Its Time For The United States To Have A Serious Look At Gun Control Laws

I just moved to TX from CA, less than a month ago.. and as an avid soapboxer of anything Cali including their strict laws against citizens bearing firearms... but after understanding that most of the folks fighting for the legal right to have a weapon,i am 100 percent sure, that it's the "person not the gun"
People can get guns easily, it takes almost no intelligence to get guns (look at the idiots who cant pass 5th grade but can totally get hands on a firearm)
Personally I think it's awesome (as awesome as a tragic situation can be...) when someone who's taken a course in responsibility with a firearm save lives because they were smart and brave in the right(wrong)situation
Take the surveillance of the game room robbery, where the innocent customer was able to shoot, and deter an entire room of folks from getting injured/robbed
and another recent case among MANY others, where no one is able to defend themselves properly, ends up in mass robbery, and in some cases, an angry innocent tries to "wrestle" with an armed robber, and ends up getting themselves injured or killed...:smh:
Gun laws DO need to in start giving smart responsible people guns in places like SF, CA, where the only folks with guns are criminals, who've stolen them from other collectors etc...:rolleyes

I agree, but its really devestating and scary to me (person w/o a gun and no desire to have one) that it ultimately may come to everyone being strapped to possibly deter this utterly senseless violence. You can't force these morons with no regard for human life to take classes and understand the responsibility that goes with carrying a firearm that can end a life point blank if used. but sadly we all know there's always gonna be fools with no accountability ruining our communities.
It just needs to be more difficult to get these can order stuff online that no civiilian has any business owning unless you wanna do damage. Its way past controling guns, and the NRA has WAY too much influence for that to ever go down, but they gotta look at how any idiot with no sense of responsiblity can get a gun within a short time. Responsible people who use it for protection aren;t the problem, its the easy access for morons who have bad intentions and don't feel the higher social obligation to be even more aware of their surroundings who are the real issue; and sadly those fools can roll up and get as many weapons as they like so long as they;re not a convicted felon ( and we know they can still get guns too)
I hate our society and that is has to be like this
By that logic, cars should be banned too since anybody can get a license and DD's kill 40,000 people in the U.S. each year. Far more than guns do. The problem is not the tool. A car can kill or drive someone to a hospital. A knife can be used by a surgeon or a killer. A brick can build a house or smash someone's head in. Does that mean we should pass laws against all these things? Anti-drug laws don't stop those from attaining them that really want them.
Man people were probably saying we need more gun control back in the wild west days. Like, "Hey, Earl, you hear about the shoot out at the OK Corral yesterday? We ought to have stricter gun laws in these parts."
A lot of good points in here. I think it should be restricted more. Yes if people really want guns they may get them but just make it harder to obtain them.

Also why can any civilian buy an automatic weapon? What purpose do they serve to an average person? You gonna go hunting with your AK?

But in the end its a cultural problem. We need to change as a society to become more peaceful and less violent in order for anything to have a permanent change
Drugs are illegal. That doesn't stop people from using them.

What makes you think that people who want guns, will stop wanting them just because the government says you shouldn't have them?

This. x1000

Criminals have and always will find a way to get their hands on guns... one way or another.
Never seen the point in making it harder for responsible citizens to own weapons.

CC FTW !!!
Did that spoon make you fat? Did that car make you drive drunk? Did the beer force itself down your throat?

Its the people. Not the objects.
A lot of good points in here. I think it should be restricted more. Yes if people really want guns they may get them but just make it harder to obtain them.
Also why can any civilian buy an automatic weapon? What purpose do they serve to an average person? You gonna go hunting with your AK?
But in the end its a cultural problem. We need to change as a society to become more peaceful and less violent in order for anything to have a permanent change

I stand to be corrected, but from what I heard, you can buy a semi-automatic AK. But many people go and modify the trigger to be fully automatic.
Yeah, so this shooting was most likely a false flag attack meant to boost support for the UN gun grab treaty. It's not coincidence.

You have to realize that when they take our guns away from us, then WE are defenseless.

Oh nevermind, what do I know.
By that logic, cars should be banned too since anybody can get a license and DD's kill 40,000 people in the U.S. each year. Far more than guns do. The problem is not the tool. A car can kill or drive someone to a hospital. A knife can be used by a surgeon or a killer. A brick can build a house or smash someone's head in. Does that mean we should pass laws against all these things? Anti-drug laws don't stop those from attaining them that really want them.

Did you even read what I wrote? I didn't say guns are the problem....this is what I said:

" Responsible people who use it for protection aren't the problem, its the easy access for morons who have bad intentions and don't feel the higher social obligation to be even more aware of their surroundings who are the real issue; and sadly those fools can roll up and get as many weapons as they like so long as they;re not a convicted felon"

And to your points, PEOPLE should be RESPONSIBLE to not drink and drive OR let their friends drink and drive, to not stab people with knives, not use inanimate objects as weapons.....we're maknig the same point basically....I said there needs to be a better process for screening people because PEOPLE are the problem not guns....responsible gun ownwers are responsible and I would like to think they wouldn't do something like this. Carrying a weapon is a right we all have as Americans but you should view it as a greater privlege with responsibility and not abuse it like so many dummies in our country do everyday.
Why does it take major events like this for people to be this moved...when people are literally murdered EVERY DAY by guns and you can read about it in your local papers?
Be nice if some of the people in the theater were packing so that they were able to defend themselves against this maniac, give him a nice surprise when someone is spraying back.

go back to fashion blogging; this only creates more of a chance for harm plus he was wearing a bulletproof vest

adding another shooting means the murder would have started spraying even more bullets in rage
My thing is, responsible gun owners are not the issue, they recognize the effects of them owning the weapon and what it can do if uysed improperly.

But my question to them is: if you have no felonies, dont plan on using it other than personal protection, or hunting animals, why woudl you have an issue with the process being more thorough to obtain a weapon if you would be able to pass? I get personal rights and whatnot but if using a more thorough process can stop some irresponsible fool from injuring one little kid or innocent parent from being slain the extended wait/ more thorough process to get your personal firearm isnt worth it?

If I were a gun owner I would be pissed at these dudes for abusing the right to bear arms, they make responsible owners look bad in the public perception, when they don't deserve to be looked at under the same scope. And I know there are illegal ways to get guns, and straw purchases, etc. but still if this could prevent one senseless murder it will have served a better purpose
How do countries like Norway and Japan have such low homicide rates? What are they doing right/differently?
I agree, but its really devestating and scary to me (person w/o a gun and no desire to have one) that it ultimately may come to everyone being strapped to possibly deter this utterly senseless violence. You can't force these morons with no regard for human life to take classes and understand the responsibility that goes with carrying a firearm that can end a life point blank if used. but sadly we all know there's always gonna be fools with no accountability ruining our communities.
oh, i wasnt even close to saying that these idiot dumb useless excuse for human life criminals would take classes :lol:...
I'm saying teach firearm responsibility, to the masses of intelligent and responsible citizens, so that they understand when it's safe to respond to an intense situation, where innocent folks can get hurt....
any of these irresponsible goons, that run around robbing and shooting people should be shot in the head, point blank...I can't stand knowing that every damn day people make a living of striking fear and killing/ruining peoples lives.

I was held up at gunpoint in Oakland, at a damn taco bell drive through order window:smh: the most anger and hatred ive ever felt toward an individual...stuck a gun at my neck mask on and took any and everything he could.... the fact that folks are bold enough to do things like that is just disgusting...
oh, i wasnt even close to saying that these idiot dumb useless excuse for human life criminals would take classes :lol:...
I'm saying teach firearm responsibility, to the masses of intelligent and responsible citizens, so that they understand when it's safe to respond to an intense situation, where innocent folks can get hurt....
any of these irresponsible goons, that run around robbing and shooting people should be shot in the head, point blank...I can't stand knowing that every damn day people make a living of striking fear and killing/ruining peoples lives.
I was held up at gunpoint in Oakland, at a damn taco bell drive through order window:smh: the most anger and hatred ive ever felt toward an individual...stuck a gun at my neck mask on and took any and everything he could.... the fact that folks are bold enough to do things like that is just disgusting...

Nah I wasn't implying you meant that at all my man, I agreed with what you were saying...I was just making a separate statement w/ that and :smh: at that story, my best friend was held up at gunpoint and got mugged when we were 15, its so cowardly and dispicable

How do countries like Norway and Japan have such low homicide rates? What are they doing right/differently?

I know Norway has EXTREMELY strict gun laws like barely anyone can own them, and apart from that huge massacre in 09, their society and culture are so much more different than here...but that would never be adopted in the States....just have to hope people stop being idiots
Like the other guy said...

Change the gun laws all you want, if someone wants something bad enough, he'll get it. Its like car thieves. You can put whatever device on your car to prevent it from getting stolen, but if the thieves want it bad enough they will take your car.
How do countries like Norway and Japan have such low homicide rates? What are they doing right/differently?

one thing to keep in mind is that countries like Norway and Japan are overwhelmingly racially homogenous...people are more culturally similar than not....the biggest difference is they have the capacity and wherewithall to deal with individuals with mental illness. We don't, won't or can't.
What I'm curious to see is his mental health and if the guns were obtained legally. I don't know that someone else in the theater firing would have made things better, we'll never know. I admit though this is troubling. Even more so how much coverage it gets compared to the multiple deaths in Chicago this summer.

now it's a tragedy, now it's so sad to see, an upperclass city havin this happenin.
What I'm curious to see is his mental health and if the guns were obtained legally. I don't know that someone else in the theater firing would have made things better, we'll never know. I admit though this is troubling. Even more so how much coverage it gets compared to the multiple deaths in Chicago this summer.

truuuuuuuuuuuuu :smh:
All that it would have taken to stop this is a dude who knows how to shoot and had his ccw. I own an AK and I don't go shoot 50 people. Tightened gun laws wouldn't change a thing. It's so easy to get illegal guns. Easier than legally for sure.
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