Is It Rude/Pretentious To Request Guests To Take Their Shoes Off Upon Entering Your Home?

Is It Rude/Pretentious To Request Guests To Take Their Shoes Off Upon Entering Your Home?

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Quoted you in here bc it kinda fits the topic.

Would you all have an issue with the host collecting your cell phone at the door?
If it is a private party where people want to let their hair down and just be? Nope. I’ve been to a few of those where sex riots have broken out, and it was because people knew they were not going to be filmed.
It's the EXACT SAME THING THO :rofl:

You're just saying one is appropriate because you VALUE cleanliness more, so you're ok with people asking adults to partially undress.

A person that places more value on CONNECTION may feel that asking for the phone is fair game.

Both are doing too much. Just like (pre-covid) asking people to wear masks or gloves in your crib is doing too much. Germs spread that way too. But it comes across as pesky to ask someone that.

But...but.... But.... What happened to respecting people's house/rules :lol:
Both are doing too much.

I love that someone introduced a topic that hit y'all in a soft spot.
You tried, but failed. E for effort though.

Lol @ soft spot
That is the energy that I expect from a known racist.

You’re all over NT making cowardly statements. I couldn’t expect you to keep track of all of the fires that you start.

You don’t have the bandwidth to comprehend simple concepts so how could anyone expect you to keep track of the hate and nonsense that you spew here?

Carry on 🤡

Known racist? Fire starter? Riiiight that’s what I’m known for around here :rofl: Take that battery out your back and tell whoever put it there to speak up for themselves

I'm sorry but this is some white people ****.

I can't even comprehend the level of entitlement. :lol:
Make no mistake though, I’d still do it if they asked me to because it’s good manners. I just wouldn't request someone to take them off if we’re talking about my place.
In some cultures, taking off your shoes while entering someones home, is the same as taking off your hat while indoors. For my wife’s home, it is about the spiritual realm. If we feel that you cannot respect our wishes, we’ll meet up with you someplace else.
In some cultures, taking off your shoes while entering someones home, is that same as taking off your hat while indoors. For my wife’s home, it is about the spiritual realm. If we feel that you cannot respect our wishes, we’ll meet up with you someplace else.
Taking your hat off when sitting to eat, is another 1
That is the energy that I expect from a known racist.

You’re all over NT making cowardly statements. I couldn’t expect you to keep track of all of the fires that you start.

You don’t have the bandwidth to comprehend simple concepts so how could anyone expect you to keep track of the hate and nonsense that you spew here?

Carry on 🤡
Shhhhhh, don’t you know that you have just made yourself one of the usual suspects, making everything about race? You are participating in the destruction of nt, which is why people do not want to participate here anymore! The circle jerk crew does not applaud people who do 90 while eating a slice of pizza, then taking a pic while doing so, so what would WE know about independent thought, while parroting others?! Black people can’t possibly make observations on our own, without being racist ourselves! What are you doing?!???!:rofl:
Usual suspects? I don’t even know anything about him or recall his username :lol:

All I know is he comes out of nowhere to troll me by inviting the opinion from someone who promised the head admin he would block me.

I wash my dog’s paws everytime we come back from outside. You can see the dirty water wash away, wouldn’t want that all over my house. The bottoms of your shoes carry the same filth.

That’s actually really good of you to do that for him. How do you handle that situation when the weather is too cold though? I ask because I was a dog owner for 15 years and can recall feeling sorry for my dog being in that climate while not having some doggy shoes for him.
Known racist? Fire starter? Riiiight that’s what I’m known for around here :rofl: Take that battery out your back and tell whoever put it there to speak up for themselves

Make no mistake though, I’d still do it if they asked me to because it’s good manners. I just wouldn't request someone to take them off if we’re talking about my place.

All anybody has to do when dealing with you is pull up your quote about slavery.

All racists start to look the same after a while.

🤡🤡 you guys both look like that so, keep up the bad work I guess.
that’s the best you can do to admitting you made a mistake? Good lord....blocked.

Am I blocked or are you in my DM’s trying to carry on a convo.


make your mind up!

That’s actually really good of you to do that for him. How do you handle that situation when the weather is too cold though? I ask because I was a dog owner for 15 years and can recall feeling sorry for my dog being in that climate while not having some doggy shoes for him.

Dog booties are a great idea especially when it starts to snow and there’s salt on the ground. I have a husky and the winters here are a joke for him. When necessary I apply mushers wax to protect his paws.
Dog booties are a great idea especially when it starts to snow and there’s salt on the ground. I have a husky and the winters here are a joke for him. When necessary I apply mushers wax to protect his paws.
Oh wow, I didn’t know about that wax stuff. It never gets that cold here is Southern California but my dog was no Husky either. He was a golden retriever mix and I always thought the concrete was too cold for him during those cold rainy nights.
All racists start to look the same after a while.

🤡🤡 you guys both look like that so, keep up the bad work I guess.
They sound the same, use the same excuses and deflections as well. They don’t want anyone to bring up racism, ruining their comfort. They indulge in that toxic positivity, the one that suggests that if you ignore the ills of society? It will simply go away, doesn’t exist.
I'm not quoting anything b/c I hope this gets ignored, but I just have to say it. That "blocked" profession came a little more than 3hrs after that p.m.

I’m assuming he’s talking about a pm I sent him about who wrote that quote he’s accusing me of. I sent him that first and then noticed minutes later he replied with his version of “okay I was wrong, so what”. That was in minutes, not hours dude :lol:
Oh, and he really is blocked because I don’t know or recognize his username.
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