Ite, Who's rockin wit Romney for 2012?

NinjaHood, watching you slowly come to the dark side has been great. Which candidate is for cap and trade? Which one has American blood on his hands directly? Which one had Holder ship guns to Don Eladio's goons at a rate that would make Yuri Orlov blush? Obama's had his chance and he's been found wanting. He's inept. Romney is flawed but settling for Uncle Barry? Can't do it.
Originally Posted by ILL LEGAL OPERATION

Originally Posted by Born illa



Spoiler [+]

@ the spoiler
Originally Posted by gambit215

Undereducated minorites who live in lower middle class neighborhoods, AND vote Republicans are just extending their ignorance for generations to come.

the fact that America gave George Bush TWO terms and they are mulling about Obama just lets me know that the movie Idocracy is not so far off...........
This x 10000000000. People always seem to ignore that. Props to dropping 'Idiocracy' too, hilarious and very truthful movie
Originally Posted by venom lyrix

This is the one year where a third party would be great, because both Obama and Romney have such major flaws that an additional candidate would really shift things.

I had a caller call into the show I work for today in NYC and say "there still is a good, level headed politician left, and he's running for office, his name is Ron Paul."

We all laughed in the studio, as there is 0% chance that Ron "The Racist" Paul gets close to winning.
i think he has more support than you'd imagine...although i don't think he has a chance in hell...but...who cares if he wins or not, why don't people just vote for those that they think are right for the job? everyone blinded by these ridiculous party lines that really, at the end of the day, don't make a real difference to any one of us whatsoever.  
'the racist'? are you talking about those newsletters from 20+ years ago that weren't even written by him? the ones that he apologized for? the dude is around 70 years old and is from Texas, what do you expect?
Originally Posted by JTPlatnum

Originally Posted by venom lyrix

This is the one year where a third party would be great, because both Obama and Romney have such major flaws that an additional candidate would really shift things.

I had a caller call into the show I work for today in NYC and say "there still is a good, level headed politician left, and he's running for office, his name is Ron Paul."

We all laughed in the studio, as there is 0% chance that Ron "The Racist" Paul gets close to winning.
i think he has more support than you'd imagine...although i don't think he has a chance in hell...but...who cares if he wins or not, why don't people just vote for those that they think are right for the job? everyone blinded by these ridiculous party lines that really, at the end of the day, don't make a real difference to any one of us whatsoever.  
'the racist'? are you talking about those newsletters from 20+ years ago that weren't even written by him? the ones that he apologized for? the dude is around 70 years old and is from Texas, what do you expect?
I think that's why he's using quotes
Originally Posted by ninjahood


*raises hand*

Yeah extend the Bush tax cuts so he and his rich white friends get even more billions.

Meanwhile you and da rest of da heightz aint getting +%$#.
Originally Posted by gambit215

Originally Posted by ninjahood

Originally Posted by gambit215

Undereducated minorites who live in lower middle class neighborhoods, AND vote Republicans are just extending their ignorance for generations to come.

NYC hasn't been run by a democrat since paint all republicans with da same broad brush is just as ignorant as whatever you're implying about.
when you vote Republican on a FEDERAL level you screw yourself and your babies, we are JUST NOW recovering from 8 years of Bush,

Latinos thinkin they have remotely anything in common with a real Republican = delusional/trolling/sellout ?

U Pick 1

have you spoken to a Cuban before? yea...they know how deep and ugly da far left can be so don't even try to play da "oh only democrats have your best interest in mind"

and contrary to popular belief, da bust tax cuts were for EVERYONE, not just da rich..problem is da idiot that was george bush did da UNrepublican move and spent

da surplus and then some that clinton left him when he exited office. going to war with iraq when it was discovered there were no weapons of mass destruction, and fund da whole

damn thing with borrowed chinese money? real smart...
and yet obama voted to extend those same bush tax cuts last year when he could've let them expire because he admitted

"it would ****** da economic recovery of da united states"

our debt has surpassed our GDP for da first time in US history under obama's watch, our credit rating is downgraded...ya really that thirsty to follow europe down da toilet?
Originally Posted by ninjahood

and contrary to popular belief, da bust tax cuts were for EVERYONE, not just da rich..problem is da idiot that was george bush did da UNrepublican move and spent

da surplus and then some that clinton left him when he exited office. going to war with iraq when it was discovered there were no weapons of mass destruction, and fund da whole

damn thing with borrowed chinese money? real smart...

Cliff note

17 of Mitt Romney's 24 foreign policy advisers were Dubya foreign policy advisers.

Originally Posted by Prada G

but ninjahood, you are poor...
do you know anything about politics...

me and my family are far from poor....

let's put it like this...da NY times just compared Obama's ideology to that of da recently elected French President and how they were nearly identical...did you hear that guy

wants to up income tax of top earners to 75%

i knew obama was trash once he tried to enact cap and trade...hell his administration is tied in knots because natural gas is so damn cheap that their expensive green agenda is getting cut

at da knees, so of course his minions are trying to find way to re-rail that whole movement....i dont rock with people telling me what kinda car I should drive, what kinda food I should eat.
Obama is a joke. If I could go back in time I would've voted for Hillary in the primaries. Romney at the moment is getting my vote unless Ron Paul runs as a third party candidate.
Romney served as Governor of Massachusetts for four years.

He's been running for President for the past five years.

Need I say more?
I am a registered Republican and my Grandparents have secured a 2018 State Assembly nomination for me so I should not bite the hand that will feed me. With that said, I hate Romney. Mitt Romney makes me want to vote for Barack Obama, Mitt Romney makes want to join the Occupy movement, Mitt Romney wants me to become a Democrat.

This election is not about affirming Romney but rather it is about condemning Obama's America. We live in a nation that considers eight percent unemployment and double digit food inflation to be signs of economic improvement. Under Obama, partial or total unemployment are succeses and food stamps are the norm. In Obama's America, college educated men living in their parents' basement are a hallmark of a recovery and zero wage internships are the standard starting wages for Ivy League graduates.

Romney is an empty suit and yet Obama is still the harsher alternative. With Obama gone, the massive amount of German, Indian, Chinese, Canadian, sequestered (American capital holders sit on trillions due to our current policies) and petrol driven capital ( with the ability to frack and exploit other oil and coal and gas resources, energy hungry, emerging economies will send us money for our fossil fuels from under the ground) all converging and pushing a massive American recovery, every American will enjoy a high standard of living.

Great men can and have allowed history to move against the tide of social and economic forces and Romney seems so inept that he may allow great sdocial and economic forces to allow President Obama to be reelected and continue to punish the US through his malignant activism.
Looks like ninjahood has that house $@++# mentality.  A house $@++# that lives in an apartment...........I never thought I would see the day, SMH.
I will NEVER understand how anyone who's not a millionaire would vote Republican nowadays. They're not working for your best interest, they couldn't give 2 $%*@+ about you unless you're making well over 100k a year 
Originally Posted by Benny Blanco

You know how many black people i know voted for Obama only cuz he's half black SMH

Blacks vote Democrat for presidential elections regardless of who the nominee is.  The only "blacks" that tend to vote Republican are house @*#+%$, which is why and by whom this thread was created in the first place.  They are in the minority anyway.    
Originally Posted by Deuce King

Originally Posted by Benny Blanco

You know how many black people i know voted for Obama only cuz he's half black SMH

Blacks vote Democrat for presidential elections regardless of who the nominee is.  The only "blacks" that tend to vote Republican are house @*#+%$, which is why and by whom this thread was created in the first place.  They are in the minority anyway.    

Obama beating Mcain was a no brainer but also at the same time now Dont you think its just going to turn into a race war now?
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