Is this girl interested in me?

Should've just hung out first in school, grab some lunch chill during a break/free then set up a date.
we have no classes together at school this year or lunch. I do know where her locker is tho.

I have asked her once to chill on that Sunday which she turned down. Said it'd be too awkward the two of us and that it was too big of a step for her
Originally Posted by th3answ3r

we have no classes together at school this year or lunch. I do know where her locker is tho.

I have asked her once to chill on that Sunday which she turned down. Said it'd be too awkward the two of us and that it was too big of a step for her

Originally Posted by th3answ3r

we have no classes together at school this year or lunch. I do know where her locker is tho.

I have asked her once to chill on that Sunday which she turned down. Said it'd be too awkward the two of us and that it was too big of a step for her

Well I believe it's your fault for getting at her on Facebook son.... You should've went at her in class and start conversations... I believe you still have a chance depending on how you present yourself... Don't come on too strong at school ... Give her small talk and act like you're busy all the time... Kill all that Facebook talk... Facebook doesn't get you anywhere buy down the hole... Start saying waz up at school while you with another chick or something... Don't make her be your only one... She's going to come around... I have faith in you OP
Edit: no classes... When do you ever see her?
She is looking for an emotional simp, that is all. Females need males to give them attention... when you don't, they get upset.
Why tell the dude she's not interested? To the op, ignore for a couple of days. Try to talk to her outside of facebook
So I believe i messed things up when I posted crap on twitter. I tweeted that I had butterflies in my stomache and I couldnt' sleep.
Next day she says//; why couldn't you sleep?butterflies in your stomache:smile:
I said I had a basketball game the next day
She says: Oh. I was gonna laugh at you cuz I thought you liked a girl so you couldn't sleep

I have no idea why she was reading my posts on my wall
Hold on, still laughing at "we've had many classes over ther last 2 YEARS, so I messaged her on facebook".
Originally Posted by th3answ3r

So I believe i messed things up when I posted crap on twitter. I tweeted that I had butterflies in my stomache and I couldnt' sleep.
Next day she says//; why couldn't you sleep?butterflies in your stomache:smile:
I said I had a basketball game the next day
She says: Oh. I was gonna laugh at you cuz I thought you liked a girl so you couldn't sleep

I have no idea why she was reading my posts on my wall
yea she already owns you...move on
once you think IF a girl is interested you, you are giving all of you power to her. She is playing you like a puppet. Don't waste your time with this girl. Start talking to other girls like it never happened.
Be a alpha male.
Originally Posted by th3answ3r

So I believe i messed things up when I posted crap on twitter. I tweeted that I had butterflies in my stomache and I couldnt' sleep.
Next day she says//; why couldn't you sleep?butterflies in your stomache:smile:
I said I had a basketball game the next day
She says: Oh. I was gonna laugh at you cuz I thought you liked a girl so you couldn't sleep

I have no idea why she was reading my posts on my wall

Of course she read your wall. Your someone she considered going out with but then saw talking about butterflies

just keep it real, talk to her in person see where that leads, dont try to read into things so soon....if things flow when you guys have a casual convo then you would have your date, think about it from her we have a dude whos been in my class for 2 years, has never uttered a word to me and randomly hits me up on FB and now wants a date, shes probably afraid of an awkward #+@ date and wants to test your social skills first
16 years old? 2 years and you haven't talked to her in real life? You think she actually likes you?
Originally Posted by th3answ3r

16.  She's 16 this friday
 nevermind my post, doesnt apply to little girls bro, grown women play games, this one will take you for a ride.
Ah man hella young.

Regardless of the advice you get on here youre gonna like her, shes gonna flirt with you, and its gonna drive you nuts. So its a lesson youre gonna have to learn yourself.

But a lot of these dudes are right man. Shes messin with you, and unfotunately thats prolly all shes interested in

I guess try and get a few of your friends and a few of her friends to go to a movie, Pg-13
, and from that point youll def know if shes worth your time. If she says no to a group hang out you KNOW that she has absolutely 0 interest right now
Like some have said attention. You're in HS in an age where you can get nudes and semi-nudes and the female thinks you're a weirdo. All about reaction.
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