Is this girl interested in me?

not really, maybe a little, but there obviously other dudes. you are on the back burner
This dude just doesn't quit
Originally Posted by NothinAfter

Originally Posted by th3answ3r

we have no classes together at school this year or lunch. I do know where her locker is tho.

I have asked her once to chill on that Sunday which she turned down. Said it'd be too awkward the two of us and that it was too big of a step for her

Well I believe it's your fault for getting at her on Facebook son.... You should've went at her in class and start conversations... I believe you still have a chance depending on how you present yourself... Don't come on too strong at school ... Give her small talk and act like you're busy all the time... Kill all that Facebook talk... Facebook doesn't get you anywhere buy down the hole... Start saying waz up at school while you with another chick or something... Don't make her be your only one... She's going to come around... I have faith in you OP
Edit: no classes... When do you ever see her?

It doesn't seem so in this case, now does it?

Sorry, I had too.
Originally Posted by H Connect

stop messaging her back and forth online and see if she's interested in hanging out. If she blows you off again or says no just dead it and move on


I mean unless youre complacent with being her internet only buddy. If not then get her to stop beating around the bush.
Chick I used to talk to off and on bout a year ago, moved back to STL.

I hit her up and said we should grab drinks or icecream or a cardinals game sometime.

She said "Umm. I'll think about it"

I read it, then deleted her number.
Well all of you grown men were right. I was played harder than Iverson on MJ.
I knew it was getting weird because she started msging me less and blaming it on her mother yelling at her. (excuse used too many times and unbelievable i mean come on what mom doesnt like their daughters presents and causes arguments)
Finally, school has started, she has no need to message me (no more messages in my inbox). Doubt she even remembers me anymore or wants to
I don't see the point in talking to her now. I just try my best to avoid her
T_T I sing on to the next one to myself to stop thinking but I can't cheat myself.
Originally Posted by th3answ3r

Well all of you grown men were right. I was played harder than Iverson on MJ.
I knew it was getting weird because she started msging me less and blaming it on her mother yelling at her. (excuse used too many times and unbelievable i mean come on what mom doesnt like their daughters presents and causes arguments)
Finally, school has started, she has no need to message me (no more messages in my inbox). Doubt she even remembers me anymore or wants to
I don't see the point in talking to her now. I just try my best to avoid her
T_T I sing on to the next one to myself to stop thinking but I can't cheat myself.
Live and learn my boy.
Originally Posted by Cobra Kai

Chick I used to talk to off and on bout a year ago, moved back to STL.

I hit her up and said we should grab drinks or icecream or a cardinals game sometime.

She said "Umm. I'll think about it"

I read it, then deleted her number.
thats usually how you gotta do it.  People like to waste other peoples times with *$#+%#%@ excuses.  If their not friends or family, cut them.
You just need to get up in her grill and be like "Whats really good shawty, lemme see what thats like" .... works wonders
Smash than move on, but from her perspective she prob just doesnt want it to be akward and wants to get to know you a little first lol you know how da gals are
Since the ignoring part won't work, ill go clear things up in person. I will ask her if she wanna go out in person and if she gives me the cold shoulder or says no, I'll know for sure and I'll move on
OP, I don't think it's worth the hurt feelings you're going to get. It'd be best to avoid that and keep it moving... wait, a second thought. Go and do that. Get hurt so you know better next time.
Originally Posted by th3answ3r

Since the ignoring part won't work, ill go clear things up in person. I will ask her if she wanna go out in person and if she gives me the cold shoulder or says no, I'll know for sure and I'll move on

you real eager to get your little heart broken huh?
You don't want to be know as that clingy obsessive dude
Originally Posted by th3answ3r

Since the ignoring part won't work, ill go clear things up in person. I will ask her if she wanna go out in person and if she gives me the cold shoulder or says no, I'll know for sure and I'll move on

Don't do it OP. Just move on.
Originally Posted by th3answ3r

Since the ignoring part won't work, ill go clear things up in person. I will ask her if she wanna go out in person and if she gives me the cold shoulder or says no, I'll know for sure and I'll move on

stop. you don't need to know anything. you're thinking too hard about the situation. 
like there really isn't much more to it. you're probably starting to annoy her. 
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