Its official: Student Loan Rates To Double on Monday.

Are you joking? 250k. You come from rich family at least to help right?
all jokes aside.. i've seen jobs online that say u must have a BA degree to make 15 an hr.... lololololololololol

I'm sayin though :lol: Then let's not forget the jobs that want a degree, preferably a Masters AND 3+ years experience :lol: Dudes think everything is so black and white on here it's sad.

Had I known then when I known now, I'd be straight but hey, bein a 1st generation college graduate is like bein a guinea pig :smh:
I agree with Monday and Ninja

And stillin you serious? Cuz everyone in student loan Hell is a default drop out? Helllllll no. I know plenty grads I'm sure we all do who are jobless or underpaid.

I know ppl living at home because student loans are killing them.

No I'm not saying that but a lot of people not paying their loans back are drop outs who think college is high school and you can just show up

Defaults rates are a huge concern and it's clear who the majority are
Damn, the way yall talk about hiw deep in debt and expensive school is, i might just consider not going. I just barley graduated high school, and i defitnitley aint tryin to be in a hole. Ill just get a trade and live that no degree life. Plus yall say i might not at least get a job after i spend four morr years in school? Sounds like they just want money. Sorry you guys, id rather not follow the crowd on this one. Ill just go ahead and keep livin my c average life and not have to wirry about stayin ay home or payin the gov. Guess im not as special as i thought i was.
I'm not saying don't go to school. What I'm saying is people need to stop complaining about how expensive it is because post-secondary school is a privilege, not a right,

Go to school and suck it up, or quit complaining about barely getting by, and get a damn job.
Even if it's a privilege it should still be reasonably priced. That's like saying oh cool gas is $15 a gallon, no big it's a privilege anyway. You don't NEED to drive. Tuition rates have made actual inflation look like a joke. The government and higher learning are in bed with one another and it's a problem. 
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School isn't for everyone that is true, but it all depends what you want to do in life.

Either way I'm glad I paid of my loans I'm debt free at 28.
School isn't for everyone that is true, but it all depends what you want to do in life.

Either way I'm glad I paid of my loans I'm debt free at 28.
Went to college at CAL STATE NORTHRIDGE and tuition was 2500 a month real cheap by my some other state school standards. Feel bad for people in student loan debt
Scholarships >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

But if's all messed up either way. 

Most people will end up taking that debt to the grave. 
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And this is why I'll never set foot in another college classroom again......on my own dime.  

Scholarships, grants and tuition reimbursement?  Yes please.  Loans?  HELL NAW.  
Let's also remember that post-secondary school is a privilege, not a right. If you can't afford it, or cant afford the interest rates on loans then go to work and save money. Too many people feel entitled. There are A LOT of people who complain about student loans and refuse to get a job while attending school. TONS of people work and go to school, and those people don't complain as much.

What right do you have to tell others how to complete their education. Maybe you should write to your legislators about your issues with ObamaCare instead of wasting time making others feel worse about a situation that is already difficult to begin with.
After all of the talks of this going to happen, it doesn't surprise me.

Pay to get in, pay to stay, then pay to get out.
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