Is Los Angeles as good as they say it is or is it all overrated?

We're all gonna show the city we live in love. I'm not above saying LA is awesome but it does have its flaws as do every other metro city. There's a reason why so many ppl move to LA, professionally the entertainment capital of the country and since most think they are the next big thing they'll come to LA to try their luck. The majority of them don't get to their goal but they stay for the lifestyle and bonuses of just living in LA. They can go waiter in many places but LA/Cali has higher min wages so they're not leaving.
:lol:  at SD/OC better than LA. I've lived in both places for several years and neither are touching LA. If you're like boring cities for retired people then yea maybe those 2 places are for you.

I lived in OC for a year, good luck getting a good meal after 9pm, alot of the food places close so early. It's funny I all I see in this thread is _____ > LA or LA is whack. But no one really gives a reason why (except the bad traffic)

tourist attractions
sports teams

cost of living (rent/price of homes)
price of gas

LA -

Polluted as hell
Dirty/Lots of homeless (tent cities downtown)
Full of fake *** people

SD -

Beautiful women
Beautiful weather
Beautiful beaches
Vibrant downtown

Not even a comparison..

What took you so long? Usually you spew your hate for LA within page 1-3. We get it, some dude from LA flogged your girlfriend. So much bitterness, :lol:.

Homeless people is a part of major city, that's where they flock, since major cities have more services. I've wandered the streets of SF, plenty of times, homeless and panhandlers all over the place, same with NY. Tent cities? Talking about skid row, which isn't a big area to begin with.

SD doesn't have gangs? :lol:

Traffic, like any major city, if you drive you're going to sit in traffic. I'd rather sit in LA traffic than ride BART or NYC's Subway during rush hour. I'm from SoCal, don't need you all up in my space.

Different strokes...

Find out for yourself, don't let someone else's experience dictate your adventures.
What took you so long? Usually you spew your hate for LA within page 1-3. We get it, some dude from LA flogged your girlfriend. So much bitterness,

Homeless people is a part of major city, that's where they flock, since major cities have more services. I've wandered the streets of SF, plenty of times, homeless and panhandlers all over the place, same with NY. Tent cities? Talking about skid row, which isn't a big area to begin with.

SD doesn't have gangs?

Traffic, like any major city, if you drive you're going to sit in traffic. I'd rather sit in LA traffic than ride BART or NYC's Subway during rush hour. I'm from SoCal, don't need you all up in my space.

Different strokes...

Find out for yourself, don't let someone else's experience dictate your adventures.
THIS i rather sit in my spacious car then have to be stuck between people
What took you so long? Usually you spew your hate for LA within page 1-3. We get it, some dude from LA flogged your girlfriend. So much bitterness,

Homeless people is a part of major city, that's where they flock, since major cities have more services. I've wandered the streets of SF, plenty of times, homeless and panhandlers all over the place, same with NY. Tent cities? Talking about skid row, which isn't a big area to begin with.

SD doesn't have gangs?

Traffic, like any major city, if you drive you're going to sit in traffic. I'd rather sit in LA traffic than ride BART or NYC's Subway during rush hour. I'm from SoCal, don't need you all up in my space.

Different strokes...

Find out for yourself, don't let someone else's experience dictate your adventures.
562 area checking here Born and Raised in LA COUNTY. I have been to SF 1 time and I was 10 so I did not like it might go now that I am an adult and check it out. SD is cool chill place would not mind living there but I would never live in OC it is not my type of place even though I graduated from CSUF I did not enjoy dipping thru OC hoods I get lost everything seems backwards to me coming from LA. My favorite city is Santa Monica
All I know is one Saturday I went snowboarding and ate dinner on the beach at sunset
 Nothing like my hometown i'm forever living
i'm outside of LA but i'm always there and consider it my second home. coming from someone who lives in a small way laid back city like mine, i love LA and everything it has, i get that home feeling whenever i'm there. majority of my girlfriends have been from LA/neighboring cities. the traffic comes in handy when you're trying to find a spot to eat or spots to skate for me 
 but it can get frustrating at times obviously if you're not use to it.
Whatever man.

When you set foot off of plane you think you are in a different world. That goes for all of Southern California.

I travel with my job every weekend and today I just flew back from NY and man is this true. Every single time I land in LAX it feels like a different world.
Only been there once but LA>>>
Fits the type of lifestyle I would want to live

San Diego sucks
Only been there once but LA>>>
Fits the type of lifestyle I would want to live

San Diego sucks
Went to LA for two days last month to perform at Dunk Xchange in Long Beach. People hype LA up so much, but I guess me being from Miami it was a smooth transition so there was no real culture shock or "change of pace" because we're the down south version of y'all (minus the entertainment industry). I had fun, didn't get to explore how I would have liked, but the way the neighborhoods looked (especially the lower class areas) remind me A LOT of Miami and they got some gorgeous females out there.

A couple of observations about LA (compared to Miami)

1) We're known for having some of the worst drivers in the US, but WOW LA is on another level. When driving to our show we was almost hit from the side from cars trying to merge like if we weren't there.

2) The one thing that caught me off guard was the Asian population. I see it on TV and movies but coming from South Florida, I've known like 3 and a half Asians my whole life lol.

3) So many of the Latin people in LA speak English. We would go around from place to place and anyone we had to speak with that looked "like they didn't speak English", everyone was like "man, handle that", only to find out they speak fluent English. In Miami it's the opposite, you can be black and you gon have people to come to you like "espiki spani???"

I definitely wanna go back just to explore and turn up, hopefully soon.
LA -

Polluted as hell
Dirty/Lots of homeless (tent cities downtown)
Full of fake *** people

SD -

Beautiful women
Beautiful weather
Beautiful beaches
Vibrant downtown

Not even a comparison..
 I swear every opportunity you get to throw shade on L.A., you take it. Why do you hate my city so much?
Ignore that clown. He's just a salty human being.
my cousin just moved BACK to NYC from miami, he said it gets boring after alwhile.

Now that I believe. Once you get the partying out your system what is there to do? And when i said do, is the sticky icky good any good :lol:

Thats why Cali is so dope no matter what, if you got nothing else to do, just head outside cop some green, sit on the porch and turn the radio on :pimp: :pimp:

Of course with your local preacher,

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