Ite, Who's rockin wit Romney for 2012? Winning Investors by 49%-38% Against Romney in Poll |

Global investors increasingly preferPresident Barack Obama to Republican challenger Mitt Romney andmost say they believe the incumbent will remain in the WhiteHouse for another four years.

Asked who would be the better leader for the globaleconomy, 49 percent favor Obama against 38 percent for Romney,according to a quarterly Bloomberg Global Poll. In January, thetwo candidates tied on the question.

By the same margin, they say Obama has a better vision forthe U.S. economy, according to the survey of 1,253 Bloombergcustomers, who are investors, analysts or traders.
^^^Honestly that makes sense. As bad as people think Obama is, there hasn't been a single Republican --- including Romney --- to really step
up like they will be a factor, instead of being a joke. Look at all the potential candidates/nominees who came out the woodwork since 2010, they
all have either been full on jokes or just had no business even being seen. When there's a large # of Republican voters who have that same view
about these candidates/nominees, you have a major problem.
Might as well stop all this *+*%*%$% debating, Obama will be our president for the next 4 years. Bush Sr. & Reagan got the ball rolling, Clinton slowed down that ball somewhat for 8 years, then Bush Jr's 8 years in office basically sealed the deal with collapsing our entire economic future. It's going to take a whole lot more than 4 years to fix this crap, so all of you Obama haters need to fall back. The American people will give Obama 4 more years, because they sure as hell wont vote in some nut-job like Mitt Romney.
I said this earlier in this thread[font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif], it's going to take a LONG time to fix what has been done to this country & it may not even be fixable. We are in so much debt, its ridiculous. [/font]

ninjahoods buying that false hope that Romneys selling. None of these politicians will make life better for you brah. Our economy is already beyond destroyed, it's going to take 20-30 years to pay off the majority of our $15+ trillion of debt - which won't happen anyways.
Originally Posted by Deuce King

Looks like ninjahood has that house $@++# mentality.  A house $@++# that lives in an apartment...........I never thought I would see the day, SMH.

I am in tears
Originally Posted by red mpls

Originally Posted by ninjahood

Originally Posted by 7thAve btn 31stN33rd St

yea tryin to go back to da early 90's-late 80's again?

Homie, do you really think that Bloomberg or Giuliani are responsible for the changes in NYC that have occurred since the early-1990s?  Please step outside of your little world bro...
i'd LOVE for you to counter da changes that have taken place in NYC due to da Giuliani & bloomberg forget

that da mafia was basically eradicated...crime is way down...both are pro business, and unlike alot of other cities, NYC hasn't felt da

brunt of da recession because our revenues have been diversified from strictly wall street to tourism, recreation. etc

NYC could've been another Detroit..easily.
Originally Posted by primetime21

Originally Posted by an dee 51o

Give Obama one more term and a majority House and we'll see what's up.

The president has less power than you nincompoops think. He can't just snap his fingers and fix the problems Dubya Bush and even Daddy Bush started.

Do you not realize that the Republicans block or attempt to block almost EVERYTHING he tries to do?
umm..when obama took office in 2008 he had BOTH da senate and congress democratically for 2 years he could've done

w/e he wants...can't really blame that on da republicans there....
Originally Posted by CreateDestroy

Originally Posted by ninjahood

and yet obama voted to extend those same bush tax cuts last year when he could've let them expire because he admitted

"it would ****** da economic recovery of da united states"
The house republicans attached the tax cut extension to the same bill including the unemployment extension.
So obama had the option of ending the cuts..... and stopping unemployment checks for hundreds of thousands..... or allowing the cuts to stay and keeping unemployed americans with money to live....

You obviously don't follow politics

im WELL aware of politics b.

and obama didn't fight da tax cut exenstion because he KNEW it was bad for da economy at that 1 time, dont gimme that +$+#%*$$ talkin

bout he was coerced into tacking it on. its called both sides came to a agreement.
Originally Posted by FIRST B0RN

Originally Posted by Deuce King

Looks like ninjahood has that house $@++# mentality.  A house $@++# that lives in an apartment...........I never thought I would see the day, SMH.

I am in tears

lmfaoda afro dominican
Originally Posted by Deuce King

Looks like ninjahood has that house $@++# mentality.  A house $@++# that lives in an apartment...........I never thought I would see the day, SMH.
home prices are STILL falling and NYC is experiencing RECORD high rents...sounds more like people aint trying to

get into that quick sand known as home ownership.

plus anyone that's been renting since da housing bubble popped has not felt da negative effect of this recession since home values DIRECTLY

affects your overall asset portfolio and credit rating...too bad when your entire neighborhood forecloses, and your house takes a hit along

with your credit, your left holding da water, and all you did was exist.
Originally Posted by Deuce King

Originally Posted by Benny Blanco

Originally Posted by Deuce King

What exactly do you mean by "turn into a race war now??"  Give me something specific. 

Im not trying to sound racist, What i mean is not just black people but any race, ethnicity, Will start to only vote for what the candidate is, And in America we dont need that. Do you see where im going?

I hear everything that your saying, truly I do.  However, blacks people tend to vote democrat because of the issues that pertain to the black community, and democrats that are voted into office at least ATTEMPT to address those issues and speak to our community, while the other party doesn't.  The same can be said for other sectors or other targeted groups in America as well. 

Just look at the current Republican Party right now from a broad scope, they are concerned with vaginal probes on women, discrimination laws against immigrants, and an unwillingness to reconsider their stance on gay marriage.  Just with those topics alone, thats women, gays, and latinos.  If we give the Republicans enough time I'm sure they will come up with something that will be against the Asian community if they haven't done so already.  Democrats as of now at least are open to these groups, while Republicans are not.  It's not that people only vote due to what race the candidate is, people are voting for candidates that have their interest in mind.  Well, everyone except ninjahood and people that think like him that have that Joe Oliver mentality. 
see da problem is NONE OF THIS MATTERS...all Americans want to do is get back to WORK.

obama has been craptacular in growing jobs that doesn't involve adding more bureaucrats in is he telling us that

we need to keep spending money? we HAVE NO MONEY...don't ya see whats going on in da EU union? 40cents of EVERY DOLLAR

is borrowed from china.....and yet when it comes accessing our resources to spur growth son is on a war path to shut down our domestic

energy solutions all while spending MORE money that we dont need on experimental green initiatives that job can't compete without being

HEAVILY subsidized....

i dunno bout ya, living in NYC with rudy and bloomberg as my mayors taught me that i dont have to "like" someone, for me to respect em

and have comfort knowing they're doing they job....

Originally Posted by roboski

ninjahood wrote:
Originally Posted by 7thAve btn 31stN33rd St

yea tryin to go back to da early 90's-late 80's again?

Ninja, why are putting like Bloomberg is a straight "republican" when he's a independent?

Bloomberg doesn't equal Romney.
bloomberg was a democrat, then GOP, now independent.

romney is a moderate...he was a republican governor in a HEAVY democratic Mass..sounds like just da right mix we need in da white house,

especially with his pro-business mentality....da only reason why his own base was hesitant on him (which i like) was because he's not

a social conservative, which is GREAT. we dont need moral zealots as commander in chief, we need people that know how to handle

a economy.
Originally Posted by MARINADELREY

Originally Posted by FIRST B0RN

Originally Posted by Deuce King

Looks like ninjahood has that house $@++# mentality.  A house $@++# that lives in an apartment...........I never thought I would see the day, SMH.

I am in tears

lmfaoda afro dominican
You seem to be infatuated with Ninjahood and Dominicans
Originally Posted by FIRST B0RN

Originally Posted by Deuce King

Looks like ninjahood has that house $@++# mentality.  A house $@++# that lives in an apartment...........I never thought I would see the day, SMH.

I am in tears

Originally Posted by ninjahood

Originally Posted by red mpls

Originally Posted by ninjahood

yea tryin to go back to da early 90's-late 80's again?

Homie, do you really think that Bloomberg or Giuliani are responsible for the changes in NYC that have occurred since the early-1990s?  Please step outside of your little world bro...
i'd LOVE for you to counter da changes that have taken place in NYC due to da Giuliani & bloomberg forget

that da mafia was basically eradicated...crime is way down...both are pro business, and unlike alot of other cities, NYC hasn't felt da

brunt of da recession because our revenues have been diversified from strictly wall street to tourism, recreation. etc

NYC could've been another Detroit..easily.
NYC....another Detroit?
, oh the irony in this post.  It's obvious your a lock-stock voting Liberal and you have the gall to call someone else a house @*#+%$.
  House @*#+%$'s vote for a candidate only because he is black.  House @*#+%$'s vote for that candidate because those house @*#+%$ owing Liberals KNEW you would vote for that candidate no matter what.  House @*#+%$'s vote for a candidate because their "society" tells them that is who they are supposed to vote for.  House @*#+%$'s keep voting for policies that give their people just enough to survive but not enough to succeed and grow.  House @*#+%$'s vote for candidates that promise them everything and continually deliver nothing. 

Oh the irony that you don't even see that you're the real House @*#+%$ around here.
Seems you just made up a definition because that's not what that means at all, but good day sir.
Originally Posted by ME NO PASS

Originally Posted by FIRST B0RN

Originally Posted by Deuce King

Looks like ninjahood has that house $@++# mentality.  A house $@++# that lives in an apartment...........I never thought I would see the day, SMH.

I am in tears

Originally Posted by ninjahood

Originally Posted by red mpls

Homie, do you really think that Bloomberg or Giuliani are responsible for the changes in NYC that have occurred since the early-1990s?  Please step outside of your little world bro...
i'd LOVE for you to counter da changes that have taken place in NYC due to da Giuliani & bloomberg forget

that da mafia was basically eradicated...crime is way down...both are pro business, and unlike alot of other cities, NYC hasn't felt da

brunt of da recession because our revenues have been diversified from strictly wall street to tourism, recreation. etc

NYC could've been another Detroit..easily.
NYC....another Detroit?
my mother has pictures of da bronx and upper manhattan in da late 70's- early 80's...NYC had HUGE slums, go check out

da bronx is burning...landlords were torching their apt. because it made em more money in insurance then to keep da lights on in alot of those





south bronx in da 70' uncle lived in a neighborhood that still looked like this in da early 90s


cars were alot doper though
Originally Posted by Coogi Sweaters

, oh the irony in this post.  It's obvious your a lock-stock voting Liberal and you have the gall to call someone else a house @*#+%$.
  House @*#+%$'s vote for a candidate only because he is black.  House @*#+%$'s vote for that candidate because those house @*#+%$ owing Liberals KNEW you would vote for that candidate no matter what.  House @*#+%$'s vote for a candidate because their "society" tells them that is who they are supposed to vote for.  House @*#+%$'s keep voting for policies that give their people just enough to survive but not enough to succeed and grow.  House @*#+%$'s vote for candidates that promise them everything and continually deliver nothing. 

Oh the irony that you don't even see that you're the real House @*#+%$ around here.
Seems you just made up a definition because that's not what that means at all, but good day sir.

If you say so champ.  I know exactly what it is.  And I know that you slurpers are so blind in your service to the Democrats, you can't even see the mental slavery they have you locked in.  They give you just enough to keep you passive and peaceful... just enough to keep doing what they say... I mean after all, they gave you Obama.  The first black president... the first president that doesn't serve "white" handlers, the first president that doesn't serve "white" financial interest, the first president that doesn't serve the world's "white" elite.

, get over yourself and your fake Malcolm X outrage.

I don't know how anyone is gonna vote for Romney since he won't be on the ballot

Romney and Soetoro are twins, you know, work for the SAME people

Originally Posted by yngSIMBA

Originally Posted by 8tothe24

If you say so champ.  I know exactly what it is.  And I know that you slurpers are so blind in your service to the Democrats, you can't even see the mental slavery they have you locked in.

Right, and the Republicans aren't in a "mental slavery" 

, where did I say they weren't?  In fact all along I've been saying they're the same and voting 3rd party is best.
Originally Posted by yngSIMBA

Originally Posted by 8tothe24

If you say so champ.  I know exactly what it is.  And I know that you slurpers are so blind in your service to the Democrats, you can't even see the mental slavery they have you locked in.

Right, and the Republicans aren't in a "mental slavery" 

GOP touts "everyone for themselves" and "limited government"If u looking for a handout their not for u. Romney is a moderate that understand da brillianceOf a free market economy with da understanding that a civilized economy needsA certain amount of social programs that ensures safety nets for those that truely need it.Other then that he's not trying to tell you what kinda car you should drive, what kinda tax on soda we should apply, etc.
Originally Posted by yngSIMBA

Originally Posted by 8tothe24

Originally Posted by yngSIMBA

Right, and the Republicans aren't in a "mental slavery" 
, where did I say they weren't?

You implied it with the "slurpers are so blind..." 

No son, no I didn't.  I can call you Obama "slurpers" by the facts of every post that even criticizes the minute mistakes of Obama is immediately turned into someone being "racist" or "not progressive" or whatever term is thrown around to discredit anothers opinion.  Or the fact the the social media has given Obama a free ride to do whatever he wishes without proper criticism. 

Making things up for me again?  Where have I once used Ron Paul's name? 
Originally Posted by ninjahood

Originally Posted by roboski

ninjahood wrote:
yea tryin to go back to da early 90's-late 80's again?

Ninja, why are putting like Bloomberg is a straight "republican" when he's a independent?

Bloomberg doesn't equal Romney.

a social conservative, which is GREAT. we dont need moral zealots as commander in chief, we need people that know how to handle

THIS is laughable. He is Pro-Life and Anti-Gay.  Yeah, he's not a moral zealot at all.
If you say so champ.  I know exactly what it is.  And I know that you slurpers are so blind in your service to the Democrats, you can't even see the mental slavery they have you locked in.  They give you just enough to keep you passive and peaceful... just enough to keep doing what they say... I mean after all, they gave you Obama.  The first black president... the first president that doesn't serve "white" handlers, the first president that doesn't serve "white" financial interest, the first president that doesn't serve the world's "white" elite.

Who said I was a democrat? They're all trash to me. They don't represent me or any Black person's interest. Any white institution can burn for all I care.  Catch a chainsaw with your face.

An uncle tom is a Black person who believes that their interests are with white folks. They believe that you can't get any higher than the White man and he is the ultimate goal for success. Any black whose voting for republicans or democrats thinking that they look out for you are living in a non reality based universe.
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