Is this what getting fresh has come to?

Originally Posted by sk23

chip n dales
Originally Posted by phillypac


This you laugh at??? You stoneface everything but finally something worthy of a stoneface you laugh?


I'm so confused
THAT GAMEBOY IS CLASSIC!!! I remember how I used to want one of those so bad, but never got one! LOL.. My cousins and all my friends had one, but I never did!I finally found some way to scheme up a GameBoy (not color), but I lost it in a matter of weeks... Memories.
I think the Banana shirt is supposed to be a knock off Warhol piece...The original print didn't have the pink exposed part about ruininggood art.

But the whole out fit is too much looks like he's trying too hard...Tim Gunn would have a feild day with this guy.
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