Is there a better rum than Appleton? vol. let me know

Originally Posted by Sighfur

Originally Posted by kicksfiend


Guyanese NTers will back me up on this. We make THE BEST rum.

You know whats good. My whole fam keeps this stocked.
 Demerara makes some of the best quality stuff on earth.

I got the 12 year old right now just to sip on every now and then.  I need that 25 year old though!!!

Originally Posted by TH0MAS CR0WN

Originally Posted by dugtrio


although i can't touch it for 10 more months.
Ian! you're all better now?  holy #*$! that is great to hear man

Dude, you are actually one of the reasons i started drinking Appleton lol.  You put me on back then remember

damn, glad you're recovering well. Update?
yea i remember telling you about it way back when.

i'm pretty much 100% only things are i still have a fracture in my skull, neck and arm.  but i got plates in my arm and my neck fracture is practically healed so i got my neck brace off a few weeks ago.
  neck brace was a +*#*%...  other than that my ulnar nerve is crushed, but it gets better daily and my hand functions fine.  it's just numb.
captain morgan and sailor jerry LMAOOO....first of all a good rum doesnt have an english name.DON Q is alright, bacardi si garbage, its the keystone light of rums, i mean the añejo aint that bad, but eveyrhting else is dudu.

jamaican rums are pretty good, appleton is alright.but the best rum out there would be flor de caña, made in nicaraga out of sugar cane (name translate to flower of the cane)check out the website:

i recomend the 7 yr "gran reserva" i think it retails for $25 a bottle here in the states ($7 at duty free in nicaragua ),
 its sweet and goes perfect with coke, (and a little bit of lime), if you can afford any of the other ones go ahead,
 centenario is the way to go,they also have clear rums, like " extra seco" (4 yrs) which is kinda bitter, "extra light" which is your typical white rum (4yrs)


if you've ever had it you know what im talking about...
haven't had the el dorado 15, but the el dorado 21 is NICE as well. Forgot all about it since bevmo stopped carrying it. Really nothing is touching that or the zacapa.
Yo, i went to bevmo yesterday and they had that Tommy Bahama but i didn't cop

Next time i head out there i'm gonna look for that flor de cana, el dorado, and pyrat. Will probably buy 2 out of those 3 if they have them
Originally Posted by Weekend Girl

Originally Posted by Mark Antony

Originally Posted by Name I Koop

Originally Posted by Cronicmolemolereturns

man Appleton aint nothing compared to the rest of those Jamaican rums they be having you confused like Pookie

you damn right.....wray and neph all day

 look at the dude in the tv's reaction to koop, this pic needs to get shopped.


Originally Posted by TH0MAS CR0WN

Yo, i went to bevmo yesterday and they had that Tommy Bahama but i didn't cop

Next time i head out there i'm gonna look for that flor de cana, el dorado, and pyrat. Will probably buy 2 out of those 3 if they have them

bevmo has pretty much stopped carrying the el dorado which is EXTREMELY unfortunate. Some have the 5 still but that's not worth it. Best way to go from bevmo is the flor de cana 18 (i'm not personally a fan, but it's deserving of a buy), the ron zacapa 23, or the zaya. Skip the pyrat, it's not worth it.
Originally Posted by ikari XD

no love for 10 cane?

10cane aint bad, for a comemrcial rum like it is,
im waiting for someone to say redrum or w/e its called, thats like the nuvo of rums
I not a big fan of rum even when mixed, but when I tried this rum in cuba I had to stock up. Its so good you can drink it straight. will try flor de cana soon.

Originally Posted by ca5perrr

Originally Posted by ikari XD

no love for 10 cane?

10cane aint bad, for a comemrcial rum like it is,
im waiting for someone to say redrum or w/e its called, thats like the nuvo of rums
Mind putting me on what I should try? And an idea on what the usual tasting notes are with good rum? A bar specializing in rum and rum-cocktails just opened up a couple months ago in SF (Smuggler's Cove for all of you in the area) and I was wondering what I should be looking at while I'm'd be a shame to put that selection to waste.
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