Is the portrayal of crime and law enforcement in The Wire how it really is?

Jul 7, 2004
I've had way too much free time on my hands lately, and decided to check out the wire. just finished season 1
So how realistic is all the corruption and the bureaucracy that they have to gothrough, everyone having the wrong motives, the rarity of "good police", judges being paid off left and righ, all that stuff? What about the druggame, was that a pretty accurate portrayal of how things work? The show was very interesting, really makes you think you have a better understanding/getting amore honest look at the issues it covers.



This part had me

And I know Omar was a bad guy and all, but damn, I loved his character.
JUST copped the first season for 30 @ Barnes and Noble...bought to start on saturday and hopefully catch the other seasons before the price goes back up...
I just finished season 1 over Thanksgiving break too.

Having it all at the university library for free FTW!

I think to a certain extent some aspects of the show are accurate.
i never thought about the library...i already owe them money tho so i'm better of buying it and having it whenever i want...
although the events from the show are fictitious, i understand there is a big drug problem in baltimore. as such, there's mad violence. as a matter offact, when i go down there to chill my homegirl, at night i can hear an ice cream truck riding around the area...and when i say night i mean like 3am

with that said, this show is

I can't buy tv shows on dvd cause I will only watch them once. And that's paying too much for that.
Originally Posted by Elocin023

I just finished season 1 over Thanksgiving break too.

Having it all at the university library for free FTW!

I think to a certain extent some aspects of the show are accurate.

That's what got me into the show as well. But, in regard to your last comment, I think the series is so good you'll watch it multiple times. My girl isgetting me the series set for Christmas.

And considering how the series was created by an ex-cop and an ex-cop Bmore newspaper man, I'd say it's an accurate depiction of Baltimore during theirheyday.
Originally Posted by Friendliest Ghost

Originally Posted by Elocin023

I just finished season 1 over Thanksgiving break too.

Having it all at the university library for free FTW!

I think to a certain extent some aspects of the show are accurate.

That's what got me into the show as well. But, in regard to your last comment, I think the series is so good you'll watch it multiple times. My girl is getting me the series set for Christmas.

I doubt I would. I mean once I've seen it I know what happens and really can't sit and watch it again on dvd, if it comes on again on tv I may watchwhen nothing else is on. Idk, just how I am.
I wanted the box set but I know I wont watch but one time so I might as well just check it out through the library. So I should have season 2 done thisweekend, probably.
Like Friendliest Ghost said, it's created by an ex cop and an ex writer for the newspaper. Also, the cop that is the co-creator arrested Little Melvin. He actually helped them with the show.

Sig check..
Everything on television is altered to make it more dramatic and interesting, however much of The Wire comes from personal experiences of the creator andwriters.

The creator worked for the Baltimore Sun newspaper I believe, and some of the big writers were former cops or teachers in the area.
Originally Posted by Big J 33

Everything on television is altered to make it more dramatic and interesting, however much of The Wire comes from personal experiences of the creator and writers.

The creator worked for the Baltimore Sun newspaper I believe, and some of the big writers were former cops or teachers in the area.

This so while some of it is a little G'd up to grab the viewers attention majority of it is really how it is. Especially the way in which everything isconnected and basically has the same rules/issues or problems.
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