I've Seen A Lot Of Good Movies Lately

I hated We Own the Night. Only made it maybe an hour into the movie then hit the 'delete' key. Really liked Mr. Brooks, TWBB and NCFOM though.
The Orphanage was good, ordered Super High Me the other day. Juno, No Country and There Will Be Blood were great too, the very few good ones that came out lastyear.

J Steezzz, you liked The Lookout? barley anyone I've talked to liked it Ithought it was great though.
I have seen ALOT of movies lately for me. I don't usually watch a lot of movies Some bad but most were good.

Juno, Harold and Kumar 2, Forgetting Sarah Marshall, No Country for Old Men, The Invisible, 30 Days of Night, Requiem for a Dream, Lord of War,Transformers(yeah I was late),
haven't seen atonement
i keep passing it in blockbuster when i'm picking other stuff up
(i'm trying to work off this $80 credit they put on my account for some reason)

Juno and The Orphanage were really good.
The subtitles and my little knowledge of spanish helped me a lot lol. Saw them both in theaters, I need to pick up the dvds.
The Orphanage creeped me out, i dont know if it was the language barrier or if it was actually a scary movie.
im sure i'm late on a few of these but I just watched em

vantage point
run fat boy run
the mist
across the universe
boondock saints
sweeny todd demon barber of fleet street
drillbit taylor

I liked all of em myself... run fat boy run was kinda slow but the rest were good. I had a hard time sittin through all the singing in sweeny todd but if youcan get past that is was good. I need to get out to a movie theater instead of coppin the corner bootlegg
This past month: No Country For Old Men, Requiem for a Dream, One Flew Over the ****oo's Nest, Fight Club, Schindler's List, Eternal Sunshine of theSpotless Mind, Shawshank Redemption, American History X, and others.

I know half of them are like 10 years old, but
Originally Posted by RatherUniqueB

The Orphanage was good, ordered Super High Me the other day. Juno, No Country and There Will Be Blood were great too, the very few good ones that came out last year.

J Steezzz, you liked The Lookout? barley anyone I've talked to liked it I thought it was great though.

yo that movie was realli well done... everyone that i know loves it. i just picked up Death Sentence, chuck and larry, The Brave One, Knocked up, and LiveFree Or Die Hard.. im a movie feen
Originally Posted by boholkicks

I hated Atonement...and i was realy trying to like it...but i just didnt...

i was the complete opposite, going into the movie i tried everything to not like the movie. but i ended up loving this movie. the ending had me shook
Over the past few months the best movies I've seen have been; Into The Wild which is an amazing and inspirational movie if you haven't seen it youshould definitely check it out.
Lars and the Real Girl, 21 Grams, No Country For Old Men, Juno, 2001; A Space Odyssey, and A Clockwork Orange.
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