ITT: We’re Underachieving In School

Originally Posted by D723

Originally Posted by PRIME

Must feel bad man.
I'm about to graduate

Thanks fam. 
But to OP, you just have to pick up the pace man. College is something you're paying for and if you want to get your moneys worth you have to take it serious. 

Get a study group, go somewhere and isolate yourself from distractions, get some meds, get SOMETHING to push your focus on education. 

I used to party it up, but after my sophomore year, I got hella serious. 101's should be cake fam. 

Get that degree my man!
Originally Posted by Noskey

Just change your study methods. Maybe also dont take as many classes at once.

This is coming from someone who almost got kicked out of school twice for poor grades my first year, and just finished my associates while getting a 4.0 last term.

wat are some good study habits
Originally Posted by scshift

Originally Posted by sillyputty

Unless you all want to end up like Greece I suggest you all pick up the slack and start planning to become valuable members of society.

I'm serious.

What constitutes a valuable member of society?
Originally Posted by shoefreakbaby

Originally Posted by scshift

Originally Posted by sillyputty

Unless you all want to end up like Greece I suggest you all pick up the slack and start planning to become valuable members of society.

I'm serious.

What constitutes a valuable member of society?
Its subjective...and a poor choice of words. I should have said "employable" member of society.
Lets face it...there aren't enough jobs for an increasingly educated population, especially in countries where the people are...dare I say...lazier than the rest of the world.

Culture matters a lot. Spain and Greece tend to have very laid back approaches to things...I'm not saying liberalism is bad, but failure to stimulate positive and meaningful growth, IS.  

We need to learn to push ourselves towards fields that may be a little more rigorous like Science, Technology, Engineering, Math(STEM) or Medicine but have more stable growth than all the lawyers looking for jobs right now or the mass of people with MBAs that can't put them to use...and we all know the stories of liberal arts majors who didn't make it.

Self-sufficiency is key, even if you work for yourself or not.

The hustle doesn't end with a degree anymore. 

Skills are what are needed more than ideas. Those will take you farther than being an arm-chair philosopher at starbucks.
What major's are y'all doing?

Im barely making it by with like all C's so far this semester. Engineering is no joke
Originally Posted by ME NO PASS

Originally Posted by Noskey

Just change your study methods. Maybe also dont take as many classes at once.

This is coming from someone who almost got kicked out of school twice for poor grades my first year, and just finished my associates while getting a 4.0 last term.

wat are some good study habits

Originally Posted by PRIME

Get a study group, go somewhere and isolate yourself from distractions
Those are the most important. If you cant grasp material, talking with other kids in the class can be the difference between failing the term or getting an A or B.
If you can grasp it, and need to focus on understanding it more clearly or just need to do HW, isolating yourself in a library is the best route. I always go to the school library, find a quite corner and throw on my iPod (calm music, not Rick Ross or anything) when I need to do homework or do a lot of research.

Also ask questions in class, or if you dont want to slow the class down ask the prof afterwards, while it's still fresh in your mind.
Originally Posted by ME NO PASS

Originally Posted by Noskey

Just change your study methods. Maybe also dont take as many classes at once.

This is coming from someone who almost got kicked out of school twice for poor grades my first year, and just finished my associates while getting a 4.0 last term.

wat are some good study habits
i struggled my first year but my gpa has been on the comeup
ive been trying writing things down more often. like getting a planner and writing things down for the week, what do to and when to do it.
it sounds kinda corny but if you stick to it and break things up into portions its manageable.
Originally Posted by Young Handsome

I'm taking EH 101 for the third time.

I laugh because I've been there with a different class.

I believe in you though

Do what you have to to pass, bruh
read before class. listen in class. take really good  detailed notes after class (From book and class power point) . review. 
Underachiever here checking in lol

Kind of different story compared to some of the posters in here but I too am about to graduate with Finance and Accounting Degrees and starting at a Big 4 in the fall

Should finish up with a ~3.15 gpa but had I actually put full effort into school I know damn well that could be 3.75+ right now SMH
How did u guys figure out your majors??
Im into technology but not programming and also like money and business. Dont know what to choose. Im a freshman in college
^ Business Information Systems

And talk to a Advisor though, its your education, take charge of it. Nobody gonna be holding your hand, they just want your tuition checks, take full advantage of the resources available to you 
I have No IDEA wth I'm doing in college anymore. I'm just over it and thats a a fact. Anyone else feel me?
Originally Posted by kix28

I have No IDEA wth I'm doing in college anymore. I'm just over it and thats a a fact. Anyone else feel me?

said the same thing to myself in class today

gotta keep trying tho
I'm just a bad student, I always have been. I show up and I do well on the tests but aside from that I just put such little effort towards school 

I hardly go to class, hardly do any of the online work, I just show up for tests and that's about it. I'm a freshman though so I have time but I really need to start applying myself.

I know I can be a great student with great grades, I know I have the intelligence for it .. I just don't have the drive.

I've been hitting class lately though and getting back on top of things so hopefully it sticks. My body is ready.
Originally Posted by whyhellothere

Originally Posted by kix28

I have No IDEA wth I'm doing in college anymore. I'm just over it and thats a a fact. Anyone else feel me?

said the same thing to myself in class today

gotta keep trying tho
Same here, had to change majors and just stopped caring... 
I still pass the classes, my minds just already past college and more focused on work 
Stop drinking, don't party every day and focus on the books.

You might have to be on of those 'lames' that don't do anything but study.

This is the final preparation for the rest of your life. Work hard at it and make sure you do well. It's a tough society and an employer is going to take someone who worked hard in school over someone who slacked off and just did what they had to to pass.

Make friends with people who won't drag you down but will encourage you to do well and help you.
Originally Posted by Wilroc

I'm just a bad student, I always have been. I show up and I do well on the tests but aside from that I just put such little effort towards school 

I hardly go to class, hardly do any of the online work, I just show up for tests and that's about it. I'm a freshman though so I have time but I really need to start applying myself.

I know I can be a great student with great grades, I know I have the intelligence for it .. I just don't have the drive.

I've been hitting class lately though and getting back on top of things so hopefully it sticks. My body is ready.

Just go to every class, whether you feel like it or not, and take notes. I promise you'll get great grades without even having to try hard. Only time I put it a moderate amount of work during the past year was term projects. Tests I had covered by just taking notes and paying attention in class. Didnt even read the books, just read notes*. Also, think of how good it'll feel to know you did work up to par with your ability

*Doesnt work for every class, please dont take my experience as a universal
Just read every response in here... I'm a smart kid, I'm just not focused... I missed my History final because I'm stupid and didn't care, now I got a F in the course

Made a C in my pre-cal class... (Should have made an A)

EH 101 is good money...
PHS101..(Final is wednesday)

I'm done with my second year of college, and I done repeated 5 courses (EH101 twice, Music, and Hy 102 twice)....

Starting next year, Imma get on it... I ain't tryna be here forever...
I realize my errors (I need to take notes, study, and attend class EVERYDAY, and focus)
 I don't wanna waste this opportunity
I'm humbled

Any NTers who had a rough first two years, and then overcame? I need words of encouragement
As a college student, if you are not doing some sort of school work almost every weeknight then you're not going to do well. I've learned that college isn't really about how smart you are. It's about how hard you work. Study for the exams, not for the material. You can almost always figure out what material they will cover on the test so stick to the important stuff because they are trying to fit 4+ weeks worth of material into an hour exam.

I study my butt off every weeknight and during the day on weekends and I go out almost every Friday and Saturday with some Thursdays here and there. I'm able to manage a 3.3 GPA in Mechanical Engineering. I'm able to maintain a good GPA through hard work and studying. Don't study long, study smart. Quality over quantity. End #humblebrag
Originally Posted by ME NO PASS

^how exactly do you study smart? And exactly how much time do you put towards each couse?

Study smart by studying only things you need to know. Time is money, dont waste time on things on anything thats not important. Dont waste time on things you already know, concentrate on what you need help on. Make sure you cover every type of problem that can be thrown at you. Make cheat sheets as if you could use them on the exam. Just writing it down will help you understand it and remember it.
I honestly just do homework assignments each week that they are do. I don't study unless I have an exam coming up and when I do I start a week before the exam. I do like 3-5 hours a night for the days leading up to the exam. And I study all day of the exam as soon as I'm done class because most of my exams are at night.
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