered "wall street" type executives usually stay clean shaven. I'm not saying this is totally true but I've read before that the highest paid business moguls all can be seen to be clean shaven. I don't agree with "conforming" to a certain look but to some people, I guess shaving is a sign of being more neat and put together. I could never shave my beard tho
. I look like 12 years old without it. 
Originally Posted by BlackChiney06

 I don't see that it would be a problem in most professions, but I do agree that high powered "wall street" type executives usually stay clean shaven. I'm not saying this is totally true but I've read before that the highest paid business moguls all can be seen to be clean shaven. I don't agree with "conforming" to a certain look but to some people, I guess shaving is a sign of being more neat and put together. I could never shave my beard tho
. I look like 12 years old without it. 
rocking no facial hair is done because they say it triggers in your mind that that person can be "trusted" which is why politicians and company figure heads usually rock no facial hair.
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