is shaun livingston injury the worst in nba history...vid

Originally Posted by AIRJORDAN JB23

The worst I've seen...
So what all happened with Allen Ray after that? It all turned out to be all right did it not?
From what I remember them saying immediately the next day, it WAS NOT Allen Ray's eyeball that was popped forward. It was his eyelid that was completelyflipped inwards causing his vision to be blurred and also making it look like his eye was popped out. I saw the game live and it was
to watch.
Originally Posted by Durden7

The Livingston/Alan Ray injuries werent NASTY.

Who was the guy from Memphis who shattered his kneecap during layup lines and had to miss the title game? THAT was horrific. The stills from that injury give me the shivers.
It was Loderick (or Roderick, I get them mixed up) Stewart from Kansas. Had to miss the championship game against Memphis. That thing washorrific.
comment from youtube
Yeah, his eye did not pop out of the socket. The poke actually caused his eyelid to go behind his eye. It makes it look like his eye popped out but itdidn't. He actually played a game a week later. He temporarily lost vision in his eye but it came back fully. No ill effects.
Seen that once never watched it again.

Feel bad for him dude was on the come up.
wow, first time i've seen an aye poked out like that, and the sid video made me cringe

Damn RA had to come check on me in the dorm after seeing that Allen Ray vid ugh man..............Nightmares for days now
This is the worst in NBA history for sure(in game). not only because of how it looked but because of the way its shot this guys career too. second to thiswould be that time when Jason Kidd-David Wesley bumped heads. that was really bloody.
best picture i could find from google images, sorry its not that good.
but worst injury on video, and people should know this, was when LT broke Joe Naismiths leg.
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