It's Time for....(Vid)

Look at all the white people standing around trying to be cool.
Im white by the way, so no stupid racial comments
The kid in the red shirt killed me... He tried to walk it out or something... IT DIDNT WORK OUT FOR HIM
Nobody's ever heard this song???? I remember listening to this when I was young, I'm 19 now...

Its considered "Baltimore Club"
Originally Posted by derrty6232

what kind of music is that?

House music. Maybe Hard House. I didnt know people still liked that type of music. I use to listen to that in high school. THAT WAS IN 1999.
its funny watching the people who are itching to jump in but are afraid of gettin owned by those who know what there doin.
Damn all the females are fat.

there needs to be some type of sport regiment run by the school other than PE.
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