Is Social Media Destroying Society? Former Facebook Exec Says 'Yes'

I think subject-driven forums and lifestyle media sites are more similar than people would like to admit. not like they're checking ID on Snapchat either.
I think subject-driven forums and lifestyle media sites are more similar than people would like to admit. not like they're checking ID on Snapchat either.
Dudes just want to be able to "talk down about heavy social media users." But they do the same things on here.

NTUser23: I hate how social media is a bunch of folks posting their outfits for the approval of others

2 Days LAter.......

NTUser23: Creates thread: "What Did You Wear Today."

But it is different..........
Yea there are similarities but they aren't the same.

On fb, every single person I know there, I know their name, I know what they look like, other personal details.

I do not know a single persons name on here, I don't know what 98% of you look like,I dont know what most of u do for a living.

That's a huge difference. That's the difference in solving a crime or something.
Yeah the identity factor is really the only big difference I could think of.
I would add to the identity factor, is the revealing of the information straight away without clicking through to a page on a message board.

So I can see the “what’s in your pocket thread” and choose not to be interested in it.

Where as FB, or IG, not only show the information without you clicking through, it actually has built in algorithms to keep showing you things u might be sucked in to. Aka ways to make you spend more time on the site or platform.

That’s a distinct difference between the message boards and social media platforms. And yes that could be attributed to structure but it still makes concepts different or at least the user experience different

I would IMGUR, is more of a social platform than message boards
-career thread
-hometown > other place thread (I was born here, it is better than everywhere else.)
-grub thread (I totally live in this city because I eat in all the restaurants.)
-TAY (these are my dealings and lifestyle, have some pics of the women I like, hope you are also attracted to them.)
-father thread (I have 2 kids, here are their names and some pictures of them.)
-political thread (I am a 36 year old nursing tech and I am affected by this.)
-TAN (I'm posting from my job, these are my work hours.)
-email/IP (we all signed up.)

if one was inclined...IF one was could easily assemble a comprehensive profile on a given NT user.

on other social media sites, one could easily omit any or all of these details. you don't even have to use your own pic.

there's a thin veil over our secret identities on here/reddit/thecoli, but either way we only share as much as we want and have probably shared more than we think.
-career thread
-hometown > other place thread (I was born here, it is better than everywhere else.)
-grub thread (I totally live in this city because I eat in all the restaurants.)
-TAY (these are my dealings and lifestyle, have some pics of the women I like, hope you are also attracted to them.)
-father thread (I have 2 kids, here are their names and some pictures of them.)
-political thread (I am a 36 year old nursing tech and I am affected by this.)
-TAN (I'm posting from my job, these are my work hours.)
-email/IP (we all signed up.)

if one was inclined...IF one was could easily assemble a comprehensive profile on a given NT user.

on other social media sites, one could easily omit any or all of these details. you don't even have to use your own pic.

there's a thin veil over our secret identities on here/reddit/thecoli, but either way we only share as much as we want and have probably shared more than we think.

once you connected to any type of internet a profile was being built on you and moreso if you were born recent enough where you had social media and forum use in your formative years.
if one was inclined...IF one was could easily assemble a comprehensive profile on a given NT user.

on other social media sites, one could easily omit any or all of these details. you don't even have to use your own pic.

there's a thin veil over our secret identities on here/reddit/thecoli, but either way we only share as much as we want and have probably shared more than we think.
I don't use my real name on ANY form of SM.

Not even FB.

So I am not seeing the difference here.
U don't use your real name on fb or ig? Lol

I don't have IG. But nobody I personally know uses their name on IG either. Didn't know that was a thing for folks that didn't have an established name

Why don't I use my real name on FB? No need. Anyone that can find me will or vice versa.

Yall haven't realized that dc is dhalsim when it comes to arguments? :lol: when you have him in a corner he'll find a way to not be wrong and transport to a totally different point.

got curious and looked, at least on my IG maybe 20 percent of people use their everyday names, like straight up "Alicia Helms" or "Hiroshi Del Rio."
Yall haven't realized that dc is dhalsim when it comes to arguments? :lol: when you have him in a corner he'll find a way to not be wrong and transport to a totally different point.

Not applicable here at all.

nt is social media. Haven't avoided anything but the stupid request of my social media accounts
If NT is the same as other social media then post a link to your FB or other sm account

Not tryna pick sides but im curious as to why his fb is important. What is that gonna prove? Lol

Ig, FB, NT, Twitter, tumblr, Snapchat are all social media.

difference is the structure. Like dude said, more common stuff than differences.
NT is def social media

the only distinction is that we dont have our actual faces on here so under the guise of anonymity we actually create a much more detailed profile of ourselves if someone gave a **** enough to go thru your whole post history. yall ****** have told some crazy stories on here that im sure would never touch your real IG or Twitter timelines.
Not tryna pick sides but im curious as to why his fb is important. What is that gonna prove? Lol

Ig, FB, NT, Twitter, tumblr, Snapchat are all social media.

difference is the structure. Like dude said, more common stuff than differences.
He was trolling, attempting to. He failed
Lol I failed?

Not tryna pick sides but im curious as to why his fb is important. What is that gonna prove? Lol

Ig, FB, NT, Twitter, tumblr, Snapchat are all social media.

difference is the structure. Like dude said, more common stuff than differences.

It's going to prove that it's not the same.

He keeps deflecting and won't post it because he knows that. Probably reply with another deflection.

The difference is how personal one is. He said he doesn't even use his real name and he still won't post it. Probably because he doesn't want us to see his real life.

Which I understand btw.

I wasn't trolling it's a simple request.
It is not hard. If I agreed with him id do it easily
He keeps deflecting and won't post it because he knows that. Probably reply with another deflection.

The difference is how personal one is. He said he doesn't even use his real name and he still won't post it. Probably because he doesn't want us to see his real life.

Which I understand btw.

I wasn't trolling it's a simple request.
It is not hard. If I agreed with him id do it easily
Add another worm to the line.
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