^ what part of that is stupid? Has Kobe EVER won a championship without his big men dominating? is he not a Me first player? Has he not always been a Me first player? Is him being a top 15, not top 10, player not fathomable? Dude called him a top 15 player and yall got your skirts in a bunch.
so again its everyone else's fault right?

Of course he's having one of his most efficient seasons ever scoringwise. Kobe gonna Kobe. Kobe being Kobe isn't why they won ships. Kobe in a system where he was forced to pass to his bigs and move the ball is why Lakers won ships. (See Lakers record without Kobe career wise at almost 70%)

I keep forgetting young fans think shooting 38 times for 30 points while not getting your 2 7 footers involved is" doing your job" in the time where scoring 128 points is considered basketball. Its not.

Kobe could learn a lot from KD. Seems like he's becoming a more complete player than Kobe ever was. Watching Kobe play I can't tell if his Basketball IQ is low or his stubbornness just not allowing him to make the RIGHT basketball play.

Kobe is a top 15 player he is not a top 5 player. He's not even a top 3 Laker.
This, like most of the detractors posts in here, is incredibly stupid
= "Good point. I have nothing intelligent to add."
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Jordan wasnt playing with the Best C in the league, most skilled PF in the league, and a two time MVP PG. Kobes what 34/35? Jordan was 39/40 on the Wizards, having retired for 3 seasons prior. You compare the two as if they were in the exact same situation.

for one, the best center in the league is coming off back surgery, most skilled pf in the league is in a slump, the two time mvp is old..

people here, act like kobe is not one of the greats simply cause his teams isnt performing well.. since when does it all depend on kobe? for the 2nd oldest player on the team he has the most responsibility on defense as well as on offense.. so yeah, if people think kobe should be considered one of the greats then neither should jordan.
^ what part of that is stupid? Has Kobe EVER won a championship without his big men dominating? is he not a Me first player? Has he not always been a Me first player? Is him being a top 15, not top 10, player not fathomable? Dude called him a top 15 player and yall got your skirts in a bunch.

yeah he actually did.. cause pau or bynum werent exactly mvp caliber in the finals
for one, the best center in the league is coming off back surgery, most skilled pf in the league is in a slump, the two time mvp is old..

people here, act like kobe is not one of the greats simply cause his teams isnt performing well.. since when does it all depend on kobe? for the 2nd oldest player on the team he has the most responsibility on defense as well as on offense.. so yeah, if people think kobe should be considered one of the greats then neither should jordan.

I love how its ALWAYS on his teammates, never any fault of his own. WTF does Jordan on the Wizards have to with Kobe on the Lakers?

And for the record, Pau was dominant in the last two ship runs, people were calling him the best PF in the league at the time. Or do you only watch Kobe?
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^ what part of that is stupid? Has Kobe EVER won a championship without his big men dominating? is he not a Me first player? Has he not always been a Me first player? Is him being a top 15, not top 10, player not fathomable? Dude called him a top 15 player and yall got your skirts in a bunch.

Yes he has. The last two chips in fact. No he is not. Unless we want to crown Jordan even more selfish. Of course you wouldnt actually do that would you? Even though Kobe shoots considerably less than Jordan did. He hasn't always been a me first player. He's been a I'll do whatever it takes to win player but not me first. And its very unfathomable to call him top 15 when you can't really name 10 players with better careers
^ what part of that is stupid? Has Kobe EVER won a championship without his big men dominating? is he not a Me first player? Has he not always been a Me first player? Is him being a top 15, not top 10, player not fathomable? Dude called him a top 15 player and yall got your skirts in a bunch.

Yes he has. The last two chips in fact. No he is not. Unless we want to crown Jordan even more selfish. Of course you wouldnt actually do that would you? Even though Kobe shoots considerably less than Jordan did. He hasn't always been a me first player. He's been a I'll do whatever it takes to win player but not me first. And its very unfathomable to call him top 15 when you can't really name 10 players with better careers
No way!

Kobe is still the 2nd best player in the league!

The only guy that's close to being 2nd is maybe Durant

BRB "2nd best player in the league!" 11 seed in west.

BRB kobe wants a roster change cause Prime Dwight, top 5 big man Gasol, and Nash not enough.

BRB Not gonna make any excuses but legs are tired.

BRB #DON'Tcountonkobe
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Yes he has. The last two chips in fact. No he is not. Unless we want to crown Jordan even more selfish. Of course you wouldnt actually do that would you? Even though Kobe shoots considerably less than Jordan did. He hasn't always been a me first player. He's been a I'll do whatever it takes to win player but not me first. And its very unfathomable to call him top 15 when you can't really name 10 players with better careers

Kobe " I dont take charges" Bryant is a do whatever it takes to win player? The same Kobe that drove the most dominant big man of all time in Shaq out of LA is not a Me first player?

LOL@ " The last two chips in fact" Kobe couldnt even get out of the first round of playoffs without a dominant big man. The Last two chips in fact... :lol:
Kobe " I dont take charges" Bryant is a do whatever it takes to win player? The same Kobe that drove the most dominant big man of all time in Shaq out of LA is not a Me first player?

Just want your honest opinion..... Do you think Shaq wasn't equally at fault for the split.
Reiterating this because I feel like this is the adequate explanation as to whether he is "Overrated" or not.

Don't know why I'm entertaining this thread but whatever here goes :lol:

As i've stated before Kobe Bryant is a another really good high volume guy with the fortune of playing under the best coach in league history with one of the top 3 centers in league history for the majority of his career. Does that make him overrated?

To a degree, not fully though. There is no doubt that playing with a prime shaq, a prime gasol, and under PJ has played a huge role in his status amongst the NBA elite. That is not up for discussion. So from that perspective, maybe he is a little overrated because he is a high volume guy and it can definitely be argued that you could replace other really good high volume guys and maybe get the same results as Kobe did. (I know, same old argument but it's unavoidable when you're talking about whether or not bean is overrated)

However, at the same time Kobe could have just been a role player on those teams and been a 15 ppg player in the league. You have to be an extremely talented basketball player (EXTREMELY) to be able to do some of the stuff he's accomplished in the NBA. 30k points,81 points in a game, 62 in 3 quarters, countless shots in the clutch, multiple runs of 40 and 50 point games in a row, that isn't overrated, that can't be. No matter what way you cut it, that isn't overrated. That's greatness. His skill, if anything is underrated. VERY FEW in the history of the L can replicate what Kobe has done and is continuing to do in his career.

So as a basketball player is he overrated? **** no. He's a phenomenal talent who has maximized his potential as a basketball player fully. He has good size, but everything else imo was acquired. He was never the most athletic, the quickest, jumped the highest, etc. especially when you compare him to his peers of his time. (This is not to say that he was a slouch in those departments, it's just saying that his natural gifts were not nearly as evident in comparison to those guys)

His fortune is imo what makes him Overrated/Underrated because they sort of skew his place in NBA history. To have the fortune to play under phil, with a prime shaq, a prime gasol, a prime dwight, steve nash, etc. have to account for something in regards to his lustrous legacy.
Kobe " I dont take charges" Bryant is a do whatever it takes to win player? The same Kobe that drove the most dominant big man of all time in Shaq out of LA is not a Me first player?

LOL@ " The last two chips in fact" Kobe couldnt even get out of the first round of playoffs without a dominant big man. The Last two chips in fact...
didnt shaq want crazy money and the lakers said no. kobe and shaq wanted to be alphas which obviously caused the fallout but shaq wanted money the lakers were not going to give him.
didnt shaq want crazy money and the lakers said no. kobe and shaq wanted to be alphas which obviously caused the fallout but shaq wanted money the lakers were not going to give him.

Kobe was a FA if I'm not mistaken that year, or the year after. And the Lakers chose Kobe over Shaq.
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Kobe " I dont take charges" Bryant is a do whatever it takes to win player? The same Kobe that drove the most dominant big man of all time in Shaq out of LA is not a Me first player?

LOL@ " The last two chips in fact" Kobe couldnt even get out of the first round of playoffs without a dominant big man. The Last two chips in fact... :lol:

You sound foolish. So shaq wasn't a me first player? The guy who stayed with his face in the camera as opposed to the guy who stayed in the gym? That guy who constantly demanded the ball even when he was shooting more than Kobe? THAT GUY isn't a me first player but the guy who shot less, played the opposing teams best player all game, and closed out games is? If you're going to say stupid stuff at least try harder. Gasol didn't become dominant til he got to LA. He was really good...not dominant.
So out of 100% . How much does Kobe get, how much does Shaq get.

I really cant give it a percentage. Was it 50/50 in your opinion?

I think you have other factors in there. Including Phil & the Lakers organization..

But I think it's close.. Shaq never adapted to Kobe getting better.. And wouldn't treat him any different than he was when he first came in the league. Told the media Kobe can't win without him.. Came into seasons out of shape, and wouldn't play hard full games, or even at the start of the season.

Kobe has an attitude that really is hard to deal with.. I get it. But it's not like it's out of spite. He's there to win games. He wants to play. No smiles, just playing... But I get how that would rub someone the wrong way.

Phil seem to try to avoid the confrontation.

Lakers organization needed to step in because everyone knew what was going on. They waited to long/ didn't even try to defuse the situation.
I'd take Melo, LeBron and Durant ahead of Kobe right now. He's not the 2nd best player in the league right now



Maybe Durant (if he shows up in the Finals and not defer to Lebron again)after the season but not now

Hows a guy overrated when he 2-3 best player in the league at age 34

Yall are crazy


Maybe Durant (if he shows up in the Finals and not defer to Lebron again)after the season but not now

Hows a guy overrated when he 2-3 best player in the league at age 34

Yall are crazy
Yeah I have to agree with that.  Him even being in the conversation right now is insane considering his age.  Oh, and he has 5 chips in case anyone's forgetting.
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