Is Iverson going to have a sig shoe

Originally Posted by Words1999

Originally Posted by AgentPD21

Originally Posted by xdiiiinnno0

the first Questions were one of my fave bball shoes. so comfy

Its called Nostalgia homie....and your trapped in it. your afraid to open up to something new and different
It's called a "conjunction", homie. When you combine two words - like "you are" or "it is" you use an apostropheto differentiate them. So the phrase "you are" would become "you're". Get it? Good.

Furthermore, it's not nostalgia. Nostalgia means you miss the past, usually referring to a period of time, and also usually when you idealize things. Like,I would say "I really miss middle school, those were good times" because I forget the crappy parts about those days. Nostalgia also doesn'tindicate a fear of new things or of change, it simply means the person who said it misses whatever he was referring to. For example, as above, if I were sayingI miss middle school" then it doesn't mean I'm afraid of a new job or college, it just means I miss middle school.

Finally, I love the OG Questions. Reebok shamefully went the cheap J route with the retros a year or two back (no tech), but the OGs with the hexalitecushioning are one of the strongest court shoes of all time for me, both in looks and fit. I have several pairs, a few on ice, and two points: 1, they'remuch better quality shoes than the XIs that everyone is obsessed over; high quality leather, no yellowing and I don't have to keep them in the freezer. 2.,since I wear them regularly and switch with many contemporary shoes, it's not even wishing for the past, because the Qs are legit as a balling shoe now, 13or whatever years later.

Side point - I've been happy with like 80% of the Iverson line. I think Reebok is ******ed (seeing as how it's impossible to buy his gear or shoes, andhe's still a really popular player with a loyal fan base and following), but their quality and product have consistently impressed me. I haven't pickedthese XIIs up yet (I'm hoping they come out in a low), but I'll post here with pics and review when I do to let you know how the AI line is doing.

Oh, and because I'm bored, here's my list of favorite AI shoes from his line in order from most liked to least liked:

  1. Answer IV (low)
  2. Question (low)
  3. Answer VII (mid)
  4. Answer 1
  5. Answer XI (not much cush, but the traction is unbelievable)
  6. Answer X
  7. Answer XIII (which I think the XX3 ripped off)
  8. Answer VI
  9. Answer IX
  10. Answer V
  11. Answer II
  12. Answer III
Originally Posted by Crazy EBW

Nobody cares about Iverson's anymore so probably not.

lol truuuuue
they will prob still come out w/ more just on the low
His sig is still alive!

I saw the XIII and it's off the meter!

I posted pics but I deleted the post above because I thought that maybe they were up already.
i dont know why no one really like the answer v's.. to me they're one of my favorite ballin shoes ever.
Dude... no chains have them on display, no stores except Reebok have them online, and Reebok only has random sizes, none of which are mine. So is the goal withReebok to make these impossible to get? What the holy hell is the business strategy here? Effing ******s over there.
Originally Posted by SIRWAGON

Originally Posted by Guerrilla Warfare

Fool should of neva signed wit reebok..
The shoes they make for him..
its not like Nike has been doing right by their guys... just look at VC
Yeah Nike doesn't make shoes for washed up superstars. just bunches up a bunch of b-list stars and makes them all wear the same shoes with their own individual logos
Originally Posted by Turbo Mopar just bunches up a bunch of b-list stars and makes them all wear the same shoes with their own individual logos


Here's my question for you swoosh-slurpers who think Nike is perfect - Where is Nash's shoe? The BB1 or 2 or the Trash Talks were never in widereleased or advertised... for one of the smartest, funniest dudes in the NBA (check out "The Spokeman" stuff for Vitamin Water he did). If Nash had aline or even a few shirts, they would probably kill. Nike completely dropped the ball on that, oh, but now, after 2 MVP seasons, we get a shoe called the MVP,again with no obvious tie to Nash for the casual fan or ad campaign. AI was a controversial dude with an individuality few in the leage have ever had, Nash isnot. They didn't put out any ads for Nash. Why would you think they'd treat AI any better? Come to think of it, I haven't seen too many commericalsfor Roy or Durant or Mayo or Nate or anyone with a swoosh not named Kobe or Bron.

Stop acting like Nike is flawless.
Nike isn't flawless.

They are just 1,000,000 times better than Reebok in EVERY aspect possible. When's the last time AI had a commercial from Reebok? Was it the one with Jadafor the A5?
Crazy EBW wrote:
They are just 1,000,000 times better than Reebok in EVERY aspect possible
Man I love Nike shoes/Jordan shoes but the quality is @ss.� Reebok has way better materials and the fit/finish is great. The best part of all isthat they're not hyped or expensive like the others. I'll always ball in Reeboks/Adidas over Nike. The only thing Nike has going is their retro of hotshoes from back then. They even mess that up by giving us bad materials and misplacement of their zoom air pockets.

As for the tv ads, the A5 (with Jada) was the last ad you saw? That doesn't mean other ads didn't exist.
I forgot to add the TV commercial for the Reebok Answer IX . Just look it up on youtube.
I had the VI's too (white/blk).....and they were pretty good! Still better than some of the retro Jordans I've worn.
But your bias doesn't even make sense when you try to argue.

The only thing Nike has going for them is retro shoes? YEAH RIGHT.
Oh, you mean the Reeboks in my avatar? I have Jordans, Vintage Nikes, Retro Nikes too. I just chose that pic since they're not common. Plus I speak fromexperience since I wear many different brands of shoes for b-ball. Reebok, Nike, Converse, And1, Adidas...even Fila (yes Fila

Nice try tho....good effort.
Maybe you'd be better off if you go to the Nike section of the forum? They won't discuss anything that might upset you
I have the Answer IX's and X's and still ball in them frequently. The X is still one of my favorite shoes to play in. I'm just bummed that the pumpsystem has gone out of both styles in just one shoe. Such a shame because that was one of my favorite parts about them. On a side note, I like AI and all, buthe needs to go somewhere else other than Detroit. He just doesn't mesh well with the team and style of play that gets them wins. Example, they went on aseven game losing streak. Then AI gets injured and they've beat two of the best teams in their conference. I'd do anything to get Billups back at thispoint.
Originally Posted by Turbo Mopar

Oh, you mean the Reeboks in my avatar? I have Jordans, Vintage Nikes, Retro Nikes too. I just chose that pic since they're not common. Plus I speak from experience since I wear many different brands of shoes for b-ball. Reebok, Nike, Converse, And1, Adidas...even Fila (yes Fila

Nice try tho....good effort.
Maybe you'd be better off if you go to the Nike section of the forum? They won't discuss anything that might upset you

I don't even like Nike like that. Check around.

Reebok doesn't make better products than Nike. But I guess thats a you vs me vs him vs her argument. We could go on about that all week.

But you saying that Nike has NOTHING going for them besides retro sneakers is absolutely wrong.

Seriously, what does Reebok have going for them?
Originally Posted by Crazy EBW

Originally Posted by Turbo Mopar

Oh, you mean the Reeboks in my avatar? I have Jordans, Vintage Nikes, Retro Nikes too. I just chose that pic since they're not common. Plus I speak from experience since I wear many different brands of shoes for b-ball. Reebok, Nike, Converse, And1, Adidas...even Fila (yes Fila

Nice try tho....good effort.
Maybe you'd be better off if you go to the Nike section of the forum? They won't discuss anything that might upset you

I don't even like Nike like that. Check around.

Reebok doesn't make better products than Nike. But I guess thats a you vs me vs him vs her argument. We could go on about that all week.

But you saying that Nike has NOTHING going for them besides retro sneakers is absolutely wrong.

Seriously, what does Reebok have going for them?

What did you, buy stock in Nike? I don't completely agree with dude about Nike being useless except for retro, but the fact is their quality is quite lowand has been declining for some time now. Every Reebok I've had has been better quality than any Nike, period, and lasted significantly longer. Out of anyof the shoes I've worn regularly throughout my life, be they Reebok or Nike or New Balance or Asics or Saucony or Adidas or Puma, the Nikes haveconsistenly been the cheapest made, had the most stitching problems, fell apart soonest, suffered the most glue spotsand other imperfections, and on and on. They've also been the most hyped and the most expensive, so do what you will with that math.

I have a few pairs of Questions from back in the day, the same year the Jordan 11s were released, both shoes had clear soles. My Qs aren't yellow, in fact,I have a few pairs in the OG box that look like they just came out of the factory. There's no way anyone could say that about the J line. Hell, you can hopto the Jordan threads for any number of conversations about restoring shoes or putting together soles that fall apart after a few years or how the new $190 JSig is advertising "carbon fiber-like" materials.

Besides, if you knew anything about the business models, you would know how cheap Nike is. They were the first to start manufacturing products in 3rd worldcountries to save money on production so they could spend it on marketing. Defending Nike on the basis of innovation, that's fine. Defending Nike forproduct lines, like the Kobe branch, that work, that's fine too. But defending Nike for quality is completely ridiculous.

Nike is making the most money of any of the major brands, but to act like you've been a part of that, or furthermore than it shows you're right forliking the biggest selling brand, is stupid. That's like saying the best rapper is the one who sells the most records, or the best show is the one the mostpeople watch.

Reebok does a lot of things well - their football cleats and apparel, lifestyle line (for women) and running shoes are all very good, among other products.What's more amazing to me is the inexplicable brand loyalty. Nike has a history of pooping on its customers, and yet any time anyone points out a flawrelated to the swoosh there are 3 dozens cats on here telling them how awesome Nike is and you guys suck Nike makes more money! and all of that. I don'tget it. I like McDonals cheeseburgers, but I'm not gonna yell about Wendy's when someone points out the beef in my cheeseburger is pretty low grade.
Like I said before, I don't like Nike that much.

I just don't think Reebok is on their level as far as performance (Basketball especially) goes and obviously marketing. I'm not trying to totally knockReebok, they just aren't what they used to be.
Well I think I have the background and knowledge to speak on this subject. I work at Reebok in the design department and the designers are very smart,innovative, talented, etc. Reebok makes very good products, that are on par and sometimes better than Adidas or Nike, but Reebok doesn't have the marketingthat Nike/Adidas has, due to mismanagement of the company in the past, which has led to a bad perception of the company in the minds of consumers. I believeReebok will be making a comeback in the next 3-5 years.

"Crazy EBW" trust me Nike performance is not as great as people think it is. Most of it is marketing. Very good marketing. If you take a pair ofNikes/Reeboks/Adidas to a band saw and see whats inside a shoe, you would realize many of the same materials found in Nikes are also found in Reeboks also.Trust me Nike is not killing people in the performance department like you may think.

Shox-not as comfortable as traditional EVA or Zoom Air
Lunar Foam-It bottoms out after a few wears
Posite-Cool looking, but the weight of these shoes is usually really bad

These are examples of some of the failures of Nike in my opinion. The jury is still out on "Flywire".
Wow I got dudes who work for Reebok going at me too now?

Show me a Reebok basketball shoe that will perform better than the Huarache 08/09 and the Zoom BB and I will say that Reebok makes better basketball shoes.Reebok has zoom air? Must of missed that!
You went to this thread to talk trash first. In fact, you were the first to respond to this thread by saying that "nobody cares for Iverson shoes".
Can't really blame people for "going at you" since you're pretty much in here to doesn't matter that you ask what Reebokmodels are won't buy them/wear them anyway

If you still feel the need to argue for the sake of arguing.....go to a Kanye West thread and post how much you think he sucks. You might get some moreattention that way
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