If ____ is so dominant, How can ____ only have ___ MVPS's isn't a strong argument at all.

It is in the case of Kobe.

Cause he was not the best player in the league for the majority of his career or even during his prime.

Like I said he was the best player in the league for 2/3 seasons max.

Great scorer but as soon as an all-around great player like Bron came in the game he took a back seat.
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How many player have more than 2 finals MVP's? Kareem and Bird got 2 also. Are we gonna discredit them to.

Maybe you're not understanding me. How can you be the most dominant player when it came down to the championship stage you werent even the "most valuable player" of your own team the majority of the time?

Which is why I put the percentage instead of saying he only has 2 NBA MVPs.

Bird won Finals MVP 2 of his 3 times in the Finals has 3 straight NBA MVPs

We all know Kareem was part of stacked hall of fame team and he still managed to win 6 MVPs

You cant discredit them

But if we take away the name and just call him Player B. and say he

won 1 league MVP in 15 years and in 5 Championship wins he's won 2 Final MVPs.

Thats a good but not great career. So yes individually he's overrated if 2nd to MJ or "dominant" is the title we're giving him.
2 finals MVP's out of 5 rings isn't great?? ..... Cmon man how that sound :lol

He's second to MJ as far as SG's. All time he's definitely top 10.
Neither is
______ is better than _____ because he has _____ rings.
Agreed. That ^ response should only be used when comparing people on the same wave length. As others have said, Robert Horry's name had NO business being brought up in this thread. People kill me with that nonsense.
It is in the case of Kobe.
Cause he was not the best player in the league for the majority of his career or even during his prime.
Like I said he was the best player in the league for 2/3 seasons max.
Great scorer but as soon as an all-around great player like Bron came in the game he took a back seat.

Subjective. There's no real barometer in gauging who the best player is, stats & how that translates to team success can mean more to different people. With that being said, Kobe's name has been brought up about who the best NBA player since 2002. Just the fact that you're making a thread like this & the amount of response it has garnered speaks volumes, I've seen similar threads in 2004. Only people I've seen in similar conversations for 10+ years were Kareem & Michael Jordan, speaks to their longevity & high level of play. Discredit the man all you want, but he's a first ballot hall of famer while still adding chapters to his legacy 16 years removed from his 1st season.
But if we take away the name and just call him Player B. and say he
won 1 league MVP in 15 years and in 5 Championship wins he's won 2 Final MVPs.
Thats a good but not great career. So yes individually he's overrated if 2nd to MJ or "dominant" is the title we're giving him.
You are changing your "tune." Now. The point was made that Kobe was a dominant player. Someone said NO, he isn't. If he was so dominant he wouldn't only have ____ MVPs.

And I am simply saying that you can't use that as a comeback because it is faulty logic.

Good not great career? How can you honestly make that statement? Strip Kobe's name off of his resume and you could honestly look at it and say it was JUST a good career?

If that is how you feel fine. There is nothing I can do to convince you otherwise. I will just say I disagree completely.
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I really just want to know why we (as humans) take sports so personal to the point it clouds logic.

A blank player resume has roughly 30K points, 17 years playing strong, 2 finals MVPs. 1 Real MVP. 14 MVPS, and you only consider that a GOOD career?

I mean I don't care if that blank player killed your father, how can you just say that is a GOOD career?

I am done.

Too many emotional arguments.
Maybe you're not understanding me. How can you be the most dominant player when it came down to the championship stage you werent even the "most valuable player" of your own team the majority of the time?
Which is why I put the percentage instead of saying he only has 2 NBA MVPs.
Bird won Finals MVP 2 of his 3 times in the Finals has 3 straight NBA MVPs
We all know Kareem was part of stacked hall of fame team and he still managed to win 6 MVPs
You cant discredit them
But if we take away the name and just call him Player B. and say he
won 1 league MVP in 15 years and in 5 Championship wins he's won 2 Final MVPs.
Thats a good but not great career. So yes individually he's overrated if 2nd to MJ or "dominant" is the title we're giving him.

Being enshrined in Hall of Fame usually equals a great career, right? Fun fact: Every MVP winner has made it into the Basketball Hall of Fame. Coincidence? Probably not.

And who has ever called Kobe the most dominant player during his 1st 3 NBA Championships? Shaq was the man & deserved all 3 of those Finals MVP awards. Hell, if Michael Jordan was on those Laker teams, Shaq probably still ends up with 3. Shaq demolished anybody in front of him & only an idiot coach would run the offense through any other player. When it was Kobe's turn to be the man, he was & earned his 2 Finals MVP awards.

Your whole posts reeks of hate. 1 league MVP in 15 years, 5 Championships & 2 Final MVPs is only good? Are you basing that off of NBA 2K stats? :lol
Thats a good but not great career. So yes individually he's overrated if 2nd to MJ or "dominant" is the title we're giving him.
See I still don't understand this.

No matter how GODLY #1 is in anything, if someone is #2, they are #2. How is being #2 considered overrated when comparing that #2 to the #1?

I don't get it.

That, I don't get. You tried hard on that one though.
I object kobe is the most clutch player,Ever to play the game,if not next to jordan,lebron cannot be compared to kobe or jordan period
It's a shame really. In his prime he's a great wing player, one of the greatest and during his prime he was better than everybody else he was competing with in that position but that's where it stops for me.

He was never the closest to Jordan, he's not 2nd only to him, and he was never as dominant as the most dominant players.
I really just want to know why we (as humans) take sports so personal to the point it clouds logic.

A blank player resume has roughly 30K points, 17 years playing strong, 2 finals MVPs. 1 Real MVP. 14 MVPS, and you only consider that a GOOD career?

I mean I don't care if that blank player killed your father, how can you just say that is a GOOD career?

I am done.

Too many emotional arguments.

You're the one sounding emotional though....

14 MVPs? :rollin

He's had a great career but others have had greater careers and been more skilled all around players. That's just the truth.

Whats so hard to understand or accept about that?

Being one of the top 15 players in the history of the league is legendary but when so many people keep claiming that you're top 5, when you're clearly are being overrated.
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We all know Kareem was part of stacked hall of fame team and he still managed to win 6 MVPs

The only stacked team Kareem won MVP's(2) with were the Bucks. The Laker teams he played on in the 70's were far different than the Lakers of the 80's, and he won his last MVP award during Magic's rookie season. Just saying his 70's Lakers where he won 4 MVP awards were far from the stacked Laker teams of the 80's.
I think people are quick to forget when Kobe was the best player in the NBA, and during that time, he was Must-See-TV. The times have changed, and there is no player who is Must-See-TV anymore--and I don't think there will ever be again. If we talk about Lebron, who is by far the best player in the L, no one is watching him day-in and day-out. People's attention spans have gotten shorter, the internet allows people to participate in basketball fandom without actually watching all of the games.
^ Kobe was never the best All Around Player in the league. He was the best Scorer for a period of time. But he was never as dominant as Tim Duncan in both their primes.
When Kobe retires, I promise you and ya'll can QUOTE ME on this, the NBA ratings will DROP big time. You can go to just about ANY other city aside from LA and half the fans have Kobe gear on and ALL the fans (yes even you haters) are there to watch KOBE. Although he is great along with others, lebron does NOT have this. Another thing for those dissing on Kobe's age he is still dropping 40 pluse points, getting double digit rebounds and even as a SHOOTING guard averages more assist then many POINT guards (it still amazes and annoys me big time how people say he shoots too much, but yet FAILS to REALIZE Kobe is a SHOOTING guard, who yes I will say it again averages more assist then many POINT guards)! When these guys hit Kobes age I promise you they will not be half of what he is now. Period. Too add about the fan base the mans oversease buzz can NOT and will NOT ever be touched by the current players. As far as scoring ANYONE who watches basketball KNOWS that Kobe handed over the scoring title to KD this past year when EASILY could have WON it.

@ this being 20 pages

We shouldnt even be arguing about him being overrated in his 17th season
 Or him overall , its every year dudes wanna say he is overrated like **** with that bs mayne , you wanna argue hes overrated , you shouldve been argued he was overrated around the 2004 era , maybe .. Better yet , dont even argue with him being overrated -_-

He put in work every single year hes played for the lakers and thats a damn fact , Ive never seen him quit . Ive never seen anything for me to think hes over rated , the fact that theres even a thread about him makes me laugh , yall wanna say hes overrated when yall are acknowledging him 
 I see no reason to say dudeds overrated , hes over being overrated , hes over being underated , hes over everything .. hes above all that 
 hes a legend already , hes an active hall of famer still playing 

I hate to say this , but im gonna say it . Its like saying Michael Jordans overraterd when he was already retiring 

He had his time , he is a legend still playing somewhat in his prime but its okay cause hes put in work to put himover the top , people all around the world still love him

.99.9% of china loves him , so the fact that he can have a horrible season , wouldnt even mind me at all about him being overated , i wouldnt even care , ll just be like damn he had a bad season and thats about it , cause he did what he had to do , he overcame alot of hate , he knows that .. he over came alot of ish , adversity , to be at the level he is and yall wanna say hes overated 

Theres hundreds of videos of Kobe on youtube ,  youtube Mixes , everything.. For the future generation of this world , and cause of those videos alot of people will look back on Kobe when hes retired , they will then see only the greatest plays of Kobe and nothing ELSE.

They wont be hearing hate , they wont be hearing anything that is against Kobe , just that he is a hall of famer , a champion , and 1 of the greatest players to ever play the game , to BE IN THE GAME WITH HIS ABILITY TO SCORE , DRIVE , PASS , PLAY , DUNK , AGGRESSION , He went thru alot of phases in the game and that right there makes him ! He could do anything anybody could do !! and youube will have the proof there , by showing how good a player he is , so GO LOOK AT VIDEOS FOR YOURSELF !!!!!!!!!!! 

The way kobe played it out , he got it right , he got it on lock , for example sure theres videos of Lebron too but the history will haunt him ,people will forever say , it took him 9years to win a ring 
 and then the hype will be dead, he'll just be known as that great player

I want to add these 2 quotes off this page :

When Kobe retires, I promise you and ya'll can QUOTE ME on this, the NBA ratings will DROP big time. You can go to just about ANY other city aside from LA and half the fans have Kobe gear on and ALL the fans (yes even you haters) are there to watch KOBE. Although he is great along with others, lebron does NOT have this. Another thing for those dissing on Kobe's age he is still dropping 40 pluse points, getting double digit rebounds and even as a SHOOTING guard averages more assist then many POINT guards (it still amazes and annoys me big time how people say he shoots too much, but yet FAILS to REALIZE Kobe is a SHOOTING guard, who yes I will say it again averages more assist then many POINT guards)! When these guys hit Kobes age I promise you they will not be half of what he is now. Period. Too add about the fan base the mans oversease buzz can NOT and will NOT ever be touched by the current players. As far as scoring ANYONE who watches basketball KNOWS that Kobe handed over the scoring title to KD this past year when EASILY could have WON it.
I object kobe is the most clutch player,Ever to play the game,if not next to jordan,lebron cannot be compared to kobe or jordan period

Need i say more ?
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I don't think that at any time in his career, did anyone, not any of his peers, nor any of the veterans, say that Kobe Bryant was the future of the NBA. However, we've seen plenty say that LeBron James is indeed just that.

As much as I hate Nike, and I think that this is pretty well known here on Nike Talk, LeBron is indeed the man and also the face of NBA. So when that All Time Top Ten list comes around in a few years, and usually it's ESPN that does it, Kobe is not going to be up there.

I can almost guarantee that.

It's going to go by era, and then who contributed to what in their respective era's.

Let's break it down again.

Mikan made Pro Basketball and the NBA popular, as he is the Babe Ruth of the modern NBA.

Wilt? No explanation needed here.

Russ? Rings, character, exceptional intellect while on court, a leader.

Oscar. The only man to put the fear of God in the Celtics in that time...and he had no help in regard to talent, and still averaged damn near a triple double for his career.

Kareem Abdul Jabbar. Consistency, night in, night out. You knew what you were going to get, every, single, time. They knew what he was going to do, and still could not stop it.

Dr. J. Not much is said about this, but when he came in from the ABA, ticket sales for Sixer games in NBA cities saw a sudden spike, increasing the revenue for the league as a whole. The NBA was also able to increase it's price of advertising. This cat was THAT dude. When he played up the Rucker in Harlem, people sat on fences, school rooftops, and then in trees to watch him do his thing. This is the first cat to bring that street cred to the NBA.

Magic and Bird, nuff said.

Jordan. Needless to say, there would not even be a Nike Talk, if it were not for Jordan. His spot on the list is so solid, that he can be the worst owner in the NBA, and still be considered number 1 all time.

The order I've placed this in, is due to their era, as it relates to now. Nobody has picked up the ball after Jordan left.


Shaq did his best, but could not sustain it, and if Duncan had a personality, he'd been that dude. But Kobe Bryant didn't even come close to eclipsing his own teammate, and that is probably another reason as to why he wanted Shaq gone and out of his way.

I'd personally give Kobe top fifteen, but not Top Ten.

LeBron is going to be that dude, just watch.
How a player in his 17th season with all his achievements is still be debated as "overrated" is nuts. I understand when this garbage was being posted in early Niketalk when you could compare him to T-Mac, Iverson, Vince Carter, Ray Allen etc but now after all he's done and still is the best 2 guard in the NBA (while his peers are role players or reduced to playing in China) there is still non believing doubters? Same ones who said Shaq made him and he'd suck without him. Of course if its comparisons to Jordan, then he cant live up to that comparison and his career is a lower rating to the best ever, M.J.. But his career accomplishments cant be denied, the numbers speak for themselves and if you deny/discredit/"hate on" them then you are deny the straight "facts".
You're the one sounding emotional though....
14 MVPs? :rollin
He's had a great career but others have had greater careers and been more skilled all around players. That's just the truth.
Whats so hard to understand or accept about that?
Being one of the top 15 players in the history of the league is legendary but when so many people keep claiming that you're top 5, when you're clearly are being overrated.
I sound emotional because I am replying to foolishness? Cool.

14 was a typo clearly man.

Of course others have had greater careers. Who denied that?

There have been more skilled all around. Who denied that?

Didn't know it was a hard concept to accept. Didn't know anyone denied any of that.
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