is it weird to call your parents mommy/daddy?

I hate mommy and daddy. That's for little kids.
I use mom and dad. But I jokingly call my mom by her first name. She doesn't care.
I grew up calling my mom "mommy" so that's never really gone away. I'll switch it up and call her "mom" and "ma"sometimes though. As for dad, it's always been "baba" or "ba" which is what Chinese kids call their dads?
you know how will smith refers to his dad in that tearjerker episode? "Dadddeyy, Daddyo" And moms gets hit with the "ma or mom"
I remember having a conversation with her on my 6th birthday that i was gonna call her mama from now on because i didn't want the other kids to laugh at meat my party.
When I refer to my Dad to my mom or sister I say "daddy". I won't say it to him, though

I call my mom "mommy" sometimes, most of the time I just say "ma"...
Originally Posted by 2o6

do you call your friends and girlfriends parents mom or dad?

people round here do it.

I call some of my best friends moms mom or refer to them as my "other mother(s)"
Usually say mom or dad but they never answer.

I always call them by their first name. Even as a child. People thought it was odd
Not weird at all. I'm 19 and still call them Mommy and Daddy

Calling your parents by their first name
That'd be just too weird.
Originally Posted by Calypso Chanta

you know how will smith refers to his dad in that tearjerker episode? "Dadddeyy, Daddyo" And moms gets hit with the "ma or mom"

Thats what I call my dad. I call my mom momma.

I called them mommy and daddy when I was little and nearly all my other friends would say mom and dad. I felt like you had to be in your teens to be able tosay that to them, like a respect you gain as you get older. I asked my dad one day when I could switch from calling him "daddy" to "dad"and he said whenever you feel like it, but I still felt like it was a transition meant for a respective age thing for some reason
. I've never really called him dad to his face so if I started saying it heprobably wouldn't respond at first because I've never called him by that

My sister however started calling my mom by her first name and my mom just
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