is killing blacks * the newest form of crowdfunding?

is killing blacks a new way for white men to crowdfund?

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you misunderstand my belief in the soul doesnt come from the study or science.

you asked me for proof, i assumed you meant scientific, so i did.

now the excuses start - you have no experience in researching the soul and yet youre criticizing - and furthermore, just denying the experiments still doesnt leave you with a counter.  the burden of proof has shifted to you, you simply cannot deny any and all evidence i provide.

and you still havent explained to me how emotions like love are merely chemical reactions.

The. Study. You. Used. As. Proof. Is. Nonsense. Bunk. Gobbledy****. Hogwash. Poppycock. Baloney.

The only reason you believe those results to be true is because they confirm biases that you already held.

The rest of your post is just attempted deflection.
The. Study. You. Used. As. Proof.   My argurment Is. Nonsense. Bunk. Gobbledy****. Hogwash. Poppycock. Baloney.

The only reason you believe those results to be true is because they confirm biases that you already held.

The rest of your post is just attempted deflection.
 I have no real rebuttal, and cant think of answer to your question, so ill just say i didnt actually expect there to be studies on it.  so now theyre hogwash, because i need a human to explain to me in detail something that humans only have the beginning conceptions of.
the soul simply doesnt exist? 

I even blatantly said that I wasn't out to disprove the existence of the soul.

Thanks for proving that your reading comprehension really is that bad.

I even blatantly said that I wasn't out to disprove the existence of the soul.

Thanks for proving that your reading comprehension really is that bad.
It makes it totally impossible to discuss anything with someone who can't understand. Even when you lay it out for them as clear as you can.
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so youre not out to disprove the existence of a soul, just that the study i referenced isnt good enough for you?

so you really had no point in commenting other than to just to disagree with me.

if youre not saying it doesnt exist, then what are you saying? simply that i need to provide you proof of something that your "modern science" cant comprehend?

either way congratulations heres a cookie
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It makes it totally impossible to discuss anything with someone who can't understand. Even when you lay it out for them as clear as you can.

It's painful man.

And I thought he was just going for the goof in the Boardwalk thread too. :lol:
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