Is there such a thing as "Natural Talent?"....Vol. Discuss

Originally Posted by WISEPHAROAH

O.P. NO! Natural talent, gifts etc are not developed or taught. We are ALL given skills and gifts that would allow us to better apply ourselves to certain aspects of human life. I've never taken a single music class in my life and I'm able to put together arranged, coherent funky music. Some people have the "eye" for film and photography. Some cats are just naturally faster and athletic. Some are able to obtain and think abstract better than others etc.
I'd say you're good at putting music together because you have a good ear. The line between talent and skill is pretty thin, and I believe in people being born with more ability than others, but only to an extent. Athleticism, is a gift. I can train as much as I want but I'll almost never be at Kobe's level of jumping. So you could argue that he has a gift for jumping high, but I'd say that's more a physical capability, like saying someone has a gift for being tall.

As for skills, I can't really describe it. I know lots of kids who are "talented", because they are good at things but they never actually practiced, but I never thought of them as being born with it. I define talent as a skill that one is born with/can utilize easily. I'm great at drawing, but I've never practiced in my life. Even in elementary school I was an excellent drawer, but I think that's only because I did it so much. Or when I play basketball, I am naturally good at free throws even though I'm only a decent shooter. But I wasn't born with the ability to shoot foul shots, they came from me playing lots of ball. In the end, I guess you could say talent is an effect of lots of utilization, but not practice. Specific practice forms skill, just doing something you could say forms talent.
No such thing as natural talent imo. I have a hard time believing that God or some high power said "Here I pick you to do so and so well" or something of that nature. Hardwork, faith, and an actual wanting to do something is what gives off the illusion of "Natural Talent."

Just my opinion though
Of course there is.
That doesn't negate the fact that it still has to be exploited. 

In other words, an individual with natural talent at a particular skill has a much higher ceiling than another individual with less natural talent at that same skill. 
Originally Posted by shoeking2101

No such thing as natural talent imo. I have a hard time believing that God or some high power said "Here I pick you to do so and so well" or something of that nature. Hardwork, faith, and an actual wanting to do something is what gives off the illusion of "Natural Talent."

Just my opinion though

What about the randomness of human genetics? I don't know much about it but why are there mentally ******ed people then? If people can be born substantially "slower" than normal, than why can't they be born "faster" than normal? 
Nobody can tell me that my hard work made me that smart. I was smarter from the get-go. 
I feel that a natural talent is something you pick up at a very young age, or something your brain naturally finds easy.

For instance, someone who can play piano very well without practicing much has a natural talent because their brain doesn't struggle to understand the concept of playing.

Someone who can naturally draw well has a natural talent because their brain doesn't stress the concept of drawing, it easily grabs the understanding of it and it becomes naturally easy.

I especially find this in young children the most because their minds are so new and open to new things that they can catch onto things much easier than someone who is older.
i see this through athletic "gifts"
people are given some talent for example: i believe it was the Miami-FSU game last night, i remember there was 2 or three people who they were talking about that didn't play football until their junior year of high school, yet were good enough to earn a scholarship to a Major D-1 college and are starting. you see people play football for 10+ years, 2-3rd grade all the way up to high school who don't do as well as those kids who play for a couple years, yet are the ones going D-1.

People are given some sort of Natural talent at things, after that its just a matter of how fast can you learn something and apply it to the situation your in
The front lobe of Einsteins brain was 20% larger than the average for a person his size.
This isn't really a matter of opinion.  You can't just say "I think this is how it works."  It's a matter of fact whether or not intelligence is not inherited at all or not.  What are the books you're using to base this opinion on?
People get their physical appearance from their parents.  It's clearly something genetically inherited.  Why is intelligence or ability any different?  There isn't this gap between the mind and body like many people imagine.  Your brain is a physical thing.

That's not to say that if your parents are smart, you will necessarily be as smart as they are.  It's much more complicated than that.  But no one starts off as a blank slate.
Well there is definitely natural talent. People are born differently and obviously those differences are going to lend themselves to different activities. I think a more interesting question would be the relationship between skill and talent, if a kid would be able to ever reach the title of greatest in some fields(sports for example) without natural talent.
Originally Posted by WaveyJonesLocker

You must not be talented.

Natural talent > hard work.

allen iverson>> kobe

and A.I. is my fav player next to jordan, but look at him now.
Of course man..look at something such as speed, or vocal talent, some people are born with it some people aren't. Of course you can train all you want, but there will always be some people who are born more gifted in one area of life than others..
God given gifts.

What Both MJs could do was God's work

Lebron's and Kobe is hard work and god work
natural talent has, does and will always exsist. natural talent is the only way to explain child prodigies.
If you've ever played a competitive team sport when you're very young such as little league, then you'll know natural talent exists.
Originally Posted by Dmvbatman

Originally Posted by WaveyJonesLocker

You must not be talented.

Natural talent > hard work.

allen iverson>> kobe

and A.I. is my fav player next to jordan, but look at him now.

son you must be crazy if you think kobe aint got a godly jumper
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