Is it worth getting a university degree anymore?

what is considered comfortable?

that varies to individual

im healthy as hell and eat good daily, off that alone i can be considered comfortable

car, job, place, eat good, health insurance, yambs on the weekend

if that is all somebody needs that is not hard to attain

where is the drive? wth is the purpose of life if all you wanna be is comfortable?

an Fotaine im pretty sure you said you plan to branch off an start your own business soon, props to you bro
some (many) people dont want that bro...

many people just want to be super comfortable in where they are and not try to shake things up.

ESPECIALLY when they have kids or a wife that's dependent upon them. I work with several older men that are like "man... i swear i want to do XYZ" but they cant because they have a 9th grader that wants to go to Baylor University.

I'm not one of them guys, famb... I'm trying to shake some **** up.

:pimp: :pimp:
Formal education makes you a living, self education makes you a fortune.

Example.....ppl on here bash MLM.

I just think ppl have closed minds. Everything isn't BS. Internet Marketing is real.

Thing with me is I'll listen to anyone with open ears....benefit of the doubt an research myself. Ppl always quick go call ducktales.......

i like that first line.

People say that MLMs are scams. They are not. If you know what youre doing and you are good, you can make bank. But you are essentially just making the company bank too. Its just that 90% of the people that sign up are dumb and lazy. So the bad outshines the good in it. I find it too much work but its def not a 100% scam.

Ive been wanting to get into IM for so long. But I am so lazy and scared to lose. I know about things but I'm not into them at all. I need some mentors to kick my ***. locally would be a huge plus.

/dear diary
Depends what you want to do. I'd rather sink 50k in a small business than school. I am on the same page as al Audi.
It isn't for everyone. But for me it's worth the risk. I have been networking for years, I'm good.

I don't like making other people richer while I'm busting my *** and getting a crap pay. That life is not for me.
I think a lot of kids go to college just because they think that is what they are supposed to do. They don't really think about if they want to go or why they want to go; it's just an assumed natural progression. For college to really be worthwhile you need to want to be there, no matter what your reasons for wanting a formal education are.
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I have not read the entire thread, but I teach at a college and get this question a lot. I always tell students that it only matters when you want a job and they tell you "you need a college degree". Normally its to late, because the job will be gone by the time you finish your degree. It matters when they hire someone to be your boss simply because they have the degree.  College degrees are losing value because so many people have them. The key is making sure you major in something that you enjoy. You don't go to college to make money, you go to college to get an education. Use your education to attain the job you want. If you are GOOD and have passion for it, you will get paid. Most of the kids now are "just" getting degrees to have them. The key is using college to gain connections.  Before I started teaching, I never was able to get land a job on a blind interview. I always had a connection with the company, or a good recommendation.  I know a guy with a degree in finance who is a CFO for a company, and another guy with the same degree works for Red Cross scheduling blood drives. If you were to pose them question to them, you would get 2 different answers.

In short a college degree is like a gun, you may never need it and you can live without, but if you do and you don't have one you are screwed.

If you have an opportunity to go to college go. It is almost impossible to go back after you start your life.
I have not read the entire thread, but I teach at a college and get this question a lot. I always tell students that it only matters when you want a job and they tell you "you need a college degree". Normally its to late, because the job will be gone by the time you finish your degree. It matters when they hire someone to be your boss simply because they have the degree.  College degrees are losing value because so many people have them. The key is making sure you major in something that you enjoy. You don't go to college to make money, you go to college to get an education. Use your education to attain the job you want. If you are GOOD and have passion for it, you will get paid. Most of the kids now are "just" getting degrees to have them. The key is using college to gain connections.  Before I started teaching, I never was able to get land a job on a blind interview. I always had a connection with the company, or a good recommendation.  I know a guy with a degree in finance who is a CFO for a company, and another guy with the same degree works for Red Cross scheduling blood drives. If you were to pose them question to them, you would get 2 different answers.

In short a college degree is like a gun, you may never need it and you can live without, but if you do and you don't have one you are screwed.

If you have an opportunity to go to college go. It is almost impossible to go back after you start your life.
College degrees in CERTAIN (not all) fields are losing value. There will always be work for certain occupations.

And that is not the key. It's the ideal thing to do, but sometimes not the best. Someone above said his friend earned his bachelors in Performance Guitar and seeking to earn his PHD in Music Theory, despite being in debt and being unable to get a job in his field. You have to be careful in what you major in. What you said about connections and all that is true, but passion doesn't equate success.
I did not finish college years back..I decided to work full time..and to be honest..I've made wayyyy more money than all of my friends who have their bachelors..the field that I'm in doesn't necessarily need a degree..but I actually started at the bottom of the company and worked my way up..while gaining a ton if experience (which is a weighted more than a degree)

but..if you want to get noticed by potential employers..most want the degree.. a lot of them won't even consider u without one..

also..I see all this talk of how a history or a psychology degree is a waste of time and money..that is a fallacy..if you have a can still be considered for any entry-level position..and after you are at any type of could transfer to a more lucrative department..and you will have an advantage over other candidates because you are internal..

college is definitely not mandatory to achieve success..but it helps..I myself have returned and pursuing a mathematics degree..this is related to my field..but I'm really returning as a personal goal/achievement and I'm always looking for ways to challenge thing that I love about school is while you are kind of takes you away from the monotonous everyday stresses of life..I'm also paying for most of it on my own so I have no choice but to bust my a**

sorry for the long post but wanted to get the point across that college is not exactly needed..but only part of the puzzle..whatever you do..if you work will succeed down the line..also..networking is a huge factor..I could go on and on how critical networking is..
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They aren't a waste, but certain majoring in certain areas are more risky than others.
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