Is it safe to say that Instagram is a severe ego boost for women?

It was a girl I was talking too for the past year and I thought things were going in the right direction, but I just officially "Cut her off" a few weeks ago because it's really sickening how SOME of these chicks get ego boosted by "likes" on Instagram. To make a long story short, basically she randomly said, " I noticed You don't show me love on IG anymore, either". My response was, "Huh?". With my response, she got smart with me and said, "You can read right, exactly". So, I had two choices on how I was going to respond. One, Give her a verbal exchange of words, or give her the silent treatment and never speak to her again. I chose the silent treatment because it's been other things in the last year that i didn't like that I addressed to her and it's tiring to keep explaining myself when you're not mature enough to figure out your issue without me telling you. So, I just decided to stop speaking to her period and I think it's messing around with her ego because she's used to dudes catering to her. With me giving her the silent treatment, it's messing her head up. She still tries to hit me up through text, but I just ignore her and move on with my daily routine.

It's just sickening that IG have brain warped these females, man! Do you guys think it's becoming to be prominent and sickening how IG have boosted these women's ego's? It's like, they think they are a gift from god and everyone is below them and they make it seem like it's a "Privilege" to speak to you..smh. Social media kills me..smh
Nothing you said here really demonstrates that she has an inflated ego as a result of being on Instagram. She just wanted your attention. 

You demonstrated how immature you are by giving her the silent treatment. Is it really that difficult to discuss your concerns like an adult? Chances are you're far from a shining example of perfection. 
I think OP is missing the signs that ol girl likes him lol

Like Boris said, OP is mentally immature and he doesn't know how to handle that
is water wet?

We've always been wired as a selfish and narcissistic society and people. It's in our blood, but now with technology and social media it's easier for everyone to display it. I've tried to wean myself off of social media, does more bad than good, unless you really need to network and market yourself. Nothing wrong with a girl having social media but check how frequently she uses it. If she's posting instagram pics of herself or herself with her friends weekly, you've got a narcissistic broad. 

I've also noticed how social media is killing people's communication skills, can't even have a conversation in person anymore. 

What if she does stuff every week?

She got my man Bron in the dog house with his wife


She ain't gonna be much but an urban model, and they don't make ****

Stick to vet school, find a surgeon, and profit
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Nothing you said here really demonstrates that she has an inflated ego as a result of being on Instagram. She just wanted your attention. 

You demonstrated how immature you are by giving her the silent treatment. Is it really that difficult to discuss your concerns like an adult? Chances are you're far from a shining example of perfection. 

I agree the silent treatment was not the right act, should've checked her. But he also said it was numerous things that added up to him making this decision. On top of that if a chick is gonna ask you why you don't like her pics, she needs to be left alone.
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thats why i never messed with any kind of social media, its all superficial to me. and everybody has their excuses as to why they have ___ but NO ONE EVER admits they simply like attention.
Sounds like she has done some things in the past that he let slide.

I would say find a chick that isn't invested in social media but they are missing in action
It really is an electronic drug. Ig damages women's psyche the same way porn damages a man's psyche.
just imagine what will take instagram's place ten years from now... in 05 youtube was just starting. scary to even think about.
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Dudes just as bad on social media.

Posting pics of guns $$$ stacks and jewelry talkin about you a boss, but you still live with ya momma.

You aint bout dat life champ...

Chicks know simps like Lebron fall for thirst traps....IT WORKS!
The gramb, tinder, ect. One in the same for these birds. Jus flip that power switch on'em.
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What if she does stuff every week?

It gets to a certain point where it's the same pics tho. A pic of herself/himself trying to flex or her/him out on friday and saturday night. Even the older generation is into it, humble bragging about their son or daughters success on facebook
. Imo, social media is a popularity contest, people try to front and want to give the impression that their lives are better than yours. I know it's not everyone but I would say the majority. Yeah we all go out and like to have a good time but do you really need to post what you're doing or what you did on social media every time you do it? Where's the privacy? I necessarily don't want a chick who feels she needs  the gratification of 'likes' and retweets. 
Y'all boys need to understand the value system of the western world. People want what they can't have or is out of reach. If you ignore a girl while all these other suckas simp, chances are she's gonna want you off the strength you're not doing what everyone else is doing.

You did the right thing OP. She's gonna want you even more. Trust
Y'all boys need to understand the value system of the western world. People want what they can't have or is out of reach. If you ignore a girl while all these other suckas simp, chances are she's gonna want you off the strength you're not doing what everyone else is doing.

You did the right thing OP. She's gonna want you even more. Trust
That passive agressivness will get you nowhere. He should've let her know how corny she sounds and why he doesn't do that nonsense.
Mess with different girls....
One would say this.

Mess with different women

Seek women outside the US

Mess with older women...

Trust me I've traveled the world this is a worldwide epidemic even in 3rd world countries.

The big 3(FB IG Twitter) are dominant in every women's little hamster brain.

Resistance is futile!
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