Is what LeBron does after contact considered "flopping?"

Originally Posted by Love VIII First Sight

Originally Posted by outacontrol music

You guys should read up on Jim Brown...
Did you just really put Lebron Jame next to Jim Brown?????

You just displayed your ignorance.

Read about what Jim Brown did after plays.

What's wrong with checking his lips? If you get hit on the face all the time, I'm sure you'd check for blood too
Everybody acts, have you ever played basketball? The same goes when you know you hit the ball out but you point the ref in the direction of your basket to tryand fool him. What the hell kind of post is this?

And btw nice attempt at another LeBron hate post, especially when you know we could've had this conversation involving ALL NBA players instead of just him.
Originally Posted by JDB1523

And btw nice attempt at another LeBron hate post, especially when you know we could've had this conversation involving ALL NBA players instead of just him.
conveniently started by a Wiz fan

BTW good looks on the PM JDB
^No problem my man, I was worried you didn't get it or something since I didn't get a response
Originally Posted by DoubleJs07

Checking his lip for blood after Cassell hit him (if you are bleeding IN or around the mouth there is no way for you not to know....checking his lip repeatedly for blood was an act to get the ref to call what he did)

Seems as though there was someblood:
LeBron James peeled back his upper lip.
''Want me to show you?'' he said to a Cavs PR representative who had asked (at my request) where he was hit on Boston Celtics guard Sam Cassell's flagrant foul Tuesday night.

James then revealed the cut that he received inside his mouth as he drove to the basket.

''People think I'm diving,'' he scoffed. ''Maybe I need to get my eye poked out for people to know I'm getting hit.''

Clearly, James hears the crowd and the comments, comments that state he overreacts and draws foul calls with Shakespearean antics.

The cut was proof otherwise.

James does get hit, and when he does, he reacts. The crowd doesn't like it because the game is fast and the hits are hard to see live.

In Washington, he got poked in the eye and reacted; the crowd howled, but he had to call timeout to flush out his eye.

In Boston, he got hit on the upper lip, drawing blood. It was hard to see on a replay, let alone live, and the crowd hooted and jeered again.

The proof was in the cut.

Thing is, though, James has bigger concerns.
Like winning Game 2 tonight against the Celtics.
Originally Posted by jkads

Originally Posted by DoubleJs07

Checking his lip for blood after Cassell hit him (if you are bleeding IN or around the mouth there is no way for you not to know....checking his lip repeatedly for blood was an act to get the ref to call what he did)

Seems as though there was some blood:
LeBron James peeled back his upper lip.
''Want me to show you?'' he said to a Cavs PR representative who had asked (at my request) where he was hit on Boston Celtics guard Sam Cassell's flagrant foul Tuesday night.

James then revealed the cut that he received inside his mouth as he drove to the basket.

''People think I'm diving,'' he scoffed. ''Maybe I need to get my eye poked out for people to know I'm getting hit.''

Clearly, James hears the crowd and the comments, comments that state he overreacts and draws foul calls with Shakespearean antics.

The cut was proof otherwise.

James does get hit, and when he does, he reacts. The crowd doesn't like it because the game is fast and the hits are hard to see live.

In Washington, he got poked in the eye and reacted; the crowd howled, but he had to call timeout to flush out his eye.

In Boston, he got hit on the upper lip, drawing blood. It was hard to see on a replay, let alone live, and the crowd hooted and jeered again.

The proof was in the cut.

Thing is, though, James has bigger concerns.
Like winning Game 2 tonight against the Celtics.

Just get a DVR please. You can replay footage in slow motion. You get the best footage of whose flopping and who is really getting smacked in the face.

Cassell did catch Lebron in the face, but there's no way that should have been a flagrant 1. Cassell had his hand behind Lebron's head on thebasketball. The only out the refs had was that Cassell's hands and arms were near Lebron's head and they do make calls to protect the offensiveplayers' head.
Originally Posted by JDB1523

Everybody acts, have you ever played basketball? The same goes when you know you hit the ball out but you point the ref in the direction of your basket to try and fool him. What the hell kind of post is this?

And btw nice attempt at another LeBron hate post, especially when you know we could've had this conversation involving ALL NBA players instead of just him.

i can co-sign that for the NBA game acting is almost a necessity and it's the league's fault for that, but some LeGod stans (again,some) can't come to the fact that he acts, just like Manu acts, Kobe acts, Baron Davis acts, Zaza Pachulia acts, etc. etc.
Yeah, all players do it to a certain extent, it's really the system's fault for catering to it.

On the other hand, speaking purely as a fan, it's kind of disgusting to watch the "elite" players do it. Yes, I'm looking at you AI,LeBron...

Just look at the reaction after Posey's missed hold, which resulted in a "horse-collar" tackle. LeBron is lying on the floor, holding his neckand grimacing like he just got his throat cut. Now look at Kobe after Raja Bell's much harder and intentional takedown. You're going to tell me thatLeBron got hurt more than Kobe did on that one?
Originally Posted by DoubleJs07

Originally Posted by dreClark


My dude DoubleJs putting that SJU education to work....

I had to go to cause I didn't spell it right the first time

One of the few people on NT that actually spell checks,lol
Lebron's been flopping more since he's been getting tips from the Grandmaster ofFlopping,Anderson Varejao
Originally Posted by JDB1523

Everybody acts, have you ever played basketball? The same goes when you know you hit the ball out but you point the ref in the direction of your basket to try and fool him. What the hell kind of post is this?

And btw nice attempt at another LeBron hate post, especially when you know we could've had this conversation involving ALL NBA players instead of just him.

cosign, stop hating on him and get over it, everyone does it (he does a lil more than other players, but thats the expected superstart treatment) the wholenba has just turned soft, so you might as well get it how you get it
this is really "outacontrol"

the good players who didnt/dont resort to flopping are now doing it seemingly to even up the playin field.

Its sad and shameful when I see a man get bumped on his side and throw his arms above his head and throw his head back like he got drop kicked off the toprope.

$$%$ is disgusting!
smh...flopping is coached by every team in the league every game i watch someone is flopping so half the time when people that do get hit hard react..peopleare like awww ...shut up and blame the euros they started it...and anyway why do people just point out lebron like o0 hes 260 6'9 so0o0o are the guysfouling him not the same size are sometimes even bigger man the hate is ridiculous
Originally Posted by kidoopz

So Lebron gets his own thread b/c of something every single NBA player does???

Every star acts.. and that's a way of them getting more calls.. All that "EHH." Flailing of the arms.. Falling to the ground when nobody touches you (Tony Parker)..ALOT of NBA players do this and will continue to do this b/c it works.. I say it's more of acting though, b/c the damage already has been done, But they are just trying to make it known.. Chauncey Billups does that ALOT! I mean how many pgs flail their bodies when their doing lay ups in the paint.. If the refs sees a little guy with awkward contortions in their body, ofcourse he's going to call it...

Floppers are people who don't get touched, but will do backflips to sell a call..

A little difference..

Insert clapping emotion.
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