IT JUST GOT REAL....... Oreos thread EDIT: SMORES IS BACK!!!

Mans sticking his finger in foods

The guy who snitched must feel like a dickhead for what he caused.
yeah he a ***** *** *****
for tellin
then just recording and
yelling worldstar while all that was going on
when he faked concern at the beginning
from the kid eating the grapes
again he's a **** boy
People really out here doing anything for attention lmaooo that **** is staged

I cannot believe that a soda won this contest. Does no one remember how nasty Kool Aid oreos were? First oreos I ever gave away
How are KoolAid and Coke similar?
One has nothing but fruit based flavors, the other is a dark, ground, cola.

Coke should work.

Anything fruit flavored doesn't make a good Oreo IMO
They should make like a cake batter with the white/golden cracker oreo.

That might turn out good because cake batter milkshakes with real cake mixed in from Coldstone is banging.

Apologies if already they were already made.

Or even like cookie dough flavored oreo.

Not sure why they are coming out with all of these off the wall flavors.
If they used the red koolaid then I can see how it would taste similar to the cherry cola oreo.
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