Israel in denial about what most-popular baby names are VOL. Blantant Racism is blantant..

I have the right to this post further bringing awareness to the racism in Israel..

Do I have a right to make a thread and bring awareness to the racism in "Palestine" and the rest of the Arab world?

I wonder how any American or other foreigner would be treated in any other country in the Middle East that is an Arab Country. I don't think they would be treated too well. Talk about racism and prejudice.
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Do I have a right to make a thread and bring awareness to the racism in "Palestine" and the rest of the Arab world?

I wonder how any American or other foreigner would be treated in any other country in the Middle East that is an Arab Country. I don't think they would be treated too well. Talk about racism and prejudice.

Who'd have thought people don't think too highly of the people whose country has bombed them into the stoneage over and over again or props up dictators in countries they should have no business in. I'm shocked that some Middle Easterns wouldn't think better about Americans, completely shocked.

Not saying it's right of course, I'm just saying.
Who'd have thought people don't think too highly of the people whose country has bombed them into the stoneage over and over again or props up dictators in countries they should have no business in. I'm shocked that some Middle Easterns wouldn't think better about Americans, completely shocked.

Not saying it's right of course, I'm just saying.

How don't we have business in them though when they have terrorist organizations taking over their countries? They are legitimate threats to us and they have groups who would love to blow them selves up and kills the name of what?

We're supposed to just sit here and let this happen? It's unfortunate when civilians die, but these groups live within them, so it's going to happen.
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How don't we have business in them though when they have terrorist organizations taking over their countries? They are legitimate threats to us and they have groups who would love to blow them selves up and kills the name of what?

We're supposed to just sit here and let this happen? It's unfortunate when civilians die, but these groups live within them, so it's going to happen.

If we never went into Iraq ISIS wouldn't be the problem. Do you even know why they are doing what they do? Did you ever look up Bin Ladens reason for the attacks on 9/11? Do you know anything about the Iran-Contra affair? Are you aware of the term blowback? Or are you under the impression that 'they hate us for our fredooms'? :lol:

And if ME civilians keep dying in wars waged by America then this **** will never end. The young jihadists of today are the ones whose family members were killed, raped, and displaced in the late 90s-mid 2000s.
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While probably true this is funny coming from you Dub :lol:

If there were Buddhists and sikhs trying to convert the rest of the world through violence I would reserve plenty of my attention for them. It is what it is.

Also I can't believe Mr. Thug called Harretz a pro-Israeli website. I wouldn't have came into this thread if I knew that rag was the source.

There are plenty of things israel does wrong. There are also people who have blinders on and a unique obsession with a spec of land surrounded by countries with severe atrocities being committed.

If people really cared about the people who are currently called palestinians you would hear more about Egypt and Jordan's role.

And then you have the laughable opinion that if America left the ME alone and Israel didn't exist there would be peace. Tell that to india.
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While probably true this is funny coming from you Dub :lol:

If there were Buddhists and sikhs trying to convert the rest of the world through violence I would reserve plenty of my attention for them. It is what it is.
I was referring more to your posts about LeBron :lol:

I think I recall you getting in to it with AT in the sports forum about Israel once before but I don't know yall history with arguing about this topic.
You're kidding, right? :lol:
It doesn't really matter what you think, does it? We're all very familiar with your stance with Israel--You obviously have have a bias in favor of it. Should we revisit the Palestine genocide thread again?

I side with Israel. I dont hide that. But if this scenario were the other way around, it still wouldn't be a big deal to me if the popularity of the baby name Yosef was ignored in a Muslim land. [COLOR=#red]There are bigger things going on than baby name lists[/COLOR]. Tho you choose to read and respond to me, it doesn't matter what I think....

Look up irony...

then look up metaphor...

then look up "canary in a coal mine".

Now see if you can connect the dots between the highlighted comment, the thesis of this thread, and the initial three lines of my post.


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Honestly out of all the news going on on that side of the world
What bum of a journalist decided to make this a story
Now I'm not saying this isnt a legit article
But man it's so much more important **** going on in the world than what's the most popular baby name
I truthfully don't give a **** who named who what
Or how many people have the name such and such

The devil is always in the details.

The big events always result from the accumulation of small, seemingly insignificant daily experiences of various peoples within a community.

While Israel doesn't miss an opportunity to tell the World how they are the only true democracy in the Middle East, we can see through stories like these how their government really treats the various ethnic groups within the country.
I have no problem with any middle eastern disliking america. they're justified to feel that way and it would be ignorant for me to criticize them. it is what it is....I'd be shell shocked if I had to experience the pain they've been through
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