It's ayo to go grub and catch a movie with a male friend now?

I mean, I suppose it really depends on the movie. I went to see Fast and the Furious with a bunch of friends. Our girls decided to have a girls night out..

So, I mean, as long as it's like, Star Trek or like the Dark Knight.. something male oriented, then it should be no issue.
I don't get it, man.

Went to the movies with a couple of my boys a while back, and they refused to sit without a seat separating us.

As if we'd start making out or something if we sat next to each other.
Originally Posted by damnneardeadstock

some of you dudes

some movies you just can't take a chick to. try to get a chick to go see some of these marvel movies or somethin

Word. We took some girls to see Iron Man and they all fell asleep
[color= rgb(102, 0, 153)]People think everything is gay nowadays, too homophobic. Nothing wrong w. chilling with your dudesand even just one. Get your grub on and go and watch a movie[/color]
It feels akward. I was once with my little sister and a friend with his daughter... boyy did that feel wrong. Maybe you don't appear as you feel you do butyou can't help in becoming insecure with that little scenario -_-
Originally Posted by HarlemToTheBronx

Originally Posted by dreClark

It's ok unless you kiss him goodnight.

See, this is what I'm saying. Why can't I kiss him goodnight?

You dudes with your homophobia.

Ok, my bad, let me clarify myself.

You can kiss him goodnight, but you have to keep your eyes open.

If you close your eyes and do it, then it's ayo.
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