Is there a funnier actor than Eddie Murphy?

Jul 5, 2002
Sure he had some duds, but when dude is on his game is there anyone better?


I meant you no harm........
Sure Eddie's old stuff is better than his newer stuff......but the question that I'm asking is there anyone funnier acting wise?
I like eddie more in movies than I do as a standup comedian.

To me Richard Pryor rein supreme because he did it both on camera and on stage.But I enjoy others like Red Foxx,Paul Mooney,sam kinnison...ect and I will notforget the late great FLIP WILSON.
VInce is funny but Will Ferrell has to be the funniest actor, just the way he can transform himself into any character and make it hilarious is amazing.
Jim Carey ?
Robin Williams ?
Steve Carell ?


but 4 real R.I.P Richard Proyor dude truely was the funniest man alive

Jim Carey ?

I would never mention him because to me he's silly,character type of funny,he's funny on the camera's,his character were funny on InLiving Color but thats as far as it goes.And sometimes he not even funny in his movie,he's just stupid.
Robin williams-ok with me.

Rodney dangerfield>Jim carey....
Will Ferrell is not funny at all. I put him in the same category as Jim Carey except that I enjoy Jim Carey's characters
Chris Tucker always brings heat but i dont think hes on eddie's level yet

chris' stand up is classic tho

i like the old eddie better.
i still think there are some people out there who are funnier than him.
I couldn't find any of the clips I wanted to find from Beverly Hills Cop, or Golden Child. Very frustrating. Anyway, I'm not going to say that EddieMurphy is the funniest actor ever, but very few are funnier, and very few are quicker on their feet when it comes to improv. (I would say he's one of thefew actors that can touch Vince Vaughn when it comes to this, in fact.) Anyway, one of the greatest improv-ed Eddie scenes is in Beverly Hills Cop when hetries to get into the country club.
As for Steve Martin, well, "some people have a way with words, and some people no have way, I suppose." (A thousand points to anyone that recognizesthat quote.)

P.S.- Chris Tucker wishes he were Eddie Murphy.
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