Is there a rush to finish college?

Mine will take just over 4 years and I can't wait to leave...just wanna leave Ohio for better things. To each his own though.
The way I see it, the longer I take to finish college, the more money I'll be wasting here, and the longer it'll take me to start my career.

So yes, I am in a rush to finish college. Will be finishing the semester after my 21st birthday.
I feel like such a bum.  I went to my first college course back in 2007 when I turned 18.  I passed that, but for one, it was only one class.  Secondly, the credits from that particular class weren't/aren't transferrable so in a sense, they're null and void.  To make matters worse, this was at a GODDAMN COMMUNITY COLLEGE COURSE!  The next year (2008) during that Winter Semester, I attended three courses (Beginning Algebra, Advanced English Composition, and Journalism).  Needless to say, that didn't go to well.  I ended up progressively dropping one after the other.  THEN, in Winter 2009, I passed two classes (Beginning Algebra and Advanced English Composition) but ended up on Academic Probation because I didn't hit the friggin' 2.00 Grade Point Average due to me receiving a GODDAMN D+ in Beginning Algebra.  Let's face it.  I'm still a kid.  I'm geographically-challenged.  I'm agoraphobic.  I'm 20-Years-Old (Looking like I'm 40).  I'm 5'11-and-three-quarters and I weigh 180+.  I can't seem to get into the world of academics anymore.  It just seems like it all went downhill after my 11th Grade Year.  I was so much sharper.  Now, I'm terrible with my use of words in my vocabulary when that used to be my strongest suit.  I feel like %$@%!  I just want to die in my sleep so that I don't feel it or have to walk through this life alone.  I don't even know my way around the GODDAMN FUNCTIONAL REGION OF EASTPOINTE, MICHIGAN AND THIS IS WHERE I LIVE!  I just wasn't prepared.  My attention span is awfully-short.  There's just no consolation for it all.  No upside to my inevitably-progressive downward spiral/downfall.  I'm a failure.  A poor excuse for a man.  A poor excuse for a human being.  I'm a nuisance.  A waste of sperm.
Originally Posted by SlimShady2010

I feel like such a bum.  I went to my first college course back in 2007 when I turned 18.  I passed that, but for one, it was only one class.  Secondly, the credits from that particular class weren't/aren't transferrable so in a sense, they're null and void.  To make matters worse, this was at a GODDAMN COMMUNITY COLLEGE COURSE!  The next year (2008) during that Winter Semester, I attended three courses (Beginning Algebra, Advanced English Composition, and Journalism).  Needless to say, that didn't go to well.  I ended up progressively dropping one after the other.  THEN, in Winter 2009, I passed two classes (Beginning Algebra and Advanced English Composition) but ended up on Academic Probation because I didn't hit the friggin' 2.00 Grade Point Average due to me receiving a GODDAMN D+ in Beginning Algebra.  Let's face it.  I'm still a kid.  I'm geographically-challenged.  I'm agoraphobic.  I'm 20-Years-Old (Looking like I'm 40).  I'm 5'11-and-three-quarters and I weigh 180+.  I can't seem to get into the world of academics anymore.  It just seems like it all went downhill after my 11th Grade Year.  I was so much sharper.  Now, I'm terrible with my use of words in my vocabulary when that used to be my strongest suit.  I feel like %%!@!  I just want to die in my sleep so that I don't feel it or have to walk through this life alone.  I don't even know my way around the GODDAMN FUNCTIONAL REGION OF EASTPOINTE, MICHIGAN AND THIS IS WHERE IT LIVE!  I just wasn't prepared.  My attention span is awfully-short.  There's just no consolation for it all.  No upside to my inevitably-progressive downward spiral/downfall.  I'm a failure.  A poor excuse for a man.  A poor excuse for a human being.  I'm a nuisance.  A waste of sperm.
Don't be mad...

....UPS is hiring.
the only thing that doesn't do me well is looking at people now, with a college degree and what they are doing. I can do what they are doing withou this College degree and I'm paying way too much at Johnson & Wales.
You're better off taking a little longer and doing well, than speeding through it and doing poorly--at least, when it comes to grad school and stuff. For the guy above who said he sucks at school, just skip it. Look for a job that you can get in without a higher education that still allows you to move up through the company. It will most likely have to be a factory or retail based job, but if you are dedicated and work hard, you can hit six figures once you get to the right position. I know plenty of people personally who have gone that route and are doing very well for themselves... it didn't come quickly, though.
Originally Posted by SlimShady2010

I feel like such a bum.  I went to my first college course back in 2007 when I turned 18.  I passed that, but for one, it was only one class.  Secondly, the credits from that particular class weren't/aren't transferrable so in a sense, they're null and void.  To make matters worse, this was at a GODDAMN COMMUNITY COLLEGE COURSE!  The next year (2008) during that Winter Semester, I attended three courses (Beginning Algebra, Advanced English Composition, and Journalism).  Needless to say, that didn't go to well.  I ended up progressively dropping one after the other.  THEN, in Winter 2009, I passed two classes (Beginning Algebra and Advanced English Composition) but ended up on Academic Probation because I didn't hit the friggin' 2.00 Grade Point Average due to me receiving a GODDAMN D+ in Beginning Algebra.  Let's face it.  I'm still a kid.  I'm geographically-challenged.  I'm agoraphobic.  I'm 20-Years-Old (Looking like I'm 40).  I'm 5'11-and-three-quarters and I weigh 180+.  I can't seem to get into the world of academics anymore.  It just seems like it all went downhill after my 11th Grade Year.  I was so much sharper.  Now, I'm terrible with my use of words in my vocabulary when that used to be my strongest suit.  I feel like %$@%!  I just want to die in my sleep so that I don't feel it or have to walk through this life alone.  I don't even know my way around the GODDAMN FUNCTIONAL REGION OF EASTPOINTE, MICHIGAN AND THIS IS WHERE I LIVE!  I just wasn't prepared.  My attention span is awfully-short.  There's just no consolation for it all.  No upside to my inevitably-progressive downward spiral/downfall.  I'm a failure.  A poor excuse for a man.  A poor excuse for a human being.  I'm a nuisance.  A waste of sperm.

this is your first post so im gonna assume you're trolling.. but schools not for everybody homie.
i've been doing homework for the last 17 years. i don't know i kind of want to change it up a bit...
you couldn't force add your classes? im sure since they're required for your major, you can get some administration override or something.
dont rush at all.. i graduated at 21.. i wish i coulda took my time and enjoyed it.. jobs arent goin anywhere
Its never too late.
Im 24 and was supposed to transfer from c.c. to state this semester but am getting screwed because of the budget cuts. I really regret taking a few semesters off.
But Im waiting until fall semester to go to state. Sometimes I feel like Im too old but you know what, I rather have a degree at 26 then no degree at all. Since my parents are financially stable and supporting my schooling, Im gonna stick it out.
Good luck to you .
Thanks for the positive replys.  I tried everything to get into those classes but I can't just skip people that are in the same situation as me.  As far as graduating goes its a personal goal for me and to be so close to graduating it just got to me that I have to hold off on my goal.  As for the 8 or so months I have off now I'm just going to try to get a job in the city somewhere and build on my resume and get some more experience and try to save some money.  I just have to keep thinking positive and make good of the situation.
Sorry to threadjack, but I need some advice on my situation (briefly mentioned before in this thread):


So i'm a senior currently. I picked my major fairly late in my academic career (basically when I was nearly a junior), and have been knocking down CSE course after CSE course in order to finish "on time"
. I initially though I'd have to take a whole extra year, but as it turns out... I could theoretically complete my major this year (so it would be "on time"). So I filled my schedule up with all the upper division CSE courses that I needed to take and all of them fit in my schedule except for one. This one particular course, a CSE "ethics" course that is only 1 credit, was actually one that I wanted to take last semester, but couldn't because it required a course that I was taking at THAT SAME semester as a pre-requisite.

I asked the teacher to manually add me to the class (since it its a damn ethics class and had nothing to do with programming... I don't even know why that pre-requisite is there), and this guy had no backbone and said even though he *could* have added me, he wanted approval of the department head
. The department head ended up saying no, because he figured I wouldn't take all the upper division classes I am now (it would be "too much" in his eyes
), and that I should be aiming for splitting the remaining credits I needed to take in to 2 semesters (meaning this current semester, and an extra one). How about you let me do what I want to do, and now what you think I should do?

So now, here we are... Spring 2010. This is supposed to be my *last* semester, yet I am being held back by one measly credit. I e-mailed the department head asking if I could apply for graduation anyway despite missing this (in my eyes) non-necessary 1 credit course that I would have to spend an entire extra semester for, and this fool just ignored my e-mail
 (well I think he did... I e-mailed him Monday night and there has been no response yet... and the *deadline* to apply for graduation is this Friday).

What makes this situation even more interesting is that I spoke with him at the start of the Junior year; we were all required to before we registered for classes. There's this one requirement for our major that states we have to take an extra science course from a specific pool of science courses. I (just having chose this major at the time) had already taken 2 science courses and their corresponding labs (so, 8 credits) that cover the same exact material (actually, more) as one of the 4-credit courses in that specific pool. During the meeting he said that they'll use those courses to satisfy the requirement.

What i'm worried about is they'll (i'm assuming it will be a different person (s) looking at my transcript) look at my transcript and say: "well we can't substitute the courses and forgo the 1 credit". My belief is that once he said they were going to be substituted... from that point on it shouldn't be an issue anymore (in other words, they should only be concerned with the 1 credit). Of course, he can always said that he never said that (and even in hindsight, it's not exactly appropriate to tell him to sign a paper stating that he did say that that).

So I don't want to apply for graduation and get a response saying that not only do I have to complete the 1 credit, but also take the class that I (originally) was told I didn't have to take. If I just complete this semester and take the 1 credit next semester, I won't have to worry about that problem. I'm hoping for the possibility that they honor the department head's promise, and forgo the 1 credit.

What should I do?
reinstatement? i just didnt sign up for classes when i took a year off, then came back, registered and graduated. 
but like everyone said, just do u, plus college is mad fun 
Think of it like this. Most people that graduate won't find any jobs right now. By the time you graduate there's more of a chance of you getting a job than that person. Who do you think an employer would rather have? A fresh face or someone who graduated 3 years ago and had to work at McDonald's til things turned around? It's an exaggeration but you should be able to get the gist of what I'm saying.
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