Is "Merry Xmas" the right thing to say?

Originally Posted by jerseymizzle

i think he's talking about his parents? like one's jewish and one's christian. also the jewish label is could never practice judaism in your life but you're still jewish if your mother is a jew. i don't really get why that is but i'm not jewish either.

hmm didn't know that, definitely clarified. i knew he meant his parents, but he said he's half this half that religion wise, and i just don'tunderstand that. once again i don't mean this to be an attack or nothing, i am always curious when i encounter that statement.
I hope people dont think christmas was the first thing celebrated this time of year

Of course there is nothing wrong with saying Merry Christmas, but we live in a multi-culture world. Instead of pleasing one group of people, why not reach outto all. Thats why it has changed over the years. This is especially important for companies, more business, better customer/employee relations. It's notabout taking "christ" out of Christmas, its about having everyone come together as a whole, and having everyone being able to celebrate what theybelieve in.

Anyways, Happy Holidays!
I would say Merry Christmas. If somebody is offended by that, then they aren't really living their religion anyways.

But with in regards to the comments about how Christ is being removed from everything these days...I agree, it's really sad how commercial and howsensitive our world has become...

Believe what you will, regardless of what religion you belong to, but don't change the way you celebrate it because the media or society says otherwise.
Originally Posted by H4ppyTime Harry

I hope people dont think christmas was the first thing celebrated this time of year

Of course there is nothing wrong with saying Merry Christmas, but we live in a multi-culture world. Instead of pleasing one group of people, why not reach out to all. Thats why it has changed over the years. This is especially important for companies, more business, better customer/employee relations. It's not about taking "christ" out of Christmas, its about having everyone come together as a whole, and having everyone being able to celebrate what they believe in.

Anyways, Happy Holidays!

Very well said.
Originally Posted by Samito5

With the holiday season here, I was wondering what everyone thinks.. Is it proper to say "MERRY CHRISTMAS" to someone as you see them??
I would wish everyone a Merry Christmas regardless if they celebrate it or not.

This political correctness has gotten too far.

If they get salty and tell me why they mad, son, then so what? You mad, too bad.
if someone actually got offended by me sayin merry christmas to them, i'd just be like "you know what? %$+$ you. get outta here."
I prefer saying Merry Christmas. The entire "let's not say Merry Christmas because we wouldn't want to offend the maybe 5% of Americans who do notcelebrate" argument is really sad. Stand up for what you believe in. Me? I celebrate Christmas, and everyone I know around my area does as well, so youknow what I am going to say to them? Merry Christmas.

Besides, I don't want to say "happy holidays" because I might offend the handful of people in this country who might not look at this as aholiday!
I celebrate Christmas, and I will say Merry Christmas to people I know celebrate Christmas, but if I didn't know I would say Happy Holidays
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