Its Official Hornets have new OWNER!!!!

Feb 18, 2008

Possible rumor of plans of what will happen

Originally Posted by Beezwax

I also just talked to one of my sources. Benson has know for a week that he was getting the bid and has already started putting together a team to look at rebranding. He likes Monty and dell. Also what I thought was interesting is he wants to make a big splash in FA right away to show the rest of the league this is a new organization that will not be afraid to make major moves like in the past.

Benson, please don't try to make a splash through FA.

Keep Ayon, Greedy, Gordon, Landry, and probably Jack. Gut the rest of the team & add the 2 draft picks. Nice young core right there.
Originally Posted by JohnnyRedStorm

Please give Charlotte the Hornets name again.

I actually heard that may happen as they are considering re-branding the team. It'd be nice if we could get the Jazz name back though.

In other news, it's 12:50 pm est.
[/td][/tr][/table]Sleep on them if you want surprise team coming out the Southwest
And to think that man was considered poison when it came to the Saints years ago now he's saving sports in New Orleans.

Good deal.

Definitely signed, sealed and delivered.

And to think that man was considered poison when it came to the Saints years ago now he's saving sports in New Orleans.
The irony of it all right? He has too much invested Downtown centered around the Saints and what could be generated for the Hornets. It made too much sense for him to do it.
The only "splash" he should make in free agency is re-signing EJ to a reasonable contract.

Otherwise, rebuild through draft picks and natural progression of the young players already on the team.
Originally Posted by PMatic

The only "splash" he should make in free agency is re-signing EJ to a reasonable contract.

Otherwise, rebuild through draft picks and natural progression of the young players already on the team.

if they lose EJ they traded paul for basically nothing....
Originally Posted by Lightweight Champion

Utah gets: Hornets name

New Orleans gets: Jazz name

Utah - The Beehive State

Too much sense?

*tiger nod*
you know your stuff
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