Is Social Media hurting NT or we gucci?

If anything, NT is more like Reddit to me with subscribed threads being the subreddits.
Social media is hurting society in general. It's a hiding space. It's the equivalent of putting your hands on your pocket.

I scroll fb to find out what's popping, and come to nt for more insight and conversation.

This. Always find it interesting that as the technology advanced to "bring people closer together", it actually did the opposite. People are more inclined spend more time on the phone in a public place than actually interacting. You can go to any type of club now and you'll mostly see people with their heads down texting, or on the dance floor on snapchat rapping/singing for the camera (which looks very stupid if you've seen this in person :lol:).
Reddit's been in a little trouble this week. A hacker has been hacking Reddit "for fun".
Social media did steal all of our fellow women, but that just means they were here for the wrong reasons. Don't mess with Twitter nor FB so this is my entertainment hub online.
Hardly anything of substance is posted in TAN anyway. It's an outlet for generally insignificant things that aren't threadworthy.
TAN > lots of useless threads

As for the topic; forums are different than IG, Twitter, FB, ...
They'll always have a place as a discussion platform. You can't do that on social media because it's infested with trolling, immaturity and bigotry.
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twitter >>>>> NT

Shorter, to the point answers and responses on twitter >

Interacting with a broader, diverse audience on twitter >

When yall make those Where is so and so NTer? threads, they're most likely on twitter
Hardly anything of substance is posted in TAN anyway. It's an outlet for generally insignificant things that aren't threadworthy.
TAN > lots of useless threads

As for the topic; forums are different than IG, Twitter, FB, ...
They'll always have a place as a discussion platform. You can't do that on social media because it's infested with trolling, immaturity and bigotry.

You can't make that distinction though, let the thread do that. How many times does a thread pop off having nothing to do with the op? The controls make this place still decent.
Always thought TAN was the downfall of General.
To be honest all of the "official" threads for non-linear topics are kinda why General is slow sometimes.

Linear topics would be things like thread for movies/TV shows/wrestling/etc. which are fine because those are an ongoing event.

Non-linear topics would be threads like Fools Wildin/TAN/TAY/Car Thread/Kylie Jenner because those are threads about random daily events that just happen to revolve around the same topic. 

For example, when I made the Trump/Clinton thread, someone asked why I didn't just put it in  the Trump thread. A lot of potential threads get lost in these type of topics and on any given day you can come to General and the entire first page be filled with "Official" threads.

Just my observation
However as far as the thread topic

I go to social media to interact with real people I know

I come here to shoot the **** about random topics more or less anonymously

Two different purposes
I only come on NT to talk about football and Dragonball z.

I should check my Facebook more
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