Is graphic design a good career path?

Feb 20, 2003
I'm thinking about taking graphic design courses at the local tech school to expand my current business.

Any of NT's graphic designers care to share their experiences?
I love it.
I went to FIDM in downtown LA for graphic design and it was an amazing experience.
Depending on where you go, it can get pretty expensive.
Although I'm up to my neck in studen loans, it was well worth it because I'm doing something I actually enjoy.
I'm currently working as the creative director for a home decor/furniture company, and I run and maintain the catalog and website and I also do all the ads.
It's a pretty small company so I'm not getting paid an amazing salary yet, but it's way more than my previous job as a booth projectionist. I consider it a small stepping stone before moving onto biggest things. Ohh and the great thing about designing is that you can always pick up freelance gigs for some cash on the side.
Its a great field but you honestly need to have the passion for it. If you lack that, you'll loose interest quick. You also need to be willing to learn on the fly, love the challenge of new things, and must have patience. Know what you want and what know what good design is. Still interested? Good.

You can learn a lot of the technical aspects online, but nothing beats experience. My school was able to give me a huge step up just by getting insite from teachers and special guest talks. Projects were constructed based on what the industry is doing.

Also, don't expect to be making tons of $$$ right away. Again, if you love this field, you'll do well. It tough to get into, but once you get the ball rolling, everything will fall into place.

A lot also depends on what kind of design you want to do. If you just want to make banner ads all day, nothing against that, or design more meaningful things.

I went to SJSU and graduated with a BFA in graphic design and currently working in a branding agency btw.
[COLOR=#red]There is plenty of stuff on Lynda that will teach you Illustrator and PS, I wouldn't waste a college education on it .

Unless you are sure thats what will make you happy. But even graphics designers for high end magazines and websites are still only making 40-50k @ best.[/COLOR]
Yes...if you love it, then do it but don't expect it to be a career that will bank you tons of money. I've seen people execute this occupation in different ways though. Some people use it as a side gig to another job. In that case, that is a good extra income. But designing really is a job of all trades. It's not just sitting in front of a computer. It's being a business man, a negotiator, a art director and so much more. It's such a different contrast to other jobs out there. My girl gets paid 85k doing insurance and she hardly does a damn thing.
I love it.
I went to FIDM in downtown LA for graphic design and it was an amazing experience.
Depending on where you go, it can get pretty expensive.
Although I'm up to my neck in studen loans, it was well worth it because I'm doing something I actually enjoy.
I'm currently working as the creative director for a home decor/furniture company, and I run and maintain the catalog and website and I also do all the ads.
It's a pretty small company so I'm not getting paid an amazing salary yet, but it's way more than my previous job as a booth projectionist. I consider it a small stepping stone before moving onto biggest things. Ohh and the great thing about designing is that you can always pick up freelance gigs for some cash on the side.

how was FIDM? i thought about going for shoe design but its mainly women shoes :rolleyes
Graphic Design is one of those areas that you really can't teach. Sure you'll learn technical stuff, the tools you need to do to get what you envision. If you stick with it and constantly learn and grow it's a great field to get into. Like other have said you need that passion and desire if you want to be successful in this career. Good luck to you OP.
There is plenty of stuff on Lynda that will teach you Illustrator and PS, I wouldn't waste a college education on it .

This type of thinking is why talented, qualified, professional designers are having to lower their rates in this economy. People "learn" Photoshop and start doing logo design jobs for $100, undercutting the hell out of young, fresh out of college professionals.

Graphic Design is one of those areas that you really can't teach.

You obviously have no idea what youre talking about.
You can teach technical aspects of graphic design sure, but if you're not a true artist you will always be limited in what you can do creatively with design.
There is plenty of stuff on Lynda that will teach you Illustrator and PS, I wouldn't waste a college education on it .

This type of thinking is why talented, qualified, professional designers are having to lower their rates in this economy. People "learn" Photoshop and start doing logo design jobs for $100, undercutting the hell out of young, fresh out of college professionals.

Graphic Design is one of those areas that you really can't teach.

You obviously have no idea what youre talking about.

All of this.

Also, learn front end web design as well. That's always a plus to know nowadays.
I was double-majoring in graphic design and mechanical engineering. About half-way through, I decided to put graphic design to the side and finish up engineering. Not that there aren't any jobs, but you will have to work hard and compete with a lot of others. I miss it, but I think my passion was more for engineering. If my school offered it, I would have chosen industrial design over graphic design. Like others said, you have to be passionate about it if you really want to succeed.
I basically just want to learn how to design album/mixtape covers, flyers, business cards, etc. It'll mostly be freelance. I work with a lot of music artists so I just looking to expand.
I went to FIDM also, but honestly i didnt learn jack **** there. yea an AA is better than nothing and the name of the school means something but i taught myself how to design on illustrator and photoshop.

If youre passionate and patient go for it, not sure what industry genre youre leaning towards but the "street wear" industry is pretty hard to get into, theyre the most closed off companies and keep everything internal or homie based.

I currently work for Deadline LTD. and 10 Deep. If you got any questions feel free to ask

Good luck.
Some people go to school for graphic design, pay $100k and still come out garbage. Others teach themselves in their free time and end up dope.

I had three good friends in college that majored in graphic design. One worked for a university athletic dept. for a year, then started his own freelance project (worth checking out). Another stayed on his grind and ended up working for Target doing boring catalog layout; the third one tried to get through school making cartoonish designs of weed and aliens. He works at a call center now.

I work at an NBA team and work closely with a very talented young designer. He's a year out of school and didn't get good at design until his senior year... he just has a trait that is CRUCIAL for design: the burning desire to keep learning new skills and techniques.

Yes, you could get very good on your own. But that often requires a lot of god-given artistic ability and countless hours watching tutorials. College is good, but unless you take advantage of the resources and instruction, it's a waste. It depends on how badly you want it.

You sound like you're interested in getting a little "boost" in your skills. I'd talk to some established designers for tips and keep challenging yourself with personal projects; only invest money into education if you're serious.
A good design school will teach you how to design, not how to use the software on the computer.
I have been a freelance web and graphic designer for 5 years now.

No schooling, I just kept practicing my designs in photoshop. I eventually got tired, making, logos, layouts and flyers. I wanted to make more money so I taught myself all the programing languages CSS, HTML, Jquery, PHP, etc. I was able to turn my web layouts into actual websites. So if you do go this route, please learn how to program, you will make much more money.

I was charging 25-35 an hour, now I charge $150 an hour+ because I can make the person brand's identity as well as get it online. It is true you have to have a passion for the design aspect. The programming is black and white. But your passion, creativity and artistic skill is tested when you are doing graphic design.

The only thing though is, you will have days you work 28 hours straight, its a thankless job, no one really appreciates the work that is put into it. And you will do tons of work and the client will be like, no I dont like that, those are some of the cons.

It is hard to make a name for yourself, I've been doing it for 5 years, but got my big break 2 years ago. Now I have done work for celebs, companies, ball players, etc... The things that sucks is there are millions of graphic designers, so you really need to stand out.

If you need any advice or want to ask any questions, inbox me!
Yes...if you love it, then do it but don't expect it to be a career that will bank you tons of money. I've seen people execute this occupation in different ways though. Some people use it as a side gig to another job. In that case, that is a good extra income. But designing really is a job of all trades. It's not just sitting in front of a computer. It's being a business man, a negotiator, a art director and so much more. It's such a different contrast to other jobs out there. My girl gets paid 85k doing insurance and she hardly does a damn thing.


This type of thinking is why talented, qualified, professional designers are having to lower their rates in this economy. People "learn" Photoshop and start doing logo design jobs for $100, undercutting the hell out of young, fresh out of college professionals.
You obviously have no idea what youre talking about.

And this.

And OP, I'm going to tell you like this, don't go into it if you don't have a love for design and can't draw. Graphic designers and digital illustrators are creative people who are really good with a pen.

While I was getting my degree in web development, my boy was going for his in graphic design. Now he's got a gig downtown for graphic design and its not paying the big bucks yet, but he loves it. Art and design are his passion, and that i definitely the type of field where passion is what you need to survive and strive to get better. Because there are a TON of great graphic designers out there who's portfolio's are ******** on the game.

If you've got passion and love for design, I say go for it. If not, I highly suggest not putting yourself through it.
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don't do it if you think its easy money. if thats your reason for getting into it, dont. invest your time in something else and you'll probably make more money doing it.

if you generally love design and the way things are presented to us in this world, love being challenged and asking questions about everything, then thats a start to invest yourself in.

and don't skimp on a school. you mentioned a trade school, and i wouldnt trust it, without knowing the name. you'll only learn the technical, not the conceptual, which is what matters...unless you just want to be the tool rather than the creator.
[COLOR=#red]There is plenty of stuff on Lynda that will teach you Illustrator and PS, I wouldn't waste a college education on it .
Unless you are sure thats what will make you happy. But even graphics designers for high end magazines and websites are still only making 40-50k @ best.[/COLOR]

Definitely not true. My step-dad was a graphic designer for a company that wasn't a "high-end" anything and he made 65k
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