Islam and the N word?

Mar 29, 2005
Quick question for my NOI, 5%, and any other black Muslims, in particular:

Are there any doctrinal or generally accepted teachings or conventions on the use of the N-word in your faith? I know that Dave Chappelle is a case study in contradictions as far as his faith, and he's quite clear on that; but I was surprised when I saw Lupe Fiasco on campus and he used the word so freely (esp. in mixed company, but that's beside the point right now). I hadn't listened to cat since his album first dropped (and for the past week since I saw him), but I know he's a fairly devout Muslim.

I also understand that there are countless supposedly Christian rappers who do the same thing, but one could hardly call most of them devout or anything . . . I know it's my own stereotyping of Muslims as generally more committed to their faith (esp. as most black Muslims are converts) and that the faith itself is often more stringent. I really wanted to ask Mr. Fiasco (lol) during the Q&A period, but I didn't get a chance.
hail to the victors, baby.

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NOI and 5% 'muslims' arent followers of Islam. Chappelle and Lupe are not NOI or 5%. Muslim should not be using offensive words in general. I hardly curse or say the N-word (because i am not black and i believe it to be a degrading term).
See that's the problem. Everybody is human, but everybody wants to look for imperfections rather than see people strive toward it.

..:team TEXAS:..
"It's better to be pissed off, than pissed on
Lupe also named his album Food and Liquor...
Feminine like sandals.

Wanted: '98 Chocolate AF1 Mids, AM 95 "Mita," Air Force 180 "Union," Air Jordan VII "Raptors," SBs, AM 90s, AM 1s, Dunks, or Jordans you have in a size 6-7. Maybe.​
Ive never seen a real muslim curse or let alone use the n-word,black or other wise.Lupe & Chappelle,I dont know but didn't dave cancel his show sorta based off of that"their not laughing with you but at you".
4SALE,BS, VIII Low,IV,VII,IX,XVI,XVIII,Flightposite,Pippens-5's,AF1's,and air max's...sz7-8.5[/font]
I don't think that any religion has a verse or chapter titled : Usage of the N-word"..I'm gonna go out on a limb here and say that common sense (not religion) tells us that derogatory terms should be taking a backseat, @#%$ put it in the trunk. I'm not saying that's the way it is, but I don't think that there needs to be a general discussion on "not" using it. I think people know better by now, whether their actions show it or not..
Call me Webbigail..
Ive never seen a real muslim curse or let alone use the n-word,black or other wise.


so if they have cursed they're not "a real muslim" in your eyes or have I been misled into thinking Dudes are human and make mistakes.
Because I certainly have seen Muslims curse and I woudlnt dare say to them you're not a real muslim, I just heard you curse.
[color=ff0000]P[/color][color=ff3333]H[/color][color=ff6666]I[/color][color=ff9a9a]L[/color]A 76[color=9a9aff]E[/color][color=6666ff]R[/color][color=3333ff]S[/color]
[color=000066]S[/color][color=0000FF]T[/color][color=6699FF]L[/color] R[color=FFFF99]A[/color][color=FFFF33]M[/color][color=FFFF00]S[/color]
lol you're def. getting ignored when we move to YUKU...
Team I Heart HarlemToTheBronx
so if they have cursed they're not "a real muslim" in your eyes or have I been misled into thinking Dudes are human and make mistakes.
4SALE,BS, VIII Low,IV,VII,IX,XVI,XVIII,Flightposite,Pippens-5's,AF1's,and air max's...sz7-8.5[/font]
Let those without Sin be the first to cast stones ... take what you want from that and run with it
[color=ff0000]P[/color][color=ff3333]H[/color][color=ff6666]I[/color][color=ff9a9a]L[/color]A 76[color=9a9aff]E[/color][color=6666ff]R[/color][color=3333ff]S[/color]
[color=000066]S[/color][color=0000FF]T[/color][color=6699FF]L[/color] R[color=FFFF99]A[/color][color=FFFF33]M[/color][color=FFFF00]S[/color]
Feminine like sandals.

Wanted: '98 Chocolate AF1 Mids, AM 95 "Mita," Air Force 180 "Union," Air Jordan VII "Raptors," SBs, AM 90s, AM 1s, Dunks, or Jordans you have in a size 6-7. Maybe.​
Mistakes are bound to be made. I cant be judging the next man calling myself a Christian can I?
Call me Webbigail..
as fars as black muslims i don't think its that big of a deal. Did Malcom X use the word freely? For my 5%ers I believe Clarence(sp?) 13 X used it as well, and I know Muhammud Ali used it. As far as todays Converts. Freeway and Beans, Lupe, Az they all use it
NOI and 5% 'muslims' arent followers of Islam.

I know not everyone (including some followers themselves) that don't consider these sects/denominations as followers of mainstream Islam, but I included those groups specifically because of the black nationalist focus that they have. I figured it may have been something that has come up; not in scripture, of course, but in theological or doctrinal writings/teachings/conversations.

The second you say you believe in something people point out every negative thing you do. Not saying the OP is doing that. I don't see why Muslims are held to a higher standard than anyone else who follows any other religion.

It was absolutely not my intent. I've read that this is exactly the reason why Chappelle doesn't wear his religion on his sleeve, so people don't associate his flaws with his religion. I did mention that in my own limited understanding I associate black Muslims, at least, with a greater commitment to their faith, because so many are converts (though Lupe is not). I know this a sweeping stereotype and I try not to lean on it, especially as it becomes less valid every day.

Mistakes are bound to be made
hail to the victors, baby.myspacelast.fmflickr
I am not sure what religion Chamillionaire is, but I don't think he drops N around.
I know he said he has one parent that is Muslim and another that is Christian.
The N word didnt become an offensive word until recently, the root word means Black, it just happens that white folks couldnt pronounce it so they said it the way they did.
Team Florida
The Real Drrty Drrty
Reppin Shallowside-954!!​
The N word didnt become an offensive word until recently, the root word means Black, it just happens that white folks couldnt pronounce it so they said it the way they did.

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Trying To Do The Opposite Of Left​
I was in a Philly not too long ago and the hood muslim dudes were :smh:
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But At the End of the Book baby, All of us Die
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